
Black or young or young and wearing a skirt SO SHORT SHE COULD NOT SIT DOWN.
Yes, she was the first person hired. We all saw it and could not believe she was hired.
All experienced reps were passed over and treated like dogs!!

What questions were you asked?

Pretty standard behavioral stuff, dont remember exactly. Things like tell me about a time you had to think outside the box to find a solution, tell me about a time you had to work with multiple stakholders/groups to get something done, what are your strengths and opportunities, etc.

The hiring manager made a very direct, nasty and against Federal Law comment about my age.
They were hesitant to ask any questions because they were not going to hire a person over the age of 40.
Finally, they asked 4 pathetic very brief questions and dismissed me.
Age discrimination has been against federal law in the US since 1960.
I have never seen anything this BLATANT.

Mine was about 40 minutes, no tough questions. Seemed as though they already knew who they were going to hire. Still great practice for future interviews. Really nice managers and great process for interviewing.

I didn’t have many STAR questions either hmmmmm...I am a millennial btw. So I felt the same way you did.