
My phone screen was on Wednesday. How long after phone screen did it take to find out the date of your face to face? She said she expected it to be early this week before I heard back.

Ive been in pharma 8 years, when asked range I said it would have to be over $105k for me to fly to interview and even consider. Recruiter said she was moving me forward. Should he individualized based on your experience. They arent going to pay someone with experience the same as a new grad. Lilly general doesnt pay well though so I am not overly optimistic. The drug is good and young though so thats a positive.

Ive been in pharma 8 years, when asked range I said it would have to be over $105k for me to fly to interview and even consider. Recruiter said she was moving me forward. Should he individualized based on your experience. They arent going to pay someone with experience the same as a new grad. Lilly general doesnt pay well though so I am not overly optimistic. The drug is good and young though so thats a positive.
It must be based on the manager. I've seen some that want good experience, and those that prefer newbies.

Recruiter told me they are only sending 4 people for f2f interviews, and that we would hear something either way this week. I was given no info on base except it ranges depending on experience. There is PC team and specialty team (psych, neuro) selling the same drug

Recruiter told me they are only sending 4 people for f2f interviews, and that we would hear something either way this week. I was given no info on base except it ranges depending on experience. There is PC team and specialty team (psych, neuro) selling the same drug

Would this apply to the interviews taking place in Dallas? I did my phone screen almost 3 weeks ago. Recruiter said she would move me forward and my status on Lilly's site still says "under review"

I just got a call from the recruiter stating that the territory I was going to interview for is now one of 20 that he was told to put a hold on. He isn’t sure why. Anyone have any insights? I’m thinking there’s probably an internal candidate or geographies will be combined. So disappointed!