
The salary is between $75-$90 depending on education and pharma experience + 20K bonus. Direct Hire..thats all!

I believe it. It's low as hell! Smh.. Get ready to be micromanaged and annoyed by your DM then have to go thru hell to be seen in a PCP office where they see over 100 patients a day. Oh and hell trying to train staff on a biologic getting through insurance with tons of rejections.
The pay is complete crap!

Lilly said 105 or 110 . It's only primary care. Yes, patients first complain to primary care about headaches and migraines. PCP write easy, generic triptans. They are too afraid and don't have time for biologics' pas.

They will appear interested, but they don't prescribe--rarely.
Lilly said 105 or 110? Or did recruiter say this? Recruiters are not giving consistent information. If they only 75-80, they are not getting experienced quality reps but they may be ok with that. The bonus structure absolutely is the worst.

I went to interview Monday, They basically were the star format questions ,
Anyway I told recruiter I am currently making 120 base and I put that on the application on line. I told recruiter my
minimum to accept a position would be
120K, so I don’t understand why they even invited me to the interviews if they won’t pay that, there were also other
veteran reps there that told me the same thing, so why were we even flown in for these interviews when Lilly knew we made to much ????
so confused

I went to interview Monday, They basically were the star format questions ,
Anyway I told recruiter I am currently making 120 base and I put that on the application on line. I told recruiter my
minimum to accept a position would be
120K, so I don’t understand why they even invited me to the interviews if they won’t pay that, there were also other
veteran reps there that told me the same thing, so why were we even flown in for these interviews when Lilly knew we made to much ????
so confused

You will not get paid a base of 120k for a Primary Care position. Never.

I went to interview Monday, They basically were the star format questions ,
Anyway I told recruiter I am currently making 120 base and I put that on the application on line. I told recruiter my
minimum to accept a position would be
120K, so I don’t understand why they even invited me to the interviews if they won’t pay that, there were also other
veteran reps there that told me the same thing, so why were we even flown in for these interviews when Lilly knew we made to much ????
so confused
It is confusing and so much different information between recruiters. It is pri care but so much uncertainty in this class plus it's a biologic and specialty distribution so it takes more than a blood pressure pill sample dropper. Hopefully the recruiters aren't stupid enough to think people will take a pay cut for this. Hopefully it's the opposite and Lilly realized they will need to pay better to get offers to be accepted for the right candidates.

It is confusing and so much different information between recruiters. It is pri care but so much uncertainty in this class plus it's a biologic and specialty distribution so it takes more than a blood pressure pill sample dropper. Hopefully the recruiters aren't stupid enough to think people will take a pay cut for this. Hopefully it's the opposite and Lilly realized they will need to pay better to get offers to be accepted for the right candidates.

Wake up. You are applying for a PRIMARY CARE position. There is already a Speciality Sales force in place. In a hierarchical company like Lilly, you are and will be continuously reminded you are second rate compared to the Specialty reps. Don’t say you weren’t forewarned.

Wake up. You are applying for a PRIMARY CARE position. There is already a Speciality Sales force in place. In a hierarchical company like Lilly, you are and will be continuously reminded you are second rate compared to the Specialty reps. Don’t say you weren’t forewarned.
Much appreciated. We will see.

I went to interview Monday, They basically were the star format questions ,
Anyway I told recruiter I am currently making 120 base and I put that on the application on line. I told recruiter my
minimum to accept a position would be
120K, so I don’t understand why they even invited me to the interviews if they won’t pay that, there were also other
veteran reps there that told me the same thing, so why were we even flown in for these interviews when Lilly knew we made to much ????
so confused

That's awful and such a waste of vets time and company MONEY!

Recruiters just want bodies to interview just so they can look like they did their job recruiting. Im sure they'll pick someone who has lower salary expectations. Recruiter wasted your time and everybody else's time. Ridiculous.

That's awful and such a waste of vets time and company MONEY!

Recruiters just want bodies to interview just so they can look like they did their job recruiting. Im sure they'll pick someone who has lower salary expectations. Recruiter wasted your time and everybody else's time. Ridiculous.

Lilly needs to think about retention . Do they want to train a team that will see better money elsewhere in a few months? There is more than money but the target bonus especially seems like the bottom of the industry. Too bad.

Anyone know how Lilly pays bonus.. Does Lilly use Metrics such as reach/frequency, call info to determine final bonus amount or is it strictly based on numbers/goal percentage?

I know w some big pharma you have a bonus and percentage is deducted depending on reach/frequency etc. if Lily pays like this, bonus will be crumbs.