
Cattle call interviews in Baltimore, Chicago and Dallas these will be the only steps in the interview process.
Offers will go out next week .
Not even all the managers have been hired yet and will not be involved in the interview process .

lol, Well, their doing it, I got a invite
to fly to Baltimore Tues for a panel interview, and I’m in Southeast.
A friend of mine is going to a panel interview in chicago Monday , they
live in Midwest.
Sounds like we will be interviewing with multiple people at these sessions.
Maybe this is it, ? Maybe no more interviews after this ?
Yes, Lilly paying for all flights round trip in one day in and then out.

good for you and good luck on your interview. How soon will they let you know?

Anyone know if they Lilly is going
to be open to bases of 120K
for reps with tons of exper in
migraine ?
And I’m speaking of reps that are already making maybe like 115 now with their current company

Anyone know if they Lilly is going
to be open to bases of 120K
for reps with tons of exper in
migraine ?
And I’m speaking of reps that are already making maybe like 115 now with their current company
Supposedly not but if they start getting a lot of pushback from who they want, hopefully they will get smart. Today was just day 2 of 2 weeks of interviews. I interviewed Monday but not with my potential manager altho some did if it was an internal person promoted. It was much more civilized than most cattle calls. Not a bad interview experience but will they pay???

They seem to have a decent (but rough) strategy versus the corrupt and inept Amgen. BUT will they not get the right reps because they don't want to pay. Amgen is top down from neurology and headache centers while Lilly is going to who sees them first, pri care. But it's still a biologic and dealing with a hub and complicated reimbursement. Why does Lilly want to be so cheap on pay and with a target bonus that was what primary care got in 2005. It doesnt make sense if they really expect the right people to accept offers.

They seem to have a decent (but rough) strategy versus the corrupt and inept Amgen. BUT will they not get the right reps because they don't want to pay. Amgen is top down from neurology and headache centers while Lilly is going to who sees them first, pri care. But it's still a biologic and dealing with a hub and complicated reimbursement. Why does Lilly want to be so cheap on pay and with a target bonus that was what primary care got in 2005. It doesnt make sense if they really expect the right people to accept offers.

Lilly won't pay. $110 or so max. Also, PCP's won't write biologics. They refer to neuros. No win here.

Lilly said 105 or 110 . It's only primary care. Yes, patients first complain to primary care about headaches and migraines. PCP write easy, generic triptans. They are too afraid and don't have time for biologics' pas.

They will appear interested, but they don't prescribe--rarely.

What type of reps does Lily look for? Do they like winners people who can move scripts or do they like reps that are average but great at taking orders and kissing a#%??

Seems like they like the latter..

Anyone have any insight on this? I got an email for a recruiter and wondering if it's worth even prepping for interview.

Thanks in advance

I’m curious too.. anyone know? R they looking for newer reps they can mold or someone that can think for themselves

It’s a primary care gig, people. You’ll be sitting in the waiting room full of primary care patients w cold and coughs, high fever, yearly check ups, older folks getting their blood pressure check n patients not feeling well n don’t know why yada yada..

Not sure why anyone with any real specialty experience n relationships and getting paid much higher bonus would consider this gig. It’s a huge step backwards.. a huge one.

bonus at $23k?? You’ll be lucky to get half! A bunch of cheap skates and Primary care SUX bottom line!!!!

Hi Everyone- getting ready for my interview as well. Does anyone know how this medicine will be distributed? Specialty Pharmacy? Buy and Bill? Retail pharmacy?

Just trying to be prepared.