
What's the base salary range for experienced reps??

We have no clue, thats the biggest problem here, some people have posted no way they go
above a base of 110,000.
A base of 120K + seems impossible to get with these primary care positions.,
Some people at my interview had 0 pharma sales experience, i went to one
of the cattle call interview locations last week.

Amgen will not get pounced. Amgen has solidified their place. We're going to have the same problems here they had. There's enough demand out there. Lilly luanches terribly and the drug has more cv problems working on the ligand and not just blocking the specific cgrp receptor. We are going to get killed. and pcp aren't going to write. it's going to be hard

I agree. Amgen will NOT get pounced!

I haven’t heard a thing from anyone but Wasn’t impressed w panel of two. I have more experience than them. Interview too scripted they want robots not real human interaction or discussions. Good luck w that.

I’m not interested since one of the panels confirmed it’s 95% Primary care. She said only a couple specialty offices in my territory. I’m in speciality now n the recruiter told me it was 50/50 pc n neuro.

No thanks call me when there’s an opening for strictly Neuro thanks

i interviewed in Baltimore last Tuesday
for a position in (I’m just going to say west of Ohio but not real far west) anyway,
I have not heard back from anyone,
No offer or no rejection call or rejection
email, by the way, I would consider myself
a very seasoned rep an am currently making a very high base salary, so we will see ?