Neos Contract

I'm interviewing for a position with Neos and the recruiter made it sound really good. I'm now having second thoughts. I have been out of the industry for awhile after being screwed by big pharma so thought this would be a nice change. Maybe not?

Well in all honesty, most of the ppl on this board are trolls but it really all depends on who your RSM will be. There are some good ones and there is a REALLY BAD ONE. That's all I'm gonna say.

I'm interviewing for a position with Neos and the recruiter made it sound really good. I'm now having second thoughts. I have been out of the industry for awhile after being screwed by big pharma so thought this would be a nice change. Maybe not?

South Texas?

Don't you even dare reach for that apply button! The success of that state along with California is determined by Medicaid and I've been to South Padre a couple of times in my college days to know that area is exclusively run on Medicaid. The products aren't covered by Medicaid over there. You will be put in a situation where you will never meet quota as long as Adzenys and Cotempla aren't on Medicaid and they are delusional in expectations of a rep in shitty Medicaid territories like that. They have unrealistically expectations for states that don't have Medicaid access.

You like selling me too drugs?

I don't give a fuck what I sell as long as I'm getting a paycheck. I'd sell guns to Ethiopian war tribe children or blood diamonds to wealthly hedge funders.

In case you haven't noticed, we are in pharma sales. We have no ethics or morals. Selling a "me too" drug is the least of my concern.

Don't you even dare reach for that apply button! The success of that state along with California is determined by Medicaid and I've been to South Padre a couple of times in my college days to know that area is exclusively run on Medicaid. The products aren't covered by Medicaid over there. You will be put in a situation where you will never meet quota as long as Adzenys and Cotempla aren't on Medicaid and they are delusional in expectations of a rep in shitty Medicaid territories like that. They have unrealistically expectations for states that don't have Medicaid access.

I have dealt with that situation before and am up for the challenge. My question was regarding the manager for South Texas.

I have dealt with that situation before and am up for the challenge. My question was regarding the manager for South Texas.

We all have an idea on how it's ran down there from the stories of reps that have quit in the past but it isn't fair for me to tell you how I think it is if I've never been there myself. The ADHD community is a small and tight knit community.

But I personally knew the South Texas rep from a past company and the rep was also in my training class. I would strongly reconsider your optimism and willingness for a "challenge" especially if you have a family to feed or already employed. If you think you can do a better job than a rep that that won president's club from another company and years of pharma experience, then all the power to you. Not trying to burst your bubble but this is the real side that recruiters don't tell candidates about. The rep was kicked out of the company due to performance but had been exceeding quota until Adzenys was removed from Medicaid.

You would be inheriting a graveyard with expectations to make it a fertile utopia...OR ELSE

I second that the South Texas Rep was truly a great rep. The part that is concerning about that situation, in addition to medicaid coverage, seems to be the abusive manager.

meh, I'm not surprised. Anybody that is rolled over is getting a pay raise so in order from them to save themselves for giving us a double raise for those who would have been rolled over in Jan and a yearly raise for those hired in March, why not just roll us over beginning of April. Well played Neos.....well played

Any thoughts on why becoming Neos employees was delayed? Seems concerning

meh, I'm not surprised. Anybody that is rolled over is getting a pay raise so in order from them to save themselves for giving us a double raise for those who would have been rolled over in Jan and a yearly raise for those hired in March, why not just roll us over beginning of April. Well played Neos.....well played

Lol more like rolling into a layoff with all the Lebron James worthy flops we keep rolling out

Lol more like rolling into a layoff with all the Lebron James worthy flops we keep rolling out
They pushed the “roll in” to April because it’s never going to happen. They are in talks to sell. They didn’t want the expense of rolling us in in January just to lay us all off a month later. Read the email from Vipin. We are done. But of course keep selling!! Because then they can get a better offer and get rich while we get screwed

They pushed the “roll in” to April because it’s never going to happen. They are in talks to sell. They didn’t want the expense of rolling us in in January just to lay us all off a month later. Read the email from Vipin. We are done. But of course keep selling!! Because then they can get a better offer and get rich while we get screwed

Stay woke