Neos Contract

Dear Mr. Tom,

We appreciate the pep talk in trying to get us to not check out but I hope you can understand where we are coming from when we wont be getting a dime off a potential buyout or any type of severance package. I hope you don't think we are dumb enough to not know why rolling us over was delayed until April due to working out "logistics" and "insurance packages." We aren't checking out because we want to but because we are getting our resumes ready as well as a POA in case we are kicked to the curve. We, just like you, have a family to feed and can't afford to gamble with our lively hood in case this deal goes south for us and all of us are having our next Neos POA meeting at the unemployment line. You will get a hefty severance to sit at home for a while or play golf......we will get a conference call and a "thank you for your hardwork and good luck finding a new job." Only way any smart rep won't have have one foot out the door is if you promise those riding out this wave some kind of severance if we are canned but we all know that's not how contract sales works.

Every Neos CONTRACTED sales rep.

Dear Mr. Tom,

We appreciate the pep talk in trying to get us to not check out but I hope you can understand where we are coming from when we wont be getting a dime off a potential buyout or any type of severance package. I hope you don't think we are dumb enough to not know why rolling us over was delayed until April due to working out "logistics" and "insurance packages." We aren't checking out because we want to but because we are getting our resumes ready as well as a POA in case we are kicked to the curve. We, just like you, have a family to feed and can't afford to gamble with our lively hood in case this deal goes south for us and all of us are having our next Neos POA meeting at the unemployment line. You will get a hefty severance to sit at home for a while or play golf......we will get a conference call and a "thank you for your hardwork and good luck finding a new job." Only way any smart rep won't have have one foot out the door is if you promise those riding out this wave some kind of severance if we are canned but we all know that's not how contract sales works.

Every Neos CONTRACTED sales rep.

They pushed the “roll in” to April because it’s never going to happen. They are in talks to sell. They didn’t want the expense of rolling us in in January just to lay us all off a month later. Read the email from Vipin. We are done. But of course keep selling!! Because then they can get a better offer and get rich while we get screwed

I hadn't faced the reality of what the sale of Neos could mean for my employment until Tom sent that email. Now, it seems crazy that I wouldn't start's quite apparent that's the only thing that I can do to protect my family. Selling harder won't give me a severance package. Thanks for the notice, Tom.

I hadn't faced the reality of what the sale of Neos could mean for my employment until Tom sent that email. Now, it seems crazy that I wouldn't start's quite apparent that's the only thing that I can do to protect my family. Selling harder won't give me a severance package. Thanks for the notice, Tom.

Right, I feel like he may have done more damage than good bringing up this issue. I never knew that this existed until he pointed it out and now I've glad he did. This thread enlightened me. I was crazy to not consider the reality of what can happen if a company is sold. Not saying I'm leaving but it's smart to at least have my resume out there and connecting with recruiters again.

I know Neos likes to pride themselves on not being big pharma, but how bush league is it for the COO of a drug company to copy and paste a post from cafepharma and email it out to the entire sales force? This has got to be a first. Hilarious

Right, I feel like he may have done more damage than good bringing up this issue. I never knew that this existed until he pointed it out and now I've glad he did. This thread enlightened me. I was crazy to not consider the reality of what can happen if a company is sold. Not saying I'm leaving but it's smart to at least have my resume out there and connecting with recruiters again.

What did he say in email?

I know Neos likes to pride themselves on not being big pharma, but how bush league is it for the COO of a drug company to copy and paste a post from cafepharma and email it out to the entire sales force? This has got to be a first. Hilarious
Would you expect any thing less from a turd company like Neos ?

Dear Mr. Tom,

Are you brave enough to address the following discrepancy?

I hope so because you and your managerial team have claimed since launch how much you care about reps and how we are The NEOS Family.

How about base pay raises for those hired to launch NEOS? Don’t you think we deserve equal pay to those newly hired?

New hires are making base of $80-95k!!!!

“Veteran” reps are STILL. making $60K.

Mr. Tom, your motivational techniques need drastic
improvement if you want this company to float.

Btw... Reps do talk salary to each other.

Dang is this true! Didn't know the new reps were making so much more than the initial sales reps.

Dear Mr. Tom,

Are you brave enough to address the following discrepancy?

I hope so because you and your managerial team have claimed since launch how much you care about reps and how we are The NEOS Family.

How about base pay raises for those hired to launch NEOS? Don’t you think we deserve equal pay to those newly hired?

New hires are making base of $80-95k!!!!

“Veteran” reps are STILL. making $60K.

Mr. Tom, your motivational techniques need drastic
improvement if you want this company to float.

Btw... Reps do talk salary to each other.

Not to be insensitive about pay.... but, the fact that you took a contract job for 60k is on you. That's what Neos/publicis decided they would target at launch and that's why many markets ended up with light b2b experience. The reality was that they had to pay 80k+ for talent especially in markets that were not performing.

My next point, many reps hired at launch at 60k in large cities are making 30-40k in commission, as they should. Based on the current ICP system (which is the worst I've ever seen in terms of accounting for any real factors) many reps hired at 95k are walking into markets that made 6k total in commission last year. Through no fault of their own the new hires are starting a year after launch with the Lowest the volumes in the country.

If they could fix the Rankings and account for things like market volume, managed care, Medicaid then they could address other compensation issues.

you must be fucking kidding me.... there are reps making $95k base????
fuck this joke of a company.
new coupon scenario is gonna end us quicker than any potential buyout anyway.

Thanks for your reply Mr. Tom. Although you answered anonymously, it’s understandable why. A COO Spending time on Café Pharma does not bode well with the reps. It creates mistrust no matter what your intentions are.

Please take a look at all bonuses ever given by NEOS. That 25 to 30K bonus is a joke. It was the initial carrot/promise that initial hires were on-boarded with. Very few, if any, reps have made that bonus.

You made a great point, we signed on for the 60 K. We accepted that pay.

A wise building contractor once told me, “you get what you pay for.”

The same successful builder said, “A company’s success is built on the backs of its employees. Take good care of those people. If they’re happy, they are loyal hard-workers.”

Me. Tom, your sales team is underpaid and disgruntled.