Neos Contract

what I cant figure out is how many of the managers here have been here since launch. They seem like very bright people, with lots of previous experience, and I cant believe they are making a fortune. why in the world are they still here 3 1/2 years. Are they looking to just go down with the ship?

what I cant figure out is how many of the managers here have been here since launch. They seem like very bright people, with lots of previous experience, and I cant believe they are making a fortune. why in the world are they still here 3 1/2 years. Are they looking to just go down with the ship?
This situation (experienced managers choosing to stick it out) speaks volumes about the state of the industry. Pharma has been in decline for years now - every year shedding more jobs than it adds. There are half the number of reps employed in the industry now vs 12 years ago. I won't go into all the reasons here to bore you with details, however expect the trend to continue. These "bright people" probably understand the situation (perhaps they have even attempted to secure more lucrative gigs and have failed) and know that opportunities in Pharma are becoming fewer and more difficult to secure. One recent example, Amarin Pharma expanded their sales force last October (from 150 reps to 400) and, at their National Sales Meeting in January of this year, while on stage addressing the newly expanded team, their CEO personally thanked their Director of Human Resources for their hard work in screening over 20,000 applicants for 250 sales positions. What does that tell you? And, by the way, Amarin (a manufacturer) pays some of the lowest base salaries in the industry. The "bright people" on the NEOS contract are probably content just to be employed in the industry (perhaps content to just be employed in general, since we're headed into recession now). And, yes, many will stay and will "go down with the ship".

The mass exodus is coming. The RSM’s tried to hold it together but it’s a losing cause. No one listens, time for greener pastures. Welcome the new RSM team that manages out of fear just like management wants. Goodbye loyal people.

The mass exodus is coming. The RSM’s tried to hold it together but it’s a losing cause. No one listens, time for greener pastures. Welcome the new RSM team that manages out of fear just like management wants. Goodbye loyal people.
This attitude is pervasive in the industry now. Most company cultures and their leadership suck and, in most cases, the rep has to just suck it up and try to hang on as long as they can. Few reps are content with their jobs these days, whether with a CSO or manufacturer. If you're rep who is content, congrats, but recognize you're a rare case these days.