Neos Contract

The soda machine is out of Dr pepper. So profits should be even less this week.

Sales have been so bad even the shit in the vending machines is expired. But those tit bags on the east coast need their raises while the rest of us don't get shit. I'd say we need to lay down like mules and not make anything but that's the norm around here already. Since the sorry ass sales force can't move more than 10 scripts a week each.
Everything is sorry at this place!

Just talked to a colleague who worked with management in the past. According to him, the product is first of its kind ever - high potential. Salary is average but heard possible room for full time employment. My colleague told me management is supersmart and is a blast to work for. Cant wait! Hope I hear back!

Still feel so bright and sunny about this venture?

Well to be fair the national average is 22 scripts a week but I get your point.

The soda machine is out of Dr pepper. So profits should be even less this week.

Sales have been so bad even the shit in the vending machines is expired. But those tit bags on the east coast need their raises while the rest of us don't get shit. I'd say we need to lay down like mules and not make anything but that's the norm around here already. Since the sorry ass sales force can't move more than 10 scripts a week each.

Whoa I used to work with a rep down there that I knew from my last job. That rep was supposed to win their Pclub award but left. Hmmm wonder why? Let's just say micromanaging is the least of your concerns if you are wanting to work in Texas. I was shocked to hear the stories of how the reps are treated down there. That state has been whipped and beat down by leadership and it's starting to show. If you don't want to deal with crazy then run as fast as you can.

im interviwing for a position in south Texas. I need to know about that manager. I can't do crazy micro psycho! Can anyone give me the true facts?

I'm going to be completely honest with you. Can't help you with your question about management but I have to ask why are looking into joining our sinking ship? Unless you are unemployed and desperate for work, this the the worst possible move to make if you are already employed. Aside from the usual CP trolls hear, everything on this board is true. At least wait until you find out if Cotempla is going to be approved. Most of us are already applying or interviewing for something else in preparation if Contempla shits the bed again. It's already been denied once by the FDA. If Cotempla is not approved in June, we'll all be in the unemployment line by July. It's too much risk to join us at this time if you already have a job.

im interviwing for a position in south Texas. I need to know about that manager. I can't do crazy micro psycho! Can anyone give me the true facts?

yes I do have a job but not thrilled about the manager or company:( Thankfully I have a good resume. This was brought to me by publisis recruiter and I know several of my co-workers have gone with contract sales and been happy. Example: Amgen contract and got onboarded with great outcome. The last thing I want to do is jump out of the frying pan and into the fire! Getting with a good manager is my number one priority and concern with this position. Do you know what territory the above mentioned manager has?

To my understanding, all of Texas except DFW

yes I do have a job but not thrilled about the manager or company:( Thankfully I have a good resume. This was brought to me by publisis recruiter and I know several of my co-workers have gone with contract sales and been happy. Example: Amgen contract and got onboarded with great outcome. The last thing I want to do is jump out of the frying pan and into the fire! Getting with a good manager is my number one priority and concern with this position. Do you know what territory the above mentioned manager has?

If you have a good resume, don't sell yourself short with Neos. I left a very good company for Neos for a higher base salary and regret it every day. Recruiter lied to us saying that this would be a one year contract then rolled over to Neos after. It's past a year and they are still saying they have "plans" to roll us over but with no definitive date. No one was given a one year raise (even the highest performers). They screw us on our bonuses (They have not let us now when our Q1 payout will be) .They probably spent it all on fixing the Dr. Pepper Machine at HQ. The recruiters will tell you anything to get you on board so Neos can leverage your HCP relationships for profit and not pay you what you deserve. I've worked plenty of contracts throughout the years and they have all been a great experience except for this one. The company has no communication with the sales force concerning their plans for us or the company in the future. Culture is rotten here mainly due to the lack of communication between leadership and the salesforce. They obviously want to make a quick buck by selling the company and lay us all off. Product is not a bad product but they are delusional in what they want it to be. They want Adzenys to outsell Adderall XR and Vyvanse without giving us ANY CLINICAL DATA to show it is better???

There are greener pastors out there for you than where you are but it sure as hell isn't with Neos. Don't fall for their lying sales pitch.

yes I do have a job but not thrilled about the manager or company:( Thankfully I have a good resume. This was brought to me by publisis recruiter and I know several of my co-workers have gone with contract sales and been happy. Example: Amgen contract and got onboarded with great outcome. The last thing I want to do is jump out of the frying pan and into the fire! Getting with a good manager is my number one priority and concern with this position. Do you know what territory the above mentioned manager has?

I notice they have several new opening posted recently. Any insight on why there are new openings at this time?

bc management is stupid as usual thinking sales will increase if we have more boots on the ground. Try saving all that money and investing it on getting adequate managed care for the nation but thats a little too late at this point. Our Chief Technology & Operations Officer resigned June 1st. Somebody take a guess as to why???? I'll give you a hint......... C_t_m_l_a X_-OD_ will not be _____ by the F_A. Lets start polishing up our resume boys and girls.