Neos Contract

yes I don't do anything but drop off coupons like I've pointed out already. I acknowledge it, you don't. You are trying to make it seem
like this company is a turd and failing to realize that it isn't this company that is the turd but the ENTIRE Pharmaceutical industry. I'll ride this till the wheels fall off and then off to an actual industry that "closes."

I'd appreciate it if you don't throw stones in our glass house.

Good day

When our investors realize that their burn rate is not worth your weak stick messaging yours and my glass house will collapse. Your glass house sounds like it's as fragile as your ego!

Well depends on the territory you are interviewing for. Only open positions I know that previous reps quit and weren't fired are in the south. I am good friends with two Houston reps that quit because the RSM is an A-hole. They told me of horrible stories of the way the RSM treated them and the rest of their team. We as a company are still on our legs and probably will for at least another year. Just be careful with which RSM you get here. There are some good managers here but some REALLY HORRIBLE ones too.

Just remember, good reps don't leave a company...they leave a manager.

Know anything about the manager who has the Midwest area? Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, SD, etc.

When our investors realize that their burn rate is not worth your weak stick messaging yours and my glass house will collapse. Your glass house sounds like it's as fragile as your ego!

I said "OUR" glass in the Pharmaceutical Industry. What is this "messaging" you keep talking about? I only drop off coupons to my speaker, remember?

This place is a joke. No raises for employees while the top few keep lining their pockets. The numbers they were showing today were bs. They did not subtract what the raw materials cost to manufacture the product. Once you add in that cost no money was made. Vipin is a joke. His pie in the sky dream of 100 million in sales. Not even in the next 10 years will these dumb asses be able to pull that off.

Save your career and stay away from these dumb asses. And they actually think they are going to get approval for Cotempla.

They should be jailed from all the money they have stolen from investors.

This place is a joke. No raises for employees while the top few keep lining their pockets. The numbers they were showing today were bs. They did not subtract what the raw materials cost to manufacture the product. Once you add in that cost no money was made. Vipin is a joke. His pie in the sky dream of 100 million in sales. Not even in the next 10 years will these dumb asses be able to pull that off.

Save your career and stay away from these dumb asses. And they actually think they are going to get approval for Cotempla.

They should be jailed from all the money they have stolen from investors.

This place is a joke. No raises for employees while the top few keep lining their pockets. The numbers they were showing today were bs. They did not subtract what the raw materials cost to manufacture the product. Once you add in that cost no money was made. Vipin is a joke. His pie in the sky dream of 100 million in sales. Not even in the next 10 years will these dumb asses be able to pull that off.

Save your career and stay away from these dumb asses. And they actually think they are going to get approval for Cotempla.

They should be jailed from all the money they have stolen from investors.

No way the investors keep dumping money into this pit. We have no coverage and once we stop giving everything away we will be getting pink slips. Why do you think no one got a raise? I'm in a high performing territory so I should know.

No way the investors keep dumping money into this pit. We have no coverage and once we stop giving everything away we will be getting pink slips. Why do you think no one got a raise? I'm in a high performing territory so I should know.

Let's all storm the Neos Castle and get the bitch burning! (Figuratively Speaking) Let's revolt!!!



So the VP of HR was let go because she identified the underperformance of the managment team and was told to give them merit raises anyway when the rest of the company was told there was no raises this year.

That's impressive that HR would hold their ground on this issue. It does not surprise me that the CEO threw a hissy fit when he was told his failure of a team does not deserve rasies. And in his foot stomping " I want it now" attitude let go someone who was trying to create change for a company that is dying on the vine.

I predict by the end of summer this place will be nothing but a bad memory for many. They are just trying to carve out what is left of the money before it is gone. They have made their nest egg to he'll with the rest of us working here.

We will be owned by all the people we have borrowed money from soon when they come calling. I just hope we didn't go to the mob for money.

The soda machine is out of Dr pepper. So profits should be even less this week.

Sales have been so bad even the shit in the vending machines is expired. But those tit bags on the east coast need their raises while the rest of us don't get shit. I'd say we need to lay down like mules and not make anything but that's the norm around here already. Since the sorry ass sales force can't move more than 10 scripts a week each.