Hit a nerve?

I once had a friend who was much smarter and much more patient than I am, Pale.

He always told me to stay calm and listen closely to what the man wearing the dunce cap says....He told me that he has his own personal story too that is no less important than my friend's or mine. And dammit, I've tried, Pale. I really have. But after some deep soul searching I discovered that I'm just not wired that way. I wish that I was more like my wise old deceased friend. But I'm not. I am sort of like a little child who sees something and describes it exactly how he sees it without much caring about what anyone thinks of my description. You know, like those little kids on Art Linkletter's old show "Kids say the darndest things". It's not easy living inside that skin sometimes, Pale. I have really rubbed some folks raw over the years and even burned a bridge or 2. But I have to live an honest and direct life, Pale. A man really only has his character in this old life. That's all he really takes with him when goes to the other side. All the other shit is left behind. I want a clean character when I leave this old planet, Pale. I don't want to spend a lifetime in God's laundromat cleaning my soul.

With that said, wishing you a Merry Christmas, Felize Navidat, Happy Hanukka, Happy Kwanzza, or whatever the hell your preference is, brother. I wish no ill. You just get on my damn nerves sometimes with you innane comments. Tell you what, work on your dumb-ass comments in the New Year and I'll work on my patience? Deal? :D

I once had a friend who was much smarter and much more patient than I am, Pale.

He always told me to stay calm and listen closely to what the man wearing the dunce cap says....He told me that he has his own personal story too that is no less important than my friend's or mine. And dammit, I've tried, Pale. I really have. But after some deep soul searching I discovered that I'm just not wired that way. I wish that I was more like my wise old deceased friend. But I'm not. I am sort of like a little child who sees something and describes it exactly how he sees it without much caring about what anyone thinks of my description. You know, like those little kids on Art Linkletter's old show "Kids say the darndest things". It's not easy living inside that skin sometimes, Pale. I have really rubbed some folks raw over the years and even burned a bridge or 2. But I have to live an honest and direct life, Pale. A man really only has his character in this old life. That's all he really takes with him when goes to the other side. All the other shit is left behind. I want a clean character when I leave this old planet, Pale. I don't want to spend a lifetime in God's laundromat cleaning my soul.

With that said, wishing you a Merry Christmas, Felize Navidat, Happy Hanukka, Happy Kwanzza, or whatever the hell your preference is, brother. I wish no ill. You just get on my damn nerves sometimes with you innane comments. Tell you what, work on your dumb-ass comments in the New Year and I'll work on my patience? Deal? :D

Dude if you are talking about living is someone elses skin this is the wrong thread and I dare say web site. We talk about sports here, pick who we think will win and don't really let the results have an impact on our day. I think Sheriff Due Doo Brown and his trusty side kick Muff Muff might be intrested in learing about this skin wearing thing you are doing.

Dude if you are talking about living is someone elses skin this is the wrong thread and I dare say web site. We talk about sports here, pick who we think will win and don't really let the results have an impact on our day. I think Sheriff Due Doo Brown and his trusty side kick Muff Muff might be intrested in learing about this skin wearing thing you are doing.

Funny that you would pick that one sentence out of my comment - then twist and distort it according you YOUR perception that I'm sure no one else even thought of.

I didn't mean to bring the boys out of the closet on this board with my words. I was only making a point to Pale about accepting each other's differences or working to mend those differences in the New Year.

But if you care to share your experiences, purge your past and engage in some emotional catharsis here on the boards, be our guest. We are willing to lend our ears. Probably can't do much do help you. You'd need a professional in that specific specialty to do that. I don't know, you might have to relocate to San Francisco to find one. But we sympathize with your struggle. Especially over the holidays. God bless.

Strange that Coach BamaBoy never responded about that University of North Alabama player who was referred to in that previous post.

I wonder if he will change his political affiliation and transfer to the Tide next year for a fresh start?

That's why I never touch the corn syrup while I'm tweeting. Nothing good ever comes from that. :D

Strange that Coach BamaBoy never responded about that University of North Alabama player who was referred to in that previous post.

I wonder if he will change his political affiliation and transfer to the Tide next year for a fresh start?

That's why I never touch the corn syrup while I'm tweeting. Nothing good ever comes from that. :D

so you agree someone should be punished for using their first amendment rights? I don't agree with what he said (tweeted) but by golly this is the US of A and he has just must right to say what he wants as I do, you do, the people on the left, the people on the right, the people in the middle.

Funny that you would pick that one sentence out of my comment - then twist and distort it according you YOUR perception that I'm sure no one else even thought of.

I didn't mean to bring the boys out of the closet on this board with my words. I was only making a point to Pale about accepting each other's differences or working to mend those differences in the New Year.

But if you care to share your experiences, purge your past and engage in some emotional catharsis here on the boards, be our guest. We are willing to lend our ears. Probably can't do much do help you. You'd need a professional in that specific specialty to do that. I don't know, you might have to relocate to San Francisco to find one. But we sympathize with your struggle. Especially over the holidays. God bless.

your moms gave me all the "help" I needed right before she cooked me breakfast this morning. She also said was I going to win the bowl pick em crown

Strange that Coach BamaBoy never responded about that University of North Alabama player who was referred to in that previous post.

I wonder if he will change his political affiliation and transfer to the Tide next year for a fresh start?

That's why I never touch the corn syrup while I'm tweeting. Nothing good ever comes from that. :D

Coach Bronco, Yes I heard about the dumbass University of North Alabama (UNA) player who made the racial slur about the President. I do not condone or agree what this idiot.

I want to give you a little more context about why this dumbass said what he said. The University of North Alabama is a lower level Division 2 School. UNA's Head Coach is Terry Bowden. Remember Terry Bowden? He is Bobby's son who Coached Auburn back in the 90's. Terry was let go from Auburn for having an affair and love child with a coed. A few years later Terry admitted to the Sporting News about how Pat Dye (Coach before Terry) paid players.

UNA recruits the problem players from SEC Schools. Lots of players who have been kicked off teams throughout the SEC go there. This player does not have a chance of ever going to the University of Alabama.

so you agree someone should be punished for using their first amendment rights? I don't agree with what he said (tweeted) but by golly this is the US of A and he has just must right to say what he wants as I do, you do, the people on the left, the people on the right, the people in the middle.

No, I don't think he should have been kicked off the team. I love my US Constitution more than I despise racist talk. Should a little discipline get imposed? That's fine. Make him clean the shower floors for a week after practice. But termination is over the line. And this has to be treated the same across the board. All racial slurs should be punished equally. And from my college experience all races are involved in this sort of racial talk. All must be punished equally.

But in the last 5 years the US Constitution has been used as buttwipe by those sworn to defend it. So this makes perfect sense.

your moms gave me all the "help" I needed right before she cooked me breakfast this morning. She also said was I going to win the bowl pick em crown

My mom is deceased. But when she was alive you wouldn't have made a good pimple on her backside. She farted better quality air than what comes from your mouth on a routine basis. :D

Well, here it is the Mayan calendar doomsday and we'll all still alive for the time being. Glory be! But it appears that San Diego State didn't survive, dammit. Another one of those teams that fell apart in the 4Q when the heat was on and the chips were on the line. Oh well. I do like BYU. Coach Mendenhall seems like a darn good coach and a pretty darned good man. I worked with mormons before in my life and got to know them. Salt of the earth people. Real classy people even if they don't change their underwear like you or I do. They remind me of the type of people who founded this great land of ours. Hard workers, ethical and family oriented. And you can't ask for more than that from any man or woman. And if the men want 6 wives - I say more power to them - if they want to end up in a nuthouse that's their personal business. Not mine.

Ok, sports fans. I want all of you to limber up over the holidays and keep your extremeties nice and loose. No more than 2 servings at the Christmas table. I urge you not to spike the punch bowl with anything more than 75 proof. Don't drink and drive unless you need to go to the liquor store to stock up with more. And be frugal over the holidays. Don't spend more than absolutely necessary. Don't give a gift to anyone who you don't like even though you feel that you must to get accepted. If they ask you "Why didn't I get a gift from you?", be honest. Say "Because I think you're a shithead".

Now listen up. We must be more honest in our daily lives, team. That should be our primary resolution for 2013. To show more honesty. Don't be nice just to be nice. Express your feelings. Be careful at work though. Don't say too much there since you always want to be able to pay that mortgage premium. BE HONEST, BUT DON'T BE STUPID. That should be the principle by which you live in 2013.

Ok, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukka or Happy Kwanzza - whatever your preference might be. And if you aren't a believer at least consider turning agnostic so that you cover both sides of the bet. And when in a public place - ALWAYS sit with your back to the wall and near an exit!

Ok. Love ya all! And look forward to seeing you at the "Gold Crown Affair" in January!

Well, that Boise St. victory today was bitter sweet for me. You see, that is how Coach BamaBoy and I differ. I don't always necessarily root for the home team. Sometimes I pick the one who I think has the best chance of winning. I was happy for the Broncos for squeaking past Washington. But since I chose Washington I wanted the Huskies to win. But Boise is just not the team it was last year. The defense is decent but the offense can't hold a candle to Kellen and the boys. I wish them an excellent recruiting year so that they kick ass in their new conference in 2013/14.

But my pick UL Layfayette did win. So that's good. And I expect Fresno State to win later tonight. That one should be a gimme.

Ok, team. Go light on the booze before Christmas. We need you in top form as we progress in the Bowl season. However, if you live in the States of Washington or Colorado go ahead and lite up if you got 'em. But you're limited to 5 tokes a night. If you can put a filter on 'em, all the better. I'd like to see you do a few deep knee bends and and trunk twists during commercial breaks during these early Bowl season games too. It's important that you stay flexible for the "Gold Crown Affair" ceremony. Anyone who shows up short of wind or with a pulled muscle/tendon is going to get an earful from me. And next season you get laps at the end of each practice. I got a long memory, so don't try to pull a fast one on me either.

Alright, enjoy your Christmas, Hanukka, Kwannza or Chinese New Years. Whatever your preference may be. If you don't believe in God. That's fine. No laps for that. I am open minded and all my players have the right to their own beliefs.

And stay away from the damn eggnog unless you only use egg whites. No yolk. Got it?

Be safe.

Yours truly,

Assistant Coach Bronco

Hit a nerve?

Looks like Pale has some 'butt hurt' going on this holiday season.

Get well soon, Pale.

Rub some castor oil or chicken fat on it. Sometimes that helps.

We need you well soon when the bulk of the bowl games hit in the next week since you've been assigned to organize and hand out the jocks, socks and t-shirts to the rest of the team at suit-up.

Alright, carry on.

Sheriff Due Do Brown stopping in to give Broncoboy and Broncofraud a ticket for stinking up the pick em rankings.

Rankings as I see it so far:

Pale Horse 5-2
Sheriff Due-do Brown 5-2
White Trash 5-2
FuckTard 4-3
Muffy 4-3
Tinkerbelle 4-3
Bronco Boy 3-4
BroncoFraud 3-4

Can Pale Horse get enough separation to take the Gold Crown? Will the Bronco Twins continueto suck? there is a lot of ball left to be played, lets get some wings and a beer or 7 and see what happens.

Sheriff Due Do Brown stopping in to give Broncoboy and Broncofraud a ticket for stinking up the pick em rankings.

Rankings as I see it so far:

Pale Horse 5-2
Sheriff Due-do Brown 5-2
White Trash 5-2
FuckTard 4-3
Muffy 4-3
Tinkerbelle 4-3
Bronco Boy 3-4
BroncoFraud 3-4

Can Pale Horse get enough separation to take the Gold Crown? Will the Bronco Twins continueto suck? there is a lot of ball left to be played, lets get some wings and a beer or 7 and see what happens.

First off, no idea whether your calculations are accurate. Probably not. Besides, it's early in the season. Only 7 of 35 games. Don't get your panties in a bunch quite yet. It's actually a pretty tight group. Only a couple games separating the top and bottom of the bunch.

Pale winning the Gold Crown? hah. Are you high, man? To win the Gold Crown Pale would have to go 33-2. Snowball chance in hell, dude. The best Pale could do is a consolation Bronze Crown and the chance of that is slim and none. Pale can hold a position. The longer the race the farther he fades. Watch if you don't believe me.

Why don't you go suck down a few shots of Tequila and come back on January 4th or so. Then you can talk shit. Otherwise you're just blowin' more smoke.

Happy Holidays. Go to the zoo. Zoo's are for simple minds. Make sure they have a petting zoo. You'd like that.

Yo, big mouth. Care to redo that tally again after last night's Western Kentucky - Central Michigan game?

Next time don't fire your wad so quickly. It makes you look silly. :D

Yo, big mouth. Care to redo that tally again after last night's Western Kentucky - Central Michigan game?

Next time don't fire your wad so quickly. It makes you look silly. :D

so you are now 4 -4, wow I can see why you are so proud of your self, you are tied with Muffy!!!!! clap clap for you, because as your 4 -4 record clearly shows, you are a master pick em dude. Keep your phone lines clear I am sure congress will be awarding you the pick em medal of valor any minute now.

so you are now 4 -4, wow I can see why you are so proud of your self, you are tied with Muffy!!!!! clap clap for you, because as your 4 -4 record clearly shows, you are a master pick em dude. Keep your phone lines clear I am sure congress will be awarding you the pick em medal of valor any minute now.

Yo, Mr. Big Mouth......

I see San Jose State beat Bowling Green, Cincy beat Duke and Baylor is leading UCLA 14-0 in the first quarter.

At the end of the evening do another recount for us, woncha chump?

And before ya do eat a little of that holiday crow seasoned with some salt and ketchup. Yum...yum.

Damn. You gotta be the biggest assclown on these boards. :D

Fucktard 5-5
Muffmeister 4-6
Sheriff Due Do Brown 6-4
BroncoFraud 3-7
Tinkrbelle 4-6
White Trash 5-5
PHo 6-4
Bronco 6-4
BamaBoy 5-5

This was through 12/27 - not counting the Baylor/UCLA bowl game. Sorry, I was curious and wanted to know how everyone was doing.
Last edited:

5-5 so far. This is not where I wanted to be.

Don't fret, Queen Fucktard. We're still early in the bowl season. 10 down 25 to go. When we go over 25 games you can start to get worried. I know you want that Gold so bad you can taste it. Winning the Gold, Silver and Bronze would be quite an honor. But to be honest, the odds are against it. But one never knows. Tink didn't have a good day today. You're still good.