Utah State won, Tink. Toledo had an opportunity to go ahead at the start of the 4th Q but really blew it. I lost that one. I made a bad bet. I went for the upset. So I'm 1-1. That darned Queen Fucktard is 2-0. After she won the Silver you'd think she'd back off a bit and let the rest of us grab a little glory. Oh well, it's still early in the bowl season. The Queen isn't out of the woods yet! ;)

What is the race rankings on everyone as of today Bronco?

What is the race rankings on everyone as of today Bronco?

It's partly cloudy today and cold with a change of rain. I'm eating an oatmeal pancake with Aunt Jemima syrup with a banana on top. My dog took his morning pee outside and is demanding that I reward him with a treat for doing so. My wife is demanding that I clean out the attic. The neighbor is demanding that I trim the bushes that overlap the fence. Everybody makes demands of me. Even my dog. If you want to know what the race rankings are fucking do it yourself. Do I look like Harriet Tubman to you? In brief, IT'S NOT MY JOB!!! Go ask Bamaboy. That's more up his alley.

It's partly cloudy today and cold with a change of rain. I'm eating an oatmeal pancake with Aunt Jemima syrup with a banana on top. My dog took his morning pee outside and is demanding that I reward him with a treat for doing so. My wife is demanding that I clean out the attic. The neighbor is demanding that I trim the bushes that overlap the fence. Everybody makes demands of me. Even my dog. If you want to know what the race rankings are fucking do it yourself. Do I look like Harriet Tubman to you? In brief, IT'S NOT MY JOB!!! Go ask Bamaboy. That's more up his alley.

What a dick.

I just posted the final scores for the games yesterday. I will start updating final scores more regularly.

It is still to early to post standings. I will start doing that when we are about half way through the bowls.

In response to the troller who said that we need to "get a life." I definitely have a super busy life. I just do this as a fun diversion from the grind of everyday living.

When BroncoBoy and I started making our picks a couple of years ago I started this whole thing as an experiment. I really wanted to see how I would do picking against the spread since I do not gamble. It has been lots of fun seeing all of the other fans of different teams and conferences join in. I hope our little Pick Em continues to grow. If this ain't living then I don't know what is?

I just posted the final scores for the games yesterday. I will start updating final scores more regularly.

It is still to early to post standings. I will start doing that when we are about half way through the bowls.

In response to the troller who said that we need to "get a life." I definitely have a super busy life. I just do this as a fun diversion from the grind of everyday living.

When BroncoBoy and I started making our picks a couple of years ago I started this whole thing as an experiment. I really wanted to see how I would do picking against the spread since I do not gamble. It has been lots of fun seeing all of the other fans of different teams and conferences join in. I hope our little Pick Em continues to grow. If this ain't living then I don't know what is?

Thank you, Coach Bama.

Assistant Coach Bronco here. Allow me to give a bowl season pep talk here.

You know what I learned from Pick 'Em, Coach? I learned why Vegas and Atlantic City have so many tall luxurious hotels and can afford to give away free drinks and cheap food to their customers.

Think about it.

We have 6 full time players here. The BEST score for the regular season hovered around 53%. Some were as low as 43%. And that was on college games where the chance of success should be quite high compared to roulette, one-armed bandits, kino, most card games, etc....

The gambler is ALWAYS at a huge disadvantage, Coach. Always. And I hope this sends a BIG message to all those fools who think they can make a living off gambling. It is a FOOL's game. If you like the thrill, take $300 in gambling money next time you go to the gambling joints (go infrequently) and once it's gone STOP! And if after the first day you're up by $200 STOP and take your winnings home - because the law of odds are AGAINST you! You were simply lucky!

This board is just more proof that gambling is a LOSER's game.

Have fun with PICK 'EM - but LEARN while you're at it.

There is NOTHING in life that we can't LEARN from, Coach. Nothing.

And NEVER EVER EVER accept wooden nickles. Even if Obama hands them to ya!!!

Ok guys and gals, now let's suit up and go out there and win one for the Gipper! :D

Assistant Coach Bronco here again.

My favorite movie The Crying Game is on tonight. Everyone take 2 hours out of their time to see the best movie ever produced.

Hey party peope Sheriff Due Doo Brown checking , Not a good start to my bowl pick em debut. 1-1. My loss was a blowout and the win was ugly with a bug U. Now lil' Broncoster I went back and took another gander at your picks, I think you have a great chance to win the bowl round but don't see enough to perdict you got sufficent mojo rising to pass up that sweet little gator girl for the gold.

I really think BroncoBoy should score his other personalities himself. That is a whole bunch of extra work for me to do for players that don't really exist?

Bronco you mentioned watching movies the other day. I miss watching movies. If ain't the Wonder Pets, Omi Zoomi, Yo Gabba Gabba or Dora The Explorer I don't get a chance to watch it. Other than College Football.

You know Bronoco I think Dora The Explorer is working in this country illegally. She needs to take herself, her cousin Diego and that talking monkey who wears red boots back south of the border. I bet this kids show would really piss you off. They got characters on that show that only speak Spanish. I think some of those characters just move to this country and don't even try to learn the language...:D

Another thing. Could you leave your creative writing class homework off this site? This is about college football.

Oh, and could you kindly remove your head from that orafice and stop wearing your collarbone as a hat?

It's a team request, btw. I'm just the messenger. :D


Assistant Coach

I really think BroncoBoy should score his other personalities himself. That is a whole bunch of extra work for me to do for players that don't really exist?

Bronco you mentioned watching movies the other day. I miss watching movies. If ain't the Wonder Pets, Omi Zoomi, Yo Gabba Gabba or Dora The Explorer I don't get a chance to watch it. Other than College Football.

You know Bronoco I think Dora The Explorer is working in this country illegally. She needs to take herself, her cousin Diego and that talking monkey who wears red boots back south of the border. I bet this kids show would really piss you off. They got characters on that show that only speak Spanish. I think some of those characters just move to this country and don't even try to learn the language...:D

Head (no - not that kind of 'head') Coach Bamaboy,

Somebody posted a news article about a U of North Alabama player getting kicked off the team for tweeting a racial slur on Obama. The article said the ballplayer was pissed because Obama preempted NFL Sunday night football with his speech on the shooting in Connecticut. lol. The mods deleted it. I'm not sure why. Anyway, did you hear about that? I thought the dark days of Selma, Alabama were over and done with. As Assistant Coach of the CP Pick 'Em team I was disgusted with such behavior in your home state. Could we get a personal apology please on behalf of his conduct? It would do our team good and increase the player's morale.

Thank you in advance for your prompt attention to this matter.

Assistant Coach Bronco. :D

He's so desperate to win a pretend game he'll create fake posters. Don't score them Bama. It's truly psychotic.

Are you a glutton for punishment? I hammer you repeatedly and you keep coming back for more. hah. You remind me of an old stumblebum prize fighter with cauliflower ears and a nose spread across his face with a 0-22 record who just wants one more shot at the champ to prove that he's a 'somebody'. hah. Seriously, man. That's you in a nutshell. Get out of the business before you scramble your brains, cochise! hah. :D

Are you a glutton for punishment? I hammer you repeatedly and you keep coming back for more. hah. You remind me of an old stumblebum prize fighter with cauliflower ears and a nose spread across his face with a 0-22 record who just wants one more shot at the champ to prove that he's a 'somebody'. hah. Seriously, man. That's you in a nutshell. Get out of the business before you scramble your brains, cochise! hah. :D

Hit a nerve?