Well let's see, Merck put my kids through collage, paid my mortgage, put food on my table, gave me a nice quality of life ,with above standard benefits and perks, helped with my retirement. And yes I worked hard, put in long hours, contributed and left with a sense of accomplishment, pride and self esteem.
The winey 15's on the other hand never have done a damn thing for me.
So, as the saying goes, " You have been measured and in the balance, found wanting."
Overall the " 15's" are just part of the grievance culture. They like to play victim as an excuse for their own failures and in the theatre of society they feel they are owed something. While doing very little for it. The entitlement crowd. Whatever. There are always these types. They are called " chaff ." The rest are called " wheat." The chaff always get separated. It's always been so. Wheat produces bread and leaves behind seed. Chaff produces nothing, leaves behind nothing. "15" is chaff, that's all.
Who gives a F'k about the sales force. You are all hanging on for dear life and are part of Mercks problem Dead weight has been RIFd in mass numbers in last 8 years