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My version of 15 by 15

"The kids we're raised right because I spent time with them."

Only if you believe that being a thief and corporate welfare recipient is "right" What a set of values to teach your kids. Another generation lost....

This is what I do, not who I am. There is a big difference. All the free time allows me to spend quality time with family, golf, tennis, and have fun. You know, the thing you don't do. I enjoy life and have respect for others. You choose your path and I will choose my path. I don't take my job home with me. I am sure you do. I live a happy and healthy life. I don't know why you are posting so early. You should put in some extra hours. Win one for the gipper.

I don't think you are practicing what you preach. Preach me another sermon padre. If you work hard enough they could put Merck on your headstone. I don't think it will say loving husband and devoted father.

I think you should try to work 70 hours a week for 70 weeks. Skip vacations. That will make you the man. I will send you the Merck Medal of Honor.

And just think only 20 more years and then, maybe if you're lucky, possibly you can retire!!!

Let's say you're around 40. 10 years in. House, couple of kids....

25 more years of schlepping lunches, getting signatures, traveling, meetings, dodging management and layoffs. Almost three decades....before you can get out, if you ever do...if the job ( such as it is) is even still here. Yippie!

Yeah, you 15's are some forward thinking, goal oriented, career minded....suckers.
And if you think you are " draining Merck" it'd take a lot longer than 20 years on your pathetic salary. But for some...that's as far as ambition will actually carry ' em. One paycheck away from insolvency. Let's see who lasts longer. You or Merck.

Make no mistake, the 15s are hurting Merck in a VERY big way. Merck has systematically sh!t on tens of thousands of reps---and their families. The 15s aren't dummies. They know their days are numbered. They're making the most of it by focusing their efforts on their futures, not wasting their time on Merck

The 15s are right on the money. Smart.

"The kids we're raised right because I spent time with them."

Only if you believe that being a thief and corporate welfare recipient is "right" What a set of values to teach your kids. Another generation lost....

Anyone who is sticking it to Merck is doing the right thing. I was shafted by Merck and wish that I had been so smart as to be a 15. Instead, I worked hard and did my best. What a sucker I was. If only I could go back and replay that year. You have no idea of how much better prepared I would have been to leave that sh!thole.

God bless you 15s, every single one of you.

This is what I do, not who I am. There is a big difference. All the free time allows me to spend quality time with family, golf, tennis, and have fun. You know, the thing you don't do. I enjoy life and have respect for others. You choose your path and I will choose my path. I don't take my job home with me. I am sure you do. I live a happy and healthy life. I don't know why you are posting so early. You should put in some extra hours. Win one for the gipper.

I don't think you are practicing what you preach. Preach me another sermon padre. If you work hard enough they could put Merck on your headstone. I don't think it will say loving husband and devoted father.

I think you should try to work 70 hours a week for 70 weeks. Skip vacations. That will make you the man. I will send you the Merck Medal of Honor.

Quality trumps quantity.
Ever notice how some of the busiest parents have the best kids...

There is also truth in the expression the "apple doesn't fall far from the tree." If the kids have "issues" such as behavioral look to the parents...

Make no mistake, the 15s are hurting Merck in a VERY big way. Merck has systematically sh!t on tens of thousands of reps---and their families. The 15s aren't dummies. They know their days are numbered. They're making the most of it by focusing their efforts on their futures, not wasting their time on Merck

The 15s are right on the money. Smart.

Sure. That's why the stock is doing so well. Because you're hurting Merck. Merck makes money hand over fist. In a VERY big way. 15's are " focused on their futures." Sure. That's the real,reason they keep hanging around. It's the future. Stupid.

Sure. That's why the stock is doing so well. Because you're hurting Merck. Merck makes money hand over fist. In a VERY big way. 15's are " focused on their futures." Sure. That's the real,reason they keep hanging around. It's the future. Stupid.

If you can't see reality repeatedly smacking you in your stupid-ass face, then you deserve to work for Merck. Go ahead, pour your heart and soul into it. Dumbass.

Sure. That's why the stock is doing so well. Because you're hurting Merck. Merck makes money hand over fist. In a VERY big way. 15's are " focused on their futures." Sure. That's the real,reason they keep hanging around. It's the future. Stupid.

They stick around for only two reasons, no one else would have them and they are crooks!

Quality trumps quantity.
Ever notice how some of the busiest parents have the best kids...

There is also truth in the expression the "apple doesn't fall far from the tree." If the kids have "issues" such as behavioral look to the parents...

I remember a manager I had that took her daughter to before care at school. She turned the lights on everyday because she was the first one there and was always the last to leave. Manager Mom acted like it was some badge of honor.

Another manager's daughter was competing in a state athletic competition but he wasn't there to see her or cheer her on because having another meaningless field visit was more important to him.

No thanks.......

Could I have another serving of 15x15 please?

Quality trumps quantity.
Ever notice how some of the busiest parents have the best kids...

There is also truth in the expression the "apple doesn't fall far from the tree." If the kids have "issues" such as behavioral look to the parents...

You are right. I am going to start work 40 plus a week. I am also going to cut down on how much time I spend with them. I am going to stop coaching sports also. I am also going to tell my wife to get a job. She is spending to much time with our well rounded kids. I am also going to make sure she works while having our next kid. The stress will help a child develop. It does not lead to issues. Toughen them up.

It's takes a village.

Get real

All that matters is family. Why should I really care a whole lot beyond that? You work your ass off. What do you want? A badge or a chest to pin it on? While you work hard I raise my kids and have a great relationship with my wife. I am fine with that. You don't hear me complaining. Do you think if you work hard you will not get released? It does not work that way. I have seen many people who go above and beyond only to see the door.

I don't think I'm a cog. Just collecting a fat check and making a better life for MY family.

I am fine that your family means nothing to you. Keep doing what you do and I will keep doing what I do.

Many people who work hard and has a false sense of worth have been shown the door. You will just be one of the many.

The difference is when I am shown the door my family will be happy to see me. The kids we're raised right because I spent time with them. You will have nothing because you picked a company over family. I think they will be happy for you to get another job so they don't have to see or hear you.

Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.

Work more hours and harder for me please.

Great post. Let those idiots work harder.

You are right. I am going to start work 40 plus a week. I am also going to cut down on how much time I spend with them. I am going to stop coaching sports also. I am also going to tell my wife to get a job. She is spending to much time with our well rounded kids. I am also going to make sure she works while having our next kid. The stress will help a child develop. It does not lead to issues. Toughen them up.

It's takes a village.

Get real

Please don't post the truth. It will get deleted. In India we think like this. I believe you are a fellow countrymen. In America you can't write about certain things. They are the majority for now. We just take their jobs. :). It is better you let them live their lifestyle and say nothing. They chase the dollar at any and all costs. It's how they are raised. It's there culture of destruction. They don't value life. Once they get to they point they turn on their own. It's what we have here now with them. Not caring and loveless even to the ones closest to them.

The look on those rep's face that drink the Kool Aid & give all to Mother when they get severanced is priceless. They are so delusional that they believe they are so important to Merck and so valuable that they will never be cut.

More 15x15 for me please!

Well let's see, Merck put my kids through collage, paid my mortgage, put food on my table, gave me a nice quality of life ,with above standard benefits and perks, helped with my retirement. And yes I worked hard, put in long hours, contributed and left with a sense of accomplishment, pride and self esteem.

The winey 15's on the other hand never have done a damn thing for me.
So, as the saying goes, " You have been measured and in the balance, found wanting."
Overall the " 15's" are just part of the grievance culture. They like to play victim as an excuse for their own failures and in the theatre of society they feel they are owed something. While doing very little for it. The entitlement crowd. Whatever. There are always these types. They are called " chaff ." The rest are called " wheat." The chaff always get separated. It's always been so. Wheat produces bread and leaves behind seed. Chaff produces nothing, leaves behind nothing. "15" is chaff, that's all.