Another generation with no character. Nice legacy.
A legacy where many of us will have nice pensions to go with the 401ks working smarter not harder.
Another generation with no character. Nice legacy.
A legacy where many of us will have nice pensions to go with the 401ks working smarter not harder.
I'll believe the pension part when I have it in my hand. Pension funding laws are changing and companies like Merck will be the first in line to shaft its employees.
Well, if Merck finds away to take away my pension my 15 by 15 lifestyle would definitely be justified.
Again, nice way to demonstrate and instill character in your children. No wonder the country is going to hell in a handbasket.
This part time corporate job doesn't define my parenting skills. This job is a means to an end while I help my children pursue their goals and dreams. I certainly wouldn't encourage them to be a pharma rep but at least my children know I am participating in their lives on a daily basis and this job is not more important than them.
This part time corporate job doesn't define my parenting skills. This job is a means to an end while I help my children pursue their goals and dreams. I certainly wouldn't encourage them to be a pharma rep but at least my children know I am participating in their lives on a daily basis and this job is not more important than them.
This part time corporate job doesn't define my parenting skills. This job is a means to an end while I help my children pursue their goals and dreams. I certainly wouldn't encourage them to be a pharma rep but at least my children know I am participating in their lives on a daily basis and this job is not more important than them.
Parenting skills have little do with job performance. However you demonstrate on these boards that you have very poor ethics in the workplace which makes me doubt quality of your child rearing skills when it comes to shaping the morals and attitudes of your kids. You should stop be so self congratulatory since plenty of people manage both their professional lives and their relationship with their children well.
You are correct that your job doesn't define your parenting skills, but your actions, integrity and character do define your parenting impact. The very example you set; lying (purporting to work full time for full time pay from your employer when you do not), stealing (taking income for work you did not do), etc. does define your character which is a lacking example for children. I agree that someone else will be their role model if they choose to be a productive member of society.
Parenting skills have little do with job performance. However you demonstrate on these boards that you have very poor ethics in the workplace which makes me doubt quality of your child rearing skills when it comes to shaping the morals and attitudes of your kids. You should stop be so self congratulatory since plenty of people manage both their professional lives and their relationship with their children well.
Interesting. How does the 15 answer the question, " Mommy/daddy why aren't you going to work today ( again )?" " and why do I have to go to school? I'll just stay home and play hooky too, so I can grow up to be just like you."
You raise your family and I will raise mine. I don't care about how you live your life so mind your own business. I don't lay around, I continue to provide for my family just doing something besides slaving at Merck. Why don't you just keep working hard and do everything that Merck asks of you and leave everybody else to their own fate. You are not the Merck police or the CEO of this company.
You are not an employee just a free loader. As long as you choose to discuss your family on these boards then I guess you want the topic to be everybody's business. So here we are and there you go.
My kids don't call me Mommy or Daddy. One of my children is a marketing director at a large firm at the age of 24 & my other child is finishing his/her undergraduate degree and has been accepted into law school.
My kids don't want to be just like me. I raised them to be better than me & I think they have turned out just fine. Thanks for asking though!
The 15x15 Guy
My kids don't call me Mommy or Daddy. One of my children is a marketing director at a large firm at the age of 24 & my other child is finishing his/her undergraduate degree and has been accepted into law school.
My kids don't want to be just like me. I raised them to be better than me & I think they have turned out just fine. Thanks for asking though!
The 15x15 Guy
I am not the 15 Guy, nor the Pain Cream Queen. I am another Merckie who is smart enough to give Merck what little effort they deserve, but only after wasting many years giving them everything I could muster. I look back now with regret at having wasted so much time on a company that summarily disregards its employees, while paying its executives tens of millions.
I also started my own business and I run it almost completely on Merck's time. It's the best thing I've ever done in my career. I am pleased and proud to be among the countless others who share my perspective and put their families first…at Merck's expense, of course.
FU Merck.
The things that all of you criminals have in common is a complete lack of moral framework, poor self worth and scum as parents. If all is so bad get out, oh wait, no one in their right mind would hire you.