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My S3 is killing me!!

The end result will be as the reps fight for survival watch the competition quietly crush our so-called growth products. Who in their right mind thinks it healthy to fight among ourselves at the same time the competition is launching or saturating the airwaves with DTC??? Unfortunately, the decision makers will never be held accountable and more job cuts are in our future.

If a rep's job is not secured, infighting is frequent, the manager is crazy, and people are being micromanaged...people become narrow-focused and near-sighted. They begin ti care about themselves than the company. A divided and bitter company will not be able to launch a new product successfully. May be Merck feels she can put enough fear in the reps to shut them up and just execute.

S1, S2 or S3 ....there is no love fest at Merck with counterparts or team mate any more. If you are working on an account together...its more competitive than co operative...and its not just S3..... my S2 counterpart is so competitive with me....its unbelievable! I am just trying to keep my head down and my nose clean! Really, for the most part..team work is done with this company and its every man for himself. My S3 position is almost more trouble than it is worth....I didnt get a very big raise...this is the new Merck and its gross! I dont know what the answer is...but it is sad! ITs a very competitive and tenured sales force...the days of cooperative team mates are vertually gone!

So true. This is what we are, this is the new"One Merck, and its only going to get worse. I just do my job, zip my lips, and see what happens next. I dont like to meet with anybody anymore, nobody has your back unless they are in a different area and not competing!

Help! My counterpart has assumed that noe she is an S3, her shit no longer stinks....I can no longer stand to be in the same room with someone I used to enjoy working with. Surely, I am not alone. Personally, I cannot wait for the stakeholder feedback on this chick.
She's making my life crazy and totally doesn't get how to work in a team.....

Pulled up this old post, things never change. Now with the latest round of cuts many districts are filled with LEtaRds. There are some really dumb ones that got the LEtaRD spot because they have been in the same pc area for ages. They know nothing but pc while others who had higher positions had to take a band cut. It is time to go district by district and rebadge each rep. Some should be elevated to LEtaRds and many others demoted pronto!

Pulled up this old post, things never change. Now with the latest round of cuts many districts are filled with LEtaRds. There are some really dumb ones that got the LEtaRD spot because they have been in the same pc area for ages. They know nothing but pc while others who had higher positions had to take a band cut. It is time to go district by district and rebadge each rep. Some should be elevated to LEtaRds and many others demoted pronto!

AHH HAA.....being in a territory too long means slacking!! Don't give a hoot if they are

Give me a rep who has been in a territory, same docs, same routine for years and I will give you a rep who is a high risk for playin' hooky! High end radar detection needed in these towns....

Hmmm....I hear the last cuts found a few with the new ipad GPS....think its true?

S1, S2 or S3 ....there is no love fest at Merck with counterparts or team mate any more. If you are working on an account together...its more competitive than co operative...and its not just S3..... my S2 counterpart is so competitive with me....its unbelievable! I am just trying to keep my head down and my nose clean! Really, for the most part..team work is done with this company and its every man for himself. My S3 position is almost more trouble than it is worth....I didnt get a very big raise...this is the new Merck and its gross! I dont know what the answer is...but it is sad! ITs a very competitive and tenured sales force...the days of cooperative team mates are vertually gone!

Solution is one rep on any one product. YOU carry all the full load....and answer for it all! Some pc reps keep low profiles, throw the bull and expect coworkers to bust their butts while they F the system.

LER's need to be on biggest accounts and be expected to produce biggest results. Some of these reps are hot air balloons, blowing exhaust at everyone around them!

BTW...why are the s reps all given the same benchmarks? Should not be happening. Bigger the S, bigger the pressures to make bigger numbers...

The real question is how can an S3 justify the higher SIP target. 36.5K vs 25.5K for an S1?? Almost $1,000 per month more?? I can understand a higher salary range for each level but everyone should have the same SIP target pool. SIP should be about sales results,not special projects. Agree or disagree?

It's all one big lie. Your job, the S3, your CTL---all of it. None of you should even be here, faking your careers, filing false call reports, delivering samples, catering for your offices, etc.

The whole thing is one huge lie. Don't dwell on it. It's temporary, anyhow, for all of us.

It's all one big lie. Your job, the S3, your CTL---all of it. None of you should even be here, faking your careers, filing false call reports, delivering samples, catering for your offices, etc.

The whole thing is one huge lie. Don't dwell on it. It's temporary, anyhow, for all of us.

It always struck me as funny that the more "make believe" a job becomes the more irrational and intense the people doing that "job" behave. I guess having to pretend your job is relevant is a hell of a lot more stressful than if you actually worked at tasks that mattered

It always struck me as funny that the more "make believe" a job becomes the more irrational and intense the people doing that "job" behave. I guess having to pretend your job is relevant is a hell of a lot more stressful than if you actually worked at tasks that mattered

I always said the same thing…(Before I was harassed out of Merck in my 50s by the CTL who behaved like a Nazi.)

to me, working a fake job, and keeping up the charade, was far more stressful than had I worked a legitimate purposeful job 40 or 50 hours a week…

when is the whole damn thing gonna come crashing down due to its beyond shaky foundation?


Pulled up this old post, things never change. Now with the latest round of cuts many districts are filled with LEtaRds. There are some really dumb ones that got the LEtaRD spot because they have been in the same pc area for ages. They know nothing but pc while others who had higher positions had to take a band cut. It is time to go district by district and rebadge each rep. Some should be elevated to LEtaRds and many others demoted pronto!

Demotions will occur soon. Ler's no longer can come up with silly projects and point positions. All about your #'s now. Many Ler's #'s are in the shi#$ er, extra bonus, pay and titles will be taken away. Riad is gonna make some sweeping title changes. Going to drive many a Ler to a local bar. Get ready to drown your sorrows.

It's survival of the fittest in action as everyone competes for what positions will be left after the next round of layoffs. Everyone knows the economy's crappy, and the tenured reps are particularly fearful of losing their high paying jobs (knowing they will never again be making that kind of money). So, yes, unfortunately, it is every man for himself--which means "not a pretty picture". Looking forward to the resolution of all this tension by the end of this year....there is only so much of this that one can take!

And they wonder why mother is dying

where are the posted jobs the layoff people were told would be open? Last team I had 3 people were rehired from layoffs, they remain this time around. Other people got the shaft now.