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Killing our business with flield visits and teleconferences

The topic was " killing business" not " killing civilians." But since reading is not a strong skill of yours, I'll try and write slow, with lots of spaces for this anti-military liberal.


He made ace long ago, killing more combatants, civilians and even American citizens than anyone ever has. But like most America hating liberals like yourself he prefers to do his dirty work from a distance, anonymously.

So you can cast all your dispersions but the military is THE only thing Government does well. Everything else it does very, very badly. Obamacare or mission ready logistics, for example. I'll take those guys in Germany you throw rocks at.

The examples are myriad but you'd be too stupid to understand. When it comes to defense were your asinine comments are indefensible. Should you ever find yourself in a combat zone, well sorry but you'd be the first to go. Nothing personal, but some people just aren't worth saving.

Drive down to Jacksonville NC, check out the fat pogs with bad tattoos, and report back on how well our freedom is being protected.

To paraphrase Jack in a " Few good Men. ". " pick up a weapon and stand a post. "
Instead you take lunch orders from nurses and wear a suit to deliver pizza.
Water seeks it's own level, and sample delivery guy without the brown uniform is your greatest aspiration. Then in the next layoff- back to mall, selling shoes again.

To paraphrase Jack in a " Few good Men. ". " pick up a weapon and stand a post. "
Instead you take lunch orders from nurses and wear a suit to deliver pizza.
Water seeks it's own level, and sample delivery guy without the brown uniform is your greatest aspiration. Then in the next layoff- back to mall, selling shoes again.

Which is what most of our military is. Go drive through Jacksonville or Fayetteville and check out what they're up to when they aren't killing brown civilians then peeing on them

Sure you are.

You sound like a racist and/or a sexist to me. I guess in your infantile view of the world all minorities have to walk in lock-step and not wander off the liberal/socialist plantation. I know, compartmentalizing people based on superficial morphology is so much easier than actually acknowledging that there may be diversity of thought and ideology that transcends gender and race

LOL - most of our military is fat secretaries and losers sitting in bases in places like Kuwait and Germany and Japan - you know that right?

Also, how does killing civilians in places like Iraq and Yemen protect the homeland?

I dare you to say that to an ex-military's face. Think you'd be standing in 2 minutes? I know you know the answer to the question.

The field visits only hurt sales, to be sure, but Merck's sales will tank with or without them. The writing is on the wall. Tell your babysitter that and see how long you last.

I am telling my customers to put up no managers signs. That's the only time I try to be aggressive with my customers because I know I am doing them a huge favor.

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