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Killing our business with flield visits and teleconferences

Wake up, Fool. They are trying to get people to quit. This has nothing to do with Schering.

Ditto....Wake up! The quitting has begun!
Pushing the most ethical and hardworking out the door!!

Insanity rules. Pegging workers and letting slackers keep slackin! Trouble makers get the pass to create mayhem.

Do managers even give a hoot?!

I am afraid you are not building trust with your customers when you bring in a manager every month. Certainly 2 to 3 visits per year by a manager is ok but customers feel like they can't trust you because your manager can't trust you.

Perhaps a feedback or suggestion to PLC, director, manager, or VP on this topic. Looks like everything has changed in sales except the "watching of managers"

The only thing we are building when we bring managers and directors on fields visits is resentment by our customers that could lead to barriers for our future access. We do not need monthly field visits but management needs to justify their jobs which could mostly be done by an administrative assistant and a human resource person.

It's very simple. Merck workflow, whether in sales, R&D, or Manufacturing is based on a stringent, non-flexible hierarchy and extremely tight control and distrust of every employee by their immediate management. This philosophy is further reinforced with a high ratio of punishment versus reward, non-ending stack ranking, and a high rate of PIPs. This is, of course, in addition to the never ending layoffs.

This is not by accident. It is a purposely imposed corporate culture in certain companies. Typically, these are large, stodgy companies which have fallen on hard economic times and feel (mistakenly) that distrust and tight controls are the default, normal way of managing their ever-shrinking, battered, demoralized employee base.

Now...contrast this with newer, smaller, more nimble companies....whose main goal is to encourage, empower, and place a high degree of trust and independence onto their workers. After all, they carefully screened for and hired people they can depend on, so why would they purposely try to sabotage these hires?

Imagine that: a place where folks are made to feel that they are truly making a difference, and there is true collaboration and teamwork. Wouldn't it be something to work in an environment where the default setting is not paranoia and dog-eat-dog tactics?

Please stop hoping or praying that Merck will switch its management tactics. If it has not changed up to now, it's not going to. This is how the bigwigs want it. The piss trickles down from the top.

Be Well, bitches!

It's very simple. Merck workflow, whether in sales, R&D, or Manufacturing is based on a stringent, non-flexible hierarchy and extremely tight control and distrust of every employee by their immediate management. This philosophy is further reinforced with a high ratio of punishment versus reward, non-ending stack ranking, and a high rate of PIPs. This is, of course, in addition to the never ending layoffs.

This is not by accident. It is a purposely imposed corporate culture in certain companies. Typically, these are large, stodgy companies which have fallen on hard economic times and feel (mistakenly) that distrust and tight controls are the default, normal way of managing their ever-shrinking, battered, demoralized employee base.

Now...contrast this with newer, smaller, more nimble companies....whose main goal is to encourage, empower, and place a high degree of trust and independence onto their workers. After all, they carefully screened for and hired people they can depend on, so why would they purposely try to sabotage these hires?

Imagine that: a place where folks are made to feel that they are truly making a difference, and there is true collaboration and teamwork. Wouldn't it be something to work in an environment where the default setting is not paranoia and dog-eat-dog tactics?

Please stop hoping or praying that Merck will switch its management tactics. If it has not changed up to now, it's not going to. This is how the bigwigs want it. The piss trickles down from the top.

Be Well, bitches!

You are totally out of touch.

Management is distrusting because it fails to look at the real source of its problems......instead, it beats down on those who contribute and willingly put in the most.....

Managers want to be trusted. Reps want to be trusted. Behavior defines all. If someone is not giving you reason to distrust them and you distrust, then the root of the problem lies in you.

Work relationships are like marriage. If you feel a sense of mistrust the relationship is basically over.

If managers want to instill trust then act like you should be trusted.

Do unto others as you want them to do unto you......

Re: Killing our business with field visits and teleconferences

Face it. When you are lead by the ignorant and greedy you get the results you see.
Treat your people like worthless crap you are looked at like fools.
Take away every shred of human decency and respect you will be hated and despised.
Reward hard work and dedication with a slap in the face and people will roll over and just give up. That is the problem in our subculture. Headquarters see sales people as liabilities and leaches. Not the working ants that build and strive for more. Read the surveys. analyze them. We do not want NMIP, we do not want pats on the back. We do not want your trips. We want to be treated like human beings that count and contribute. Stop stealing the future of our once great and respected company. The board of directors and our senior leadership is failing and failing badly. Wake up and recognize the problem begins when you look in the mirror.
Once we agree this is the problem change will come. Until then, enjoy your endless filed visits, regional meetings, and teleconferences. Sales and face time with our customers is secondary to the hoop law.
Now go warn your customers that your boss wants to take over your job. That should make them feel better.

This is Exactly what was voiced and reported on Survey Results. Upper managment would just as soon ignore 2013 and move forward without really looking at the problems. They still don't get it.

9 year SP legacy rep here. 13 years prior pharm sales before SP. All I can say is WOW. I feel like I am in a nightmare. I go to bed hating my job and I wake up hating it even more. I love selling, I love interacting with my customers, I love the competition. What I hate is the Bull Sh1T. An overwhelming amount of BS. It takes me 10 minutes to open my computer and turn it on. It takes another 5 to "log in" it takes another 5-10 to go to another screen. God help me if I need to order a pack of paper to print the endless PDF files I am give away. The once a month tax mileage reports take another 20-30 minutes. If I need to add a customer to my deck...yep, you got it. 30 + minutes. Let's not mention the horse crap endeavor to submit an expense report..... Argh. Ok, now, that's before I even leave my house. Then, comes the wonderful iPad. famous handcuff that follows me everywhere. If I sit in an office making a total call it could take me 1 hour. I drive another 45 minutes through brutal traffic to my next 1 hour call. Then, off to my RFM, sit and wait entering my complete event into the Ipad. How many people ate my Boston Market, were they doctors, janitors, staff, roaches? I have no idea, but they better fall under $10 bucks a piece. If not I hear from my manger who is quick to tell me I am "burning" through my resources. Then leave office, close call and enter all the RFM info. Sync, resolve errors, sync again, stress about job because error came back. Sweat. try to delete call. Error reappears. Sweat some more, get stomach ache. try again to resolve error. Poop my pants. Say screw it. Go to next call drive around for 20 minutes to find parking all the while stressing about my f'd up lunch entry in Veeva. Finally enter office and schedule another lunch with receptionist. Here we go again. See doctor, say hello, inform her that we have a program at 7pm tomorrow night. Please come I need asses in the seat. I hear the same old response, I'll try my best I always wanted to hear an overpaid drone spew PI info. Get signature for the one sample I had left which she does not need but hey, I need proof I was here right...? On to the next call? But not before visiting the nearest unlocked bathroom. I think it's in the neighboring town. If I am lucky there wont be a dirty diaper in the stall or worse. Make that one last call following my Boston market blowout. Head home pour a tall Red wine and think about the pig crap that awaits me again tomorrow. Can we say Groundhog day here? Did I mention I hate my job? Did I mention I love my job?

9 year SP legacy rep here. 13 years prior pharm sales before SP. All I can say is WOW. I feel like I am in a nightmare. I go to bed hating my job and I wake up hating it even more. I love selling, I love interacting with my customers, I love the competition. What I hate is the Bull Sh1T. An overwhelming amount of BS. It takes me 10 minutes to open my computer and turn it on. It takes another 5 to "log in" it takes another 5-10 to go to another screen. God help me if I need to order a pack of paper to print the endless PDF files I am give away. The once a month tax mileage reports take another 20-30 minutes. If I need to add a customer to my deck...yep, you got it. 30 + minutes. Let's not mention the horse crap endeavor to submit an expense report..... Argh. Ok, now, that's before I even leave my house. Then, comes the wonderful iPad. famous handcuff that follows me everywhere. If I sit in an office making a total call it could take me 1 hour. I drive another 45 minutes through brutal traffic to my next 1 hour call. Then, off to my RFM, sit and wait entering my complete event into the Ipad. How many people ate my Boston Market, were they doctors, janitors, staff, roaches? I have no idea, but they better fall under $10 bucks a piece. If not I hear from my manger who is quick to tell me I am "burning" through my resources. Then leave office, close call and enter all the RFM info. Sync, resolve errors, sync again, stress about job because error came back. Sweat. try to delete call. Error reappears. Sweat some more, get stomach ache. try again to resolve error. Poop my pants. Say screw it. Go to next call drive around for 20 minutes to find parking all the while stressing about my f'd up lunch entry in Veeva. Finally enter office and schedule another lunch with receptionist. Here we go again. See doctor, say hello, inform her that we have a program at 7pm tomorrow night. Please come I need asses in the seat. I hear the same old response, I'll try my best I always wanted to hear an overpaid drone spew PI info. Get signature for the one sample I had left which she does not need but hey, I need proof I was here right...? On to the next call? But not before visiting the nearest unlocked bathroom. I think it's in the neighboring town. If I am lucky there wont be a dirty diaper in the stall or worse. Make that one last call following my Boston market blowout. Head home pour a tall Red wine and think about the pig crap that awaits me again tomorrow. Can we say Groundhog day here? Did I mention I hate my job? Did I mention I love my job?

The frightening thing is that this scenario is played out thousands of times a day across countless territories. Fact is, this is what happens when over-the-top monitoring, box checking, silly inefficient processes, and dumb-ass regulations replace common sense and hard work. Like it or not we are all slaves to this idiocy from the Merck BS spelled out above to Obamacare. Buckle up everyone, the ride is only going to get bumpier!

The frightening thing is that this scenario is played out thousands of times a day across countless territories. Fact is, this is what happens when over-the-top monitoring, box checking, silly inefficient processes, and dumb-ass regulations replace common sense and hard work. Like it or not we are all slaves to this idiocy from the Merck BS spelled out above to Obamacare. Buckle up everyone, the ride is only going to get bumpier!

Yes, all Obama's fault.

Yes, all Obama's fault.

No, the merck clusterfu%* wasn't caused by obama but the $8 Trillion added to the national debt and "quantitative easing" that have devalued every outstanding American Dollar are 100% obama's fault. Have you noticed how much more expensive everything is lately? You ain't seen nothin' yet.

The frightening thing is that this scenario is played out thousands of times a day across countless territories. Fact is, this is what happens when over-the-top monitoring, box checking, silly inefficient processes, and dumb-ass regulations replace common sense and hard work. Like it or not we are all slaves to this idiocy from the Merck BS spelled out above to Obamacare. Buckle up everyone, the ride is only going to get bumpier!

Just like silly endless and countless teleconferences, the more box checking one does, the less face time there is. Doesn't anyone realize that, or do they?

No, the merck clusterfu%* wasn't caused by obama but the $8 Trillion added to the national debt and "quantitative easing" that have devalued every outstanding American Dollar are 100% obama's fault. Have you noticed how much more expensive everything is lately? You ain't seen nothin' yet.

fu you tea partery

No, the merck clusterfu%* wasn't caused by obama but the $8 Trillion added to the national debt and "quantitative easing" that have devalued every outstanding American Dollar are 100% obama's fault. Have you noticed how much more expensive everything is lately? You ain't seen nothin' yet.

Yea and I must have missed republican resistance to military spending, the single largest contributor to said debt.

No, the merck clusterfu%* wasn't caused by obama but the $8 Trillion added to the national debt and "quantitative easing" that have devalued every outstanding American Dollar are 100% obama's fault. Have you noticed how much more expensive everything is lately? You ain't seen nothin' yet.

Also, what does this have to do with field visits?

Also, what does this have to do with field visits?

It doesn't. But please understand: AWRMs* need to get their daily "Obama is the Anti-Christ" post in. Regardless of the topic. It gives their life a purpose and deflects their misery from their erectile dysfunction. Even though they struggle with ED, they can always get a hard-on for Obama.

*AWRM=Angry White Republican Male

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