Face it. When you are lead by the ignorant and greedy you get the results you see.
Treat your people like worthless crap you are looked at like fools.
Take away every shred of human decency and respect you will be hated and despised.
Reward hard work and dedication with a slap in the face and people will roll over and just give up. That is the problem in our subculture. Headquarters see sales people as liabilities and leaches. Not the working ants that build and strive for more. Read the surveys. analyze them. We do not want NMIP, we do not want pats on the back. We do not want your trips. We want to be treated like human beings that count and contribute. Stop stealing the future of our once great and respected company. The board of directors and our senior leadership is failing and failing badly. Wake up and recognize the problem begins when you look in the mirror.
Once we agree this is the problem change will come. Until then, enjoy your endless filed visits, regional meetings, and teleconferences. Sales and face time with our customers is secondary to the hoop law.
Now go warn your customers that your boss wants to take over your job. That should make them feel better.