Amazes everyone how he survived another rif. Amazing. Prediction: By the time the next rif in 2013 occurs we'll be looking at his team turning over 4x. 13 RMs in 5 years so far & counting. Amazing.
Amazes everyone how he survived another rif. Amazing. Prediction: By the time the next rif in 2013 occurs we'll be looking at his team turning over 4x. 13 RMs in 5 years so far & counting. Amazing.
Now that we are on page three of this thread it's time for a reality check. I'm not impressed by Mike's skill set but to blame him for the turnover is ridiculous. All of his top talent left BSX for better opportunities and not because of anything Mike did. Why would anyone who has the opportunity to make more money somewhere else want to work for BSX? Can you name anyone who left who would be better off had they stayed to work under a new AVP?
I agree with the post before yours. While overall turnover has been high with BSC over the past few years, nobody has had higher turnover than MS. That just doesn't happen by chance --where there's smoke, there's usually fire. He's not an evil leader, just a weak leader...weak enough where his team has turned over twice in a very short time frame. I would assume sales Director's are judged on many criteria including retention compared to their peers...his is horrible. Especially when you lose good ones. Doesn't take many interactions with him to realize his business sense is poor at best. Not trying to be a basher...just telling it like it is. Just ask his current RMs or the folks who have left. It's not rocket science. There should have been a pitching change after a dozen walks. That's leadership 101.
You BSX losers don't know how lucky you are....
How is the new manager in Central PA doing?
The impossible has just happened. Sheehan lost another RM. This is beyond remarkable. Jacobs, are you that clueless? Its time for a change. Or should I say its about time!!! really, enoughs enough. How many more will it take before you get it.
This departure might save jobs. The ro-rganization is coming!
FACT: 12 RMs (& counting) have left under his leadership in 4+ years. ... has had to backfill some regions 2-3 times. Leadership defined.
1) Scott
2) Tim D.
3) Joe D.
4) Chris B
5) Andy A.
6) Kevin Z.
7) Jeff W.
8) Dale L.
9) Julie S.
10) Bill S.
11) Mike Sri.
12) Carla J.
You shouldn't blame Mike for these departures. Most of these RM's are intelligent, effective managers. If they had stayed, they would be making less $'s than the average under-performing BSX CRM sales rep on an EA.
You sound like Obama. When you're team is 0-12 who do you think deserves the blame ..the waterboy? Get a grip. When turnover is 4x the national average, there's a problem with the leadership. This issue is well known in the organization & is a running joke, yet sr leadership is out to lunch. Pull back the curtain a bit and you will see the incompetencies.