Disgruntled does not equal mediocrity. You simply sounded very disgruntled, so I called a spade a spade. If the shoe fits.
By your rationale, all of senior leadership within CDRM should be terminated. When was the last time they were held accountable to the number? When was the last time the division hit the FY number?
I will wait patiently for your response. Thank you.
And I will look for Joe F. to be terminated in January.
As a once BSX rep, now with another company, stuck with a lot of BSX stock, my wish is to see BSX middle mngmt overturn to improve the entire org. Having held several exec positions outside of this industry, my view is that BSX middle mngmgt has been ill for years and really lags behind their competitors in this catagory. Not saying other company's don't have their issues too, but it was much more pronounced when I was there and I understand most of those mngmgt members are still there. Getting rid of Chris Richardson was a good start but they didn't go far enough down the chain to really impact the need to restore business.
The word was used earlier, "Accountability" and here's what it means to me when describing mngmt;
- Be visible to staff and acct's
- Be approachable and walk the talk
- Know the product even if you havn't carried the bag. Be fluent in your profession and invest in understanding even the little stuff.
- Show support at all levels
- Eliminate the image that you never leave the house
- Answer the damn phone and stop pretending you're too busy to talk
- Take 0n-call once in a while or join them on-call to show the team you care and you're engaged
- Take short, 3 question surveys from each employee of what they consider "obstacles" that mngmt could realistically remove from their day-to-day to improve their jobs QOL. AND FOLLOW UP WITH RESPONSES TO EACH QUESTION.
- Pick 1 day a month and tell your staff a neutral location you will be at to swing by and grab a quick coffee and "catch up".
I could make an immediate impact on CRM tomorrow just by implementing these very simple and obvious measures. I'm not interested in lliving that life again but it is so clear that BSX continues to lack these small brush strokes of simple mngmt fundamentals.