All the employees are corrupt!
At which company? The "other" company or at Medi/AZ?
All the employees are corrupt!
What's going on at the facility? Looks like hiring of ex-Amgen folks is continuing...
This is not a good place to work. The Senior Leadership team has no clue. The project is a disaster and absolutely the most poorly managed project I have ever been a part of.
I've heard a number of people say that the work hours and expectations are ridiculous. Wasn't the plant supposed to operational by now?
It is stunningly behind schedule. There are hints of a start date but nothing firm. I'm not sure whether it is a failure of the PMO, construction, automation, or a combination of these. It is concerning that there doesn't appear to be a formal schedule and there is little communication about what is really going on.
Any company crazy enough to hire dozens of KBI Biopharma employees is bound to fail.
Any company crazy enough to hire dozens of KBI Biopharma employees is bound to fail.
What about all of the ex-Amgen people that were hired to save the day? Dyer, Lee, Doud, Cole, Shoffner, Weber and countless others? How's that working for AZ?
So far they aren't saving crap. Neither is the Facilities/Engineering Director who isn't ex-Amgen.
The entire leadership team is worthless. They should have been kicked to the curb with Darren.
Totally agree....Shoffner has more or less been demoted back to working in Validation. And from the rest of the SLT, I don't see any efforts to get this ship back on course. I don't know if it is because it's too big of a problem for them collectively to fix, or if their skills were actually really reflected glory from Amgen. The site still won't name an actual schedule and only looks out a couple of weeks at a time...
All those exAmgens employees went to KBI Boulder and did nothing but make a mess and now they are messing up Medimmune. Stay away from the Amgen people. Anyway, I heard KBI got one of Coherus's drugs denied approval by the FDA because of KBI's GMP Violations! Looks like Boulder biopharmas are a mess!
KBI is a joke. They cannot do anything right.
Why is the facility so behind schedule? Who's to blame?