Exactly correct.
If AIMS or Medical College or whatever they are called these days was so good, they would reject applicants...
but my guess is that everyone gets in or at least 95% plus.
Now, how is that a good situation?
Also, this has nothing to do with not being happy with "life" or whatever.
It has to do with informing desperate people, to not buy into a pipe dream that this college advertises.
Smarten up people.
Exactly. Also, keep in mind that these scammers ALWAYS use the following argument:
1) Those trying to expose them is really one guy-- an angry and jealous person who didn't get into MSC, so somehow became a competitive recruiter.
2) MSC has no BBB complaints. (They don't tell you that AIMS had many BBB complaints before it changed its name to Elite.)
3) They have placed 360, or is it 400, or is it 450, or is it 600 MSC grads. (They never tell you the real percentage of grads placed. Ask them how they came up with 81% placement.)
4) "In order to reduce confusion," they changed their recruiting arm's name from Blue Chip, to AIMS, to Elite. (Does this argument even make sense? I mean, come on... what could be more confusing than 3 different names within 4 years?)
If you who feel you've been taken by these shysters, don't hesitate to call the Attorney General's Office in your state. They won't bring you instant relief since they are overburdened, but if they receive enough complaints, they might act.