Medical Sales College. Is it for Real?

I had an interview today and this is the second device company manager that has recommended the Medical Sales College. I am starting to believe that this may be the only way to land a job. Outside of the Medical College, any other ideas of getting in? I have sent numerous resumes and have a fabulous B2B track record. However, I seem to be a good candidate just not the selected one.

When you contact the recruiters directly, sell to them like you are in an interview. Highlight your positives and show how what you previously did relates (even if you are from another industry). Such as cold calling, dealing with difficult people (some surgeons can be) and how you day to day will easily translate. The mistake many make is that they talk to a recuriter without selling themselves to the recruiter. They are the next step in many cases of getting you that interview.

I am a current regional manager with a top selling Spine Company. I remember hearing about AIMS almost three years ago. At the time, I read through this blog because it was the only place you could find information and found myself intrigued with the idea. Over the last year I have had the opportunity to work with several of their graduates as my company probably has hired 10-20 of their reps. In almost every case I can tell you unequivocally that these representatives are months if not years ahead of many that I have hired and certainly interviewed.

As for the naysayers, it is what it is. It is best explained as Cafepharma. Most of us find pure entertainment on this site. It is always good for a chuckle listening to our lame reps. I can assure you that our company is very much behind this organization and looking through the website it appears that every major player is backing them.

I am a current regional manager with a top selling Spine Company. I remember hearing about AIMS almost three years ago. At the time, I read through this blog because it was the only place you could find information and found myself intrigued with the idea. Over the last year I have had the opportunity to work with several of their graduates as my company probably has hired 10-20 of their reps. In almost every case I can tell you unequivocally that these representatives are months if not years ahead of many that I have hired and certainly interviewed.

As for the naysayers, it is what it is. It is best explained as Cafepharma. Most of us find pure entertainment on this site. It is always good for a chuckle listening to our lame reps. I can assure you that our company is very much behind this organization and looking through the website it appears that every major player is backing them.

You sound like a 30 something year old that doesn't know crap.

Lame reps?

I mean, grow up.

you act as if sales is a complicated game.

I am a current regional manager with a top selling Spine Company. I remember hearing about AIMS almost three years ago. At the time, I read through this blog because it was the only place you could find information and found myself intrigued with the idea. Over the last year I have had the opportunity to work with several of their graduates as my company probably has hired 10-20 of their reps. In almost every case I can tell you unequivocally that these representatives are months if not years ahead of many that I have hired and certainly interviewed.

As for the naysayers, it is what it is. It is best explained as Cafepharma. Most of us find pure entertainment on this site. It is always good for a chuckle listening to our lame reps. I can assure you that our company is very much behind this organization and looking through the website it appears that every major player is backing them.

My favorite part: "it appears that every major player is backing them"

You are a brillant liar!

It is an absolute joke that the uneducated would make comments about a business without understanding the processes or reasons on why a company would operate in the manner that they do. Here is another example of somebody regardless of agenda or reasoning acting as if they are an expert in the area of recruitment or medical sales. Specifically without mentioning the credentials or vast experience to make such a comment. Hiding behind anonymous post only positions the comment as an agenda item. No doubt, we have competition that is not real fond of our pricing structure and moreover success.

What is the process for Elite Med Recruiting?

I am more than willing to clear the air on the constant misconceptions within this industry.

Rarely does a candidate with no previous medical sales experience understand the process involved to both land a job and succeed. This industry as a medical sales representative is NOT easy! It is more difficult today than ever to succeed due to several changes in the industry. Hiring managers find it much more difficult to hire competitive reps due to non-competes. New reps in this business often fail because of their lack of readiness and difficulty with the learning process.

Unfortunately, many candidates have no idea of the competition they face when submitting a resume. The best way to explain is to understand what our customers (employers) are looking for in a candidate. In most instances, an opening is available due to the underperformance of the last representative. Most hiring mangers or distributors are evaluated through performance of their respective area. Due to the underperformance of this specific opening, this is why more than ever they need to hire the right candidate. Furthermore, they need performance NOW!

Just because you have selling experience does not guarantee your success in this industry. Just because you sold copiers does not necessarily make you a great fit for this opening. Do you know that the average resumes received for a device position is more than 300? How many of them do you think have solid sales track records? Sure, many of the received resumes are not nearly qualified for this position. However, 25-50 has the ABILITY to be successful in the business. Question as a recruitment company is how do you choose? Do you have any idea how many poor hiring decisions are made? Why? Well, this is very easy to explain. If we interview a candidate, are they going to tell us they work hard? Of course they are! Interviewing becomes an educated guess hopeful that your selection is the best one.

Every one of our job postings requires medical sales experience specific to the specialty advertised. Funny thing is that 90% of those that apply do not read the requirements. Is that our fault? We unlike most recruiters are focused on customer service in which we make best efforts to contact all resumes submitted. For those without specific medical sales experience we offer three suggestions to help in which one is the Medical Sales College. The other two include top B2B companies and networking ideas. With more than 28,000 resumes received monthly, we can find the right candidates. We NEVER charge a candidate for our services.

We are not only the largest recruitment company in medical device sales but also only believe in hiring with experience. That experience is either previous medical sales experience related to that specialty (meaning: relationships, ability to cover cases, ability to perform NOW!) or having received training that will result in quick relationships, ability to cover cases and perform NOW!

The training side of the business (Medical Sales College) is a huge asset and allows one more additional benefit to our corporate customers. We get the feedback of what equates to an eight-week interview. This takes the guesswork out of hiring. After eight straight weeks, the instructors know exactly how hard an individual works, ability to learn technical information, ability to sell and the likelihood of success in the field. This gives us an enormous edge over other recruitment firms and ensures a higher rate of hiring success. An employer never questions the dedication or commitment of a candidate that has invested in their business. It is so ridiculous to read the comments about the Medical Sales College. Anyone with a brain can quickly note the reasoning behind the posts. It is comical how one feels that the anonymous post has more validity than the 450 placed graduates, never receiving a complaint about its services with local governing authorities and continued comments about the BBB being an organization for marketing not protection of consumers. FYI, you keep talking about them (MSC) paying BBB, you might look again they haven’t even registered yet still have an “A” rating and no complaints. Every large medical manufacturer has done business with them and/or has representation of a Medical Sales College graduate. Anyway…

Because we as a company have placed such a high level of importance on experience and immediate productivity for our employers, this is why our demand has exploded. In July we had less than 80 open positions. In the last six months we have seen that number rise on a monthly basis and now have more than 235 positions open right now! These positions are medical sales distributors and hiring managers that too are requiring either level of experience as noted above.

One last thought, knowing that we operate as one of the last recruitment firms on contingency recruiting, why wouldn’t a hiring manager give us a shot. The only pay us if they hire from us. Our fee (this is why we are hated – probably the reason for posts), experienced competitive reps we charge an employer only $2,000 which is often 10%-20% of what a traditional recruiter charges. How can we do this? Simple, we place more candidates than anyone. We have a team of 10 experienced outside recruiters and 15 more internally. We only work medical sales positions.

I invite anyone with questions to email me and will be willing to respond. I wish everyone success specifically those in this great industry!

Scott Binder
President, EliteMed Recruiting

And then she was gone

Not gone, just working… The intent of posting is not to make a “part-time job” of it, but to respond on occasion and when necessary.

Response to Post #32 – Thank you for reminding folks that I did not indicate that any certification is required, only that the training provided by MSC would help. Thank you and your company for the more than 30 hires and am happy to see the success.

Response to Post #38 – We are seeing more and more companies that are familiar with our process and who are specifically requesting MSC grads to fill their sales positions. It’s people like Brandon R. (see our Facebook page at that are paving the way for new grads. Brandon had been out of college for just two years when he came through the Ortho Recon program at MSC. He was hired by Bacterin International, Inc. in February of 2011 and was promoted about 3 weeks ago to Regional Vice President, Midwest!

Response to Post #42 – I agree whole-heartedly! This industry is all about SELLING! Sell yourself to recruiters, sell yourself with your resume, sell yourself to hiring managers and always CLOSE!

Response to Post #43 – Thank you for your support of our program. I have an idea of your specific company based on the number of hires. I quickly noted that #44 mentioned a small yet “nice” spine company making a poke at your words. We often see on Cafepharma people acting as if our graduates are finding “second-tier” positions or outside of medical sales completely. In actuality, this couldn’t be further from the truth. You made mention of major device manufactures backing our educational platform. We agree, as some of the largest medical device manufactures are being represented with our graduates. Currently we have 136 GRADUATES of our medical sales platform that were hired JUST with ZIMMER, DEPUY and BIOMET!

A couple other recent highlights…

We’d like to congratulate Jonathan S., Joe C., and Jason S., who came in 1st, 2nd and 3rd as top sales performers with Arteriocyte.

Also, take a look at our Facebook page at and you will see a sampling of our recent placements…

David C. – DePuy (not even posted yet)
Audra D. – Universal Medical (spine implants)
Chad P. – DePuy
Amy W. – Osiris Therapeutics (stem cell biologics)
Kyle F. – Zimmer
Anthony M. – TriMed (extremities)
Shilen P. – DePuy
Joe L. – Biomet
Brandon S. – Zimmer
Mark M. – Stryker
Corey H. – SpineVision

Good luck to you all!

Shannon Marshall
Director of Social Media

good thing i read this, i was about to sign up..thanks.

Not sure how or why you would be signing up for AIMS, this is the thread for the Medical Sales College. AIMS hasn't been around since 2010.

The Medical Sales College has been around since 2010. The Medical Sales College is a licensed, regulated, bonded and approved college. MSC has had over two hundred students and never a complaint.

If you are making your decision on that report, you might want to look at the Medical Sales College

It as an “A” rated company with zero complaints.

My guess is that the 3:43 post responded quickly at 6:58 when nobody else responded.

Same owner different name. Does the name change automatically erase the bad history? That's why it's important to mention AIMS and MSC in the same sentence. Funny though, you are more than happy to include placements made during the AIMS era to market and promote MSC. So you want to pick and choose when to associate MSC with AIMS only when it favors you. We don't expect you to understand this because you don't want to bite the hand that feeds you so ignorance is bliss. Enjoy.

Not sure how or why you would be signing up for AIMS, this is the thread for the Medical Sales College. AIMS hasn't been around since 2010.

The Medical Sales College has been around since 2010. The Medical Sales College is a licensed, regulated, bonded and approved college. MSC has had over two hundred students and never a complaint.

If you are making your decision on that report, you might want to look at the Medical Sales College

It as an “A” rated company with zero complaints.

My guess is that the 3:43 post responded quickly at 6:58 when nobody else responded.

Not gone, just working… The intent of posting is not to make a “part-time job” of it, but to respond on occasion and when necessary.

Response to Post #32 – Thank you for reminding folks that I did not indicate that any certification is required, only that the training provided by MSC would help. Thank you and your company for the more than 30 hires and am happy to see the success.

Response to Post #38 – We are seeing more and more companies that are familiar with our process and who are specifically requesting MSC grads to fill their sales positions. It’s people like Brandon R. (see our Facebook page at that are paving the way for new grads. Brandon had been out of college for just two years when he came through the Ortho Recon program at MSC. He was hired by Bacterin International, Inc. in February of 2011 and was promoted about 3 weeks ago to Regional Vice President, Midwest!

Response to Post #42 – I agree whole-heartedly! This industry is all about SELLING! Sell yourself to recruiters, sell yourself with your resume, sell yourself to hiring managers and always CLOSE!

Response to Post #43 – Thank you for your support of our program. I have an idea of your specific company based on the number of hires. I quickly noted that #44 mentioned a small yet “nice” spine company making a poke at your words. We often see on Cafepharma people acting as if our graduates are finding “second-tier” positions or outside of medical sales completely. In actuality, this couldn’t be further from the truth. You made mention of major device manufactures backing our educational platform. We agree, as some of the largest medical device manufactures are being represented with our graduates. Currently we have 136 GRADUATES of our medical sales platform that were hired JUST with ZIMMER, DEPUY and BIOMET!

A couple other recent highlights…

We’d like to congratulate Jonathan S., Joe C., and Jason S., who came in 1st, 2nd and 3rd as top sales performers with Arteriocyte.

Also, take a look at our Facebook page at and you will see a sampling of our recent placements…

David C. – DePuy (not even posted yet)
Audra D. – Universal Medical (spine implants)
Chad P. – DePuy
Amy W. – Osiris Therapeutics (stem cell biologics)
Kyle F. – Zimmer
Anthony M. – TriMed (extremities)
Shilen P. – DePuy
Joe L. – Biomet
Brandon S. – Zimmer
Mark M. – Stryker
Corey H. – SpineVision

Good luck to you all!

Shannon Marshall
Director of Social Media

I respect your attempt at transparency, but any intelligent person is not going to fall for this scam that your company has going.

Don't worry though, a sucker is born every minute!

I respect your attempt at transparency, but any intelligent person is not going to fall for this scam that your company has going.

Don't worry though, a sucker is born every minute!

136 placements with the top 3, 500-600 more placements all verifiable through sources!

I enrolled last week and damn happy! You my friend are the transparent one. You obviously have a lot of time on your hands..... :)

You call it a scam the rest of us are/will be enjoying the profession of medical sales.

I think we all get it, the course is a Scam .. and the people running it keeps coming here to post hoping someone will believe them. I am sure there are desperate people out there that will pay for the course and find out later it's not worth it.

That covers it.

Another thing to consider is that these jobs are obtained mostly through networking and some sales experience, and that companies can train their people.

This "college" is just a scam, and works mostly for desperate people that don't know the world, and the ways of the world...

In other words, this college is good for people that actually think the world is an honest place and that people have integrity.

Nothing could be further from the truth. And those of us that work for major corporations, can attest to that, thank you very much.

That covers it.

Another thing to consider is that these jobs are obtained mostly through networking and some sales experience, and that companies can train their people.

This "college" is just a scam, and works mostly for desperate people that don't know the world, and the ways of the world...

In other words, this college is good for people that actually think the world is an honest place and that people have integrity.

Nothing could be further from the truth. And those of us that work for major corporations, can attest to that, thank you very much.

I am one of the hiring managers for a device company, and the above poster is correct.
We have our own program to train the right people, If anyone out there wants my suggest as far as what background we like, here it is and it is free.
Background with B2B sales company(copier sales, ADP (pay roll), uniform sales), these are known in the industry to be very hard to last if you lack any selling skills/work ethics. Stay with these company for at least 1 1/2 yr to 2 yrs and do really well and document it and I will assure you that any device companies will want to talk to you.

Not sure how or why you would be signing up for AIMS, this is the thread for the Medical Sales College. AIMS hasn't been around since 2010.

The Medical Sales College has been around since 2010. The Medical Sales College is a licensed, regulated, bonded and approved college. MSC has had over two hundred students and never a complaint.

If you are making your decision on that report, you might want to look at the Medical Sales College

It as an “A” rated company with zero complaints.

My guess is that the 3:43 post responded quickly at 6:58 when nobody else responded.

Are you serious? Here it is folks. For those not in the know, Medical Sales College was formerly known as AIMS and was located in Memphis. AIMS had a shoddy reputation and received legitimate complaints from students. The business names were changed supposedly because they were now registered with the state of Colorado as an education company. By registering with the state they were given a convenient excuse to change the name, rebrand themselves and rid themselves of some of the "reputation baggage" that lingered from AIMS. I think the important thing to note here is that for those that got burned, the individual that was instrumental at AIMS is still in control at MSC and many think he and his cronies can't be trusted.

If I were researching this, I'd be searching for anything in Colorado and TN (Memphis) that referenced:
AIMS (definitely BBB complaints)
Blue Chip Recruiting
Medical Sales College
Elite Medical Recruiting

Now supposedly the recruiting arm is separately owned and managed, but they have an "agreement" to place the MSC students. Look at the MSC site and look at the Elite Medical Recruiting site. One site is as glossy slick as the other and I'm not at all convinced that they aren't still controlled totally by the guy who is behind the reputation problems.

There seems to be only 1 or 2 people with this group who've stayed around for long. Why is that? Why the need for all the name changes? Why the need to relocate? Why the spinoffs? I know what they'd had you believe, but does it make sense to you?