the Director of Social Media
Nobody is just a peon at MSC it seems. Everyone is a VP of this or a Director of that
Nobody is just a peon at MSC it seems. Everyone is a VP of this or a Director of that
I had an interview today and this is the second device company manager that has recommended the Medical Sales College. I am starting to believe that this may be the only way to land a job. Outside of the Medical College, any other ideas of getting in? I have sent numerous resumes and have a fabulous B2B track record. However, I seem to be a good candidate just not the selected one.
I am a current regional manager with a top selling Spine Company.
I am a current regional manager with a top selling Spine Company. I remember hearing about AIMS almost three years ago. At the time, I read through this blog because it was the only place you could find information and found myself intrigued with the idea. Over the last year I have had the opportunity to work with several of their graduates as my company probably has hired 10-20 of their reps. In almost every case I can tell you unequivocally that these representatives are months if not years ahead of many that I have hired and certainly interviewed.
As for the naysayers, it is what it is. It is best explained as Cafepharma. Most of us find pure entertainment on this site. It is always good for a chuckle listening to our lame reps. I can assure you that our company is very much behind this organization and looking through the website it appears that every major player is backing them.
I am a current regional manager with a top selling Spine Company. I remember hearing about AIMS almost three years ago. At the time, I read through this blog because it was the only place you could find information and found myself intrigued with the idea. Over the last year I have had the opportunity to work with several of their graduates as my company probably has hired 10-20 of their reps. In almost every case I can tell you unequivocally that these representatives are months if not years ahead of many that I have hired and certainly interviewed.
As for the naysayers, it is what it is. It is best explained as Cafepharma. Most of us find pure entertainment on this site. It is always good for a chuckle listening to our lame reps. I can assure you that our company is very much behind this organization and looking through the website it appears that every major player is backing them.
My favorite part: "it appears that every major player is backing them"
You are a brillant liar!
And then she was gone
good thing i read this, i was about to sign up..thanks.
Not sure how or why you would be signing up for AIMS, this is the thread for the Medical Sales College. AIMS hasn't been around since 2010.
The Medical Sales College has been around since 2010. The Medical Sales College is a licensed, regulated, bonded and approved college. MSC has had over two hundred students and never a complaint.
If you are making your decision on that report, you might want to look at the Medical Sales College
It as an “A” rated company with zero complaints.
My guess is that the 3:43 post responded quickly at 6:58 when nobody else responded.
Not gone, just working… The intent of posting is not to make a “part-time job” of it, but to respond on occasion and when necessary.
Response to Post #32 – Thank you for reminding folks that I did not indicate that any certification is required, only that the training provided by MSC would help. Thank you and your company for the more than 30 hires and am happy to see the success.
Response to Post #38 – We are seeing more and more companies that are familiar with our process and who are specifically requesting MSC grads to fill their sales positions. It’s people like Brandon R. (see our Facebook page at that are paving the way for new grads. Brandon had been out of college for just two years when he came through the Ortho Recon program at MSC. He was hired by Bacterin International, Inc. in February of 2011 and was promoted about 3 weeks ago to Regional Vice President, Midwest!
Response to Post #42 – I agree whole-heartedly! This industry is all about SELLING! Sell yourself to recruiters, sell yourself with your resume, sell yourself to hiring managers and always CLOSE!
Response to Post #43 – Thank you for your support of our program. I have an idea of your specific company based on the number of hires. I quickly noted that #44 mentioned a small yet “nice” spine company making a poke at your words. We often see on Cafepharma people acting as if our graduates are finding “second-tier” positions or outside of medical sales completely. In actuality, this couldn’t be further from the truth. You made mention of major device manufactures backing our educational platform. We agree, as some of the largest medical device manufactures are being represented with our graduates. Currently we have 136 GRADUATES of our medical sales platform that were hired JUST with ZIMMER, DEPUY and BIOMET!
A couple other recent highlights…
We’d like to congratulate Jonathan S., Joe C., and Jason S., who came in 1st, 2nd and 3rd as top sales performers with Arteriocyte.
Also, take a look at our Facebook page at and you will see a sampling of our recent placements…
David C. – DePuy (not even posted yet)
Audra D. – Universal Medical (spine implants)
Chad P. – DePuy
Amy W. – Osiris Therapeutics (stem cell biologics)
Kyle F. – Zimmer
Anthony M. – TriMed (extremities)
Shilen P. – DePuy
Joe L. – Biomet
Brandon S. – Zimmer
Mark M. – Stryker
Corey H. – SpineVision
Good luck to you all!
Shannon Marshall
Director of Social Media
I respect your attempt at transparency, but any intelligent person is not going to fall for this scam that your company has going.
Don't worry though, a sucker is born every minute!
That covers it.
Another thing to consider is that these jobs are obtained mostly through networking and some sales experience, and that companies can train their people.
This "college" is just a scam, and works mostly for desperate people that don't know the world, and the ways of the world...
In other words, this college is good for people that actually think the world is an honest place and that people have integrity.
Nothing could be further from the truth. And those of us that work for major corporations, can attest to that, thank you very much.
Not sure how or why you would be signing up for AIMS, this is the thread for the Medical Sales College. AIMS hasn't been around since 2010.
The Medical Sales College has been around since 2010. The Medical Sales College is a licensed, regulated, bonded and approved college. MSC has had over two hundred students and never a complaint.
If you are making your decision on that report, you might want to look at the Medical Sales College
It as an “A” rated company with zero complaints.
My guess is that the 3:43 post responded quickly at 6:58 when nobody else responded.