very true.
this marshall women must be a young woman, who doesn't know much about the corporate world.
its funny how this organization uses a woman as their front, because the "leaders" don't have the courage to post.
Once you get about 5 years of sales experience (pharma sales is sales and don't let people fool you into thinking it is not), you can sell anything.
Even if you don't have the techinical knowledge on a product or the other background necessary, you can easily learn that if you are smart, and then, apply the sales model and market model and work ethic and presentation skills to be successful.
Sales is not a complicated job.
And I can't stand people that claim it is.
Those that claim sales is complicated, are really not good sales people!
I appreciate you believing that I am a young person. I feel younger if that counts!
I have experience up and above having the current position as the Director of Social Media, which included managing an entire medical device recruitment team. I have spoken with hundreds of the top executives in medical sales. I understand a thing or two about the corporate world. Specifically what hiring managers are looking for.
Do you really expect our “leaders” to worry about positing or more important spending time posting on websites? You question courage? I would question why they would spend anytime and frankly would be concerned. Much to your dismay and efforts, do you know that we rarely have a prospective student even bring up Cafepharma? Then again with the larger amount of accepted students coming from referrals, why would we? Lastly, did you know we receive almost 30,000 resumes monthly? That’s a lot of people to catch with your agenda.
As far as experience outside of medical sales, it goes to an earlier post that I explained the more than 375 resumes received per position. You better have something really good standout on your resume. Even though you can sell “anything” you still need an opportunity first to get the interview, then to get the job.
Shannon Marshall
Director of Social Media
Medical Sales College