Medical Sales College. Is it for Real?

Is this not the same claim you have made about the Medical Sales College for the last two years daily?

An unverifiable name? He is on LinkedIn just like hundreds of others with Medical Sales College as have attended. Funny almost all of them have medical sales jobs too! So they create hundreds of fake LinkedIn pages then connect them with thousands in the industry. Then they make hundreds of fake Facebook pages too! Connect these fake profiles with 1000’s of other fake profiles.

Once that is completed, and then they find executives and surgeons and make fake YouTube Videos of them too! They make the fake surgeons who “love” the College and then goes as far as making fake surgeon websites and hundreds of links to these fake surgeons who love the school. In addition, these fake surgeons are listed in publications and have received “Top Doctor” awards from national publications although they too are fake.

Then they record fake employers who attest to the success of the college who also have fake LinkedIn profiles and then connect those executives to all fake people within their companies.

Lastly just to commit a few more felonies, the take this college and license it with fake documents with the Department of Higher Education. They get a license to operate as a college and continue to seek victims although after two years with the Department of Higher Education, with millions of victims they never receive a single complaint about all these “fake” things.

Then some 18,000 people watch all these fake videos of fake student testimonials and fake surgeon testimonials and fake employer testimonials.

Yea, your post has a lot of creditability. LOL

Is this not the same claim you have made about the Medical Sales College for the last two years daily?

An unverifiable name? He is on LinkedIn just like hundreds of others with Medical Sales College as have attended. Funny almost all of them have medical sales jobs too! So they create hundreds of fake LinkedIn pages then connect them with thousands in the industry. Then they make hundreds of fake Facebook pages too! Connect these fake profiles with 1000’s of other fake profiles.

Once that is completed, and then they find executives and surgeons and make fake YouTube Videos of them too! They make the fake surgeons who “love” the College and then goes as far as making fake surgeon websites and hundreds of links to these fake surgeons who love the school. In addition, these fake surgeons are listed in publications and have received “Top Doctor” awards from national publications although they too are fake.

Then they record fake employers who attest to the success of the college who also have fake LinkedIn profiles and then connect those executives to all fake people within their companies.

Lastly just to commit a few more felonies, the take this college and license it with fake documents with the Department of Higher Education. They get a license to operate as a college and continue to seek victims although after two years with the Department of Higher Education, with millions of victims they never receive a single complaint about all these “fake” things.

Then some 18,000 people watch all these fake videos of fake student testimonials and fake surgeon testimonials and fake employer testimonials.

Yea, your post has a lot of creditability. LOL

Yeah, and everyone on my LinkedIN and FB is a personal friend and coworker. Get real. You have a handful of REAL students who got jobs and a FEW doctors that YOU PAID to make a video. F.U. You make me sick. No one is going to complain about "fake" shit on the internet - will never happen. I have 500 people who've watched my cat video. You lose that one too. So, you had 18000 hits on YouTube - don't make me laugh. Who cares? And, you saw fit to publicize yourself some more by posting the link (AGAIN). Honestly, I am surprised that CP lets this shit slide. You have that many hits thanks to being here all the time mouthing off. Most people have to pay for advertising space. Go away and market yourself in a more ethical manner or better yet, just close your doors and quit trying to drum up business from people that could do better elsewhere for the money. Your entire program could be offered online for probably 2500 and accomplish the same thing in less time and for less money.

Yeah, and everyone on my LinkedIN and FB is a personal friend and coworker. Get real. You have a handful of REAL students who got jobs and a FEW doctors that YOU PAID to make a video. F.U. You make me sick. No one is going to complain about "fake" shit on the internet - will never happen.....

Um... I think that is the basis of CP! Have you ever actually read any other postings? 99.9% is complaining about the industry, manager, company, compensation usually some low-life that didn't get the winning lottery ticket! Hiding behind that keyboard and screen like a coward under the name "anonymous". The quality of information on CP is similar to the quality of a $30 Rolex replica. Every single pharmaceutical and device company has a thread on CP. Do you see any that are favorable? Nope, just a bunch of losers that couldn't cut the high demands of a "big-man's" world of selling!

If you want to find quality information, CP is not the place. If you want funny stories and a good read, this is the place for that! So thanks for the post little white kitten boy!

Yeah, and everyone on my LinkedIN and FB is a personal friend and coworker. Get real. You have a handful of REAL students who got jobs and a FEW doctors that YOU PAID to make a video. F.U. You make me sick. No one is going to complain about "fake" shit on the internet - will never happen.....

Um... I think that is the basis of CP! Have you ever actually read any other postings? 99.9% is complaining about the industry, manager, company, compensation usually some low-life that didn't get the winning lottery ticket! Hiding behind that keyboard and screen like a coward under the name "anonymous". The quality of information on CP is similar to the quality of a $30 Rolex replica. Every single pharmaceutical and device company has a thread on CP. Do you see any that are favorable? Nope, just a bunch of losers that couldn't cut the high demands of a "big-man's" world of selling!

If you want to find quality information, CP is not the place. If you want funny stories and a good read, this is the place for that! So thanks for the post little white kitten boy!

Obviously an MSC person attacking Cafepharma for providing a forum for informed people to expose their SCAM.

Let's face it, putting "MSC" on a resume is pretty much like putting "SUCKER" on a resume. And who wants to hire a sucker?

Go MSC!!!

Obviously an MSC person attacking Cafepharma for providing a forum for informed people to expose their SCAM.

Let's face it, putting "MSC" on a resume is pretty much like putting "SUCKER" on a resume. And who wants to hire a sucker?

Go MSC!!!

Well, the answer to that would be more than 80% of their students and 600 people placed. Let's face it.... it works and you were not invited to the party!

As to the "informed parties", yes thousands of threads exposing that every company on CP is a scam.. Lol


Well, the answer to that would be more than 80% of their students and 600 people placed. Let's face it.... it works and you were not invited to the party!

As to the "informed parties", yes thousands of threads exposing that every company on CP is a scam.. Lol


Is there any doubt that the author of the above works for or owns EliteMed-MSC? Still think their "college" and "recruiting arm" are legit?

One giveaway that this college is a scam is that the call you after you submit them your resume, but they never talk to you about the position you sent your resume for. They just want you to enroll in their school and pay.

One giveaway that this college is a scam is that the call you after you submit them your resume, but they never talk to you about the position you sent your resume for. They just want you to enroll in their school and pay.

If you have experience selling device, then I agree this might not be the best scenario for you.

However, if you are one of hundreds applying for jobs with no responses, then how can you deny the results. As much of the information is available, it is obvious that the college clearly gives you an advantage over other applicants. You do not see results working for almost 500+ people if it didn't work

My name is Becker Sams and was recently contacted by someone via Linkedin asking me about the Medical Sales College. Upon speaking with him, he quickly let me know about this site, and what is being posted about MSC. As a busy orthopedic device rep, I don’t have time to spend reading blogs such as this, however I was interested in what was being written, and to say the least, I am appalled.

I am a former graduate of the Medical Sales College who upon graduation was interviewed by numerous companies and quickly hired by a top orthopedic company. I have personally recommended the Medical Sales College to individuals who have gone on to have successful careers in medical device sales. I know first-hand how well their programs prepare you to enter this field. It even appears the anonymous author of this post agrees the instructors were “exceptional” in their teachings. In fact, my former company feels so strongly about the instruction at MSC they would send their existing sales reps to the Medical Sales College for continued training. So the question arises, if the educational platform was so well executed why are you having trouble getting a job?

I believe the Medical Sales College is a lot like College and/or Grad School. Just because you earn a degree in Engineering, for example, does not guarantee you a job as an engineer. That is not how things work. You have to work hard after graduating to pursue your dream job. The college you graduate from cannot get you a job interview, they cannot go to the interview for you, they cannot ask for the job for you…. That is all up to you! If you plan on waiting for job to come to you, it may be a long wait. Just like sales, you have to get out there, market yourself, network and work hard to land your ideal job. I can tell you from personal experience, that I would never in a million years be where I am today without the Medical Sales College.

I invite anyone that is interested in the Medical Sales College and has questions about the ridiculous, negative posts to please contact me with any questions you may have. The best way is through email, or via cell 601-594-1010.

I attended the college a couple weeks ago as part of a corporate sponsored training program from Biomet. They have used the college several times for our sales organization. The complex was well ran, instructors well informed and definitely worth my time out of the field. Our entire executive corporate team was in attendance at the college including our VP of Sales, Phil Lewis. One of our managers is interviewing a couple graduates this week.

I agree with the post above as nothing is guaranteed. However, considering we are a billion dollar plus company and our training department and executives feel this strong about the program, it does have its place in medical sales.

I attended the college a couple weeks ago as part of a corporate sponsored training program from Biomet. They have used the college several times for our sales organization. The complex was well ran, instructors well informed and definitely worth my time out of the field. Our entire executive corporate team was in attendance at the college including our VP of Sales, Phil Lewis. One of our managers is interviewing a couple graduates this week.

I agree with the post above as nothing is guaranteed. However, considering we are a billion dollar plus company and our training department and executives feel this strong about the program, it does have its place in medical sales.

Right, I'm sure you really are with Biomet. People are smarter than you think... well, except MSC suckers...I mean students.

If you have experience selling device, then I agree this might not be the best scenario for you.

However, if you are one of hundreds applying for jobs with no responses, then how can you deny the results. As much of the information is available, it is obvious that the college clearly gives you an advantage over other applicants. You do not see results working for almost 500+ people if it didn't work

Are you then saying that the only people "qualified" for MSC are those unqualified for medical sales? Interestingly, you also boast that EliteMed recruiters actually recruit for device companies. (We all know device companies only want experienced, currently working medical sales reps, not MSC graduates.)

I guess you've just admitted that EliteMed recruiters only really recruit victims for MSC.

Right, I'm sure you really are with Biomet. People are smarter than you think... well, except MSC suckers...I mean students.

I highly doubt someone would use the company name and VP of Sales if it didn't really exist. According to the corporate page, more than 10 other device companies have seeked training at MSC too!

I highly doubt someone would use the company name and VP of Sales if it didn't really exist. According to the corporate page, more than 10 other device companies have seeked training at MSC too!

Can you see how MSC minces words? Saying that large companies, e.g., Biomet, use their program to train current employees is NOT the same as saying that Biomet seeks to hire MSC graduates who have zero industry experience.

Also, notice that MSC keeps posting on Cafepharma and elsewhere as non-MSC people? Everyone knows that all the pro-MSC posts are by MSC. There is no way they are legit.

Can you see how MSC minces words? Saying that large companies, e.g., Biomet, use their program to train current employees is NOT the same as saying that Biomet seeks to hire MSC graduates who have zero industry experience.

Also, notice that MSC keeps posting on Cafepharma and elsewhere as non-MSC people? Everyone knows that all the pro-MSC posts are by MSC. There is no way they are legit.

I agree that they prey on desperate people. I would be embarrassed to put medical sales college on my resume.

I interviewed this morning with a trauma company who suggested the Medical Sales College. I stumbled on this site when I was googling information on the school.

This poster is obviously bat shit crazy! It is very easy to figure out the legitimacy of this program. I just finished looking through LinkedIn and under “people” I placed the Medical Sales College. I looked through more than 300 people ALL with the Medical Sales College listed as education or work and 80%+ have jobs in medical sales!!!! Maybe you should go to the college and you can get off of this site and start working!

I am not sure why they would need a media manager to respond when you can judge the program by yourself. This site and the above responses are a joke! True, I hadn’t heard of the school before my interview today but when a company tells you to attend, I see more than 300 people who have attended and almost all of them have jobs!

How can this idiot make a comment that “there is no way they are legit”? or “someone would be embarrassed to put the Medical Sales College” on a resume?

What a loser!!!

I interviewed this morning with a trauma company who suggested the Medical Sales College. I stumbled on this site when I was googling information on the school.

This poster is obviously bat shit crazy! It is very easy to figure out the legitimacy of this program. I just finished looking through LinkedIn and under “people” I placed the Medical Sales College. I looked through more than 300 people ALL with the Medical Sales College listed as education or work and 80%+ have jobs in medical sales!!!! Maybe you should go to the college and you can get off of this site and start working!

I am not sure why they would need a media manager to respond when you can judge the program by yourself. This site and the above responses are a joke! True, I hadn’t heard of the school before my interview today but when a company tells you to attend, I see more than 300 people who have attended and almost all of them have jobs!

How can this idiot make a comment that “there is no way they are legit”? or “someone would be embarrassed to put the Medical Sales College” on a resume?

What a loser!!!

Not really. I did the same search just to see. I even typed in an advanced search. What I found was that only about half of the people that come up who attended are even working in "medical sales" and many are independent 1099 reps. A good portion are not working in the industry at all. The only ones that ARE working in MEDICAL SALES AND WENT TO MSC, seemed to have gotten jobs in ortho or trauma and that's it. So, please, do not come here and over-exaggerate the advantages of this program. I read a few biographies and most of the "employees" were young, had no experience in medical sales but experience in other sales and moved to ortho sales. I even come up in the pack and I can assure you that I never went to MSC. So there.

Not really. I did the same search just to see. I even typed in an advanced search. What I found was that only about half of the people that come up who attended are even working in "medical sales" and many are independent 1099 reps. A good portion are not working in the industry at all. The only ones that ARE working in MEDICAL SALES AND WENT TO MSC, seemed to have gotten jobs in ortho or trauma and that's it. So, please, do not come here and over-exaggerate the advantages of this program. I read a few biographies and most of the "employees" were young, had no experience in medical sales but experience in other sales and moved to ortho sales. I even come up in the pack and I can assure you that I never went to MSC. So there.

Yea, I believe you are wrong and will get back with you on that a little later. Since you never attended MSC, I will take your thoughts about the program with a grain of salt. Like I said, this is the first time I have looked into the school and since an actual employer recommended, I will believe them more than you. As a side note, when you looked at their profiles, I am curious how you know which people are 1099 versus a W2? I interviewed with the LARGEST trauma company and they are a distributorship and filling a position that is 1099! Does one really matter over the other?

Yea, I believe you are wrong and will get back with you on that a little later. Since you never attended MSC, I will take your thoughts about the program with a grain of salt. Like I said, this is the first time I have looked into the school and since an actual employer recommended, I will believe them more than you. As a side note, when you looked at their profiles, I am curious how you know which people are 1099 versus a W2? I interviewed with the LARGEST trauma company and they are a distributorship and filling a position that is 1099! Does one really matter over the other?

1099 depends what you want and how much risk/investment you're willing to make. Many 1099 positions are commission only and you use your own car, your own gas, buy your own inventory, use your own cell and computer, pay all your own travel/hotel expenses, and basically have to bust your butt to even begin to break even. However, it is possible after about three years to really make some serious cash. How did I know? I clicked on each profile and read where they work and what they do for a living. By chance was this an employer on the MSC website? LOL