Medical Sales College. Is it for Real?

Re: Sounds a lot like MSC.

Check out what happened to this for-profit college grad featured today in Yahoo Finance. Sounds a lot like a Medical Sales College grad.

"He fell for their sales pitch, hook line and sinker

"I should have seen all the signs. [The campus tour guide] had a used car salesman answer for everything," Keith recalls.

The magic number was always 99 percent–whether Keith asked how many enrolled students graduated or how many graduates scored jobs afterward.

Feeling confident, Keith took out $46,000 in private loans."

Link to full article:

Medical Sales College love to tell their potential victims, I mean potential students, that only one guy is writing against them.

Interestingly, California Culinary Academy doesn't have a single Ripoff Report on them, yet they obviously have tons on victims.

3-Year Extension of MSC's License to Steal

Medical Sales College (MSC) recently released to the press a cleverly disguised advertisement about the extension of their Colorado license for a further 3 years.

What MSC conveniently fails to mention is that Allison Sherry, of the Denver Post, wrote that “[for-profit] colleges have found fertile ground to operate in Colorado because the state has not required much to open a campus or a storefront school.”

This link to the article shows it was published circa when MSC first opened, proving that MSC’s license indeed did not require much to obtain. .

Of course, what is even more interesting is that MSC’s press release boasts that “72% of their graduates in 2011 found jobs in medical sales.” This raises the following questions:

1) If their claim of an 81% placement rate in 2010 and a 72% rate in 2011 were true, then how can MSC also claim to have placed a total of 500 graduates since they opened, when their press release clearly says “MSC has now trained in excess of 1,000 students through its medical sales educational platform.” Doesn’t this necessarily mean that less that 50% of their graduates found jobs in the field?

2) Also, who placed these graduates, MSC, EliteMed Recruiting or both? For all we know, graduates placed themselves, thereby nullifying the implied purpose of EliteMed as recruiting for companies, not just for MSC.

3) Finally, where is the proof for their 72% placement claim? For whatever reason, MSC refuses to provide this information.

Instead, MSC directs readers to research their placement data directly from the state, or through links that ultimately fail to answer how they calculated the 72% figure. We will never know for sure if the 72% is based on all of their 2011 students, just their graduates or, perhaps, just those at the top of their classes.

MSC continues to lure potential students through unsubstantiated press releases, fake EliteMed job advertisements, and aggressive recruitment tactics. They think that repeating claims often enough will make them facts.

I’m not buying it, and neither should you. Again, all I have written are just my opinions. Caveat emptor, let the buyer beware.

Link to MSC’s cleverly disguised advertisement (a.k.a., their press release): .

Re: 3-Year Extension of MSC's License to Steal

Medical Sales College (MSC) recently released to the press a cleverly disguised advertisement about the extension of their Colorado license for a further 3 years.

What MSC conveniently fails to mention is that Allison Sherry, of the Denver Post, wrote that “[for-profit] colleges have found fertile ground to operate in Colorado because the state has not required much to open a campus or a storefront school.”

This link to the article shows it was published circa when MSC first opened, proving that MSC’s license indeed did not require much to obtain. .

Of course, what is even more interesting is that MSC’s press release boasts that “72% of their graduates in 2011 found jobs in medical sales.” This raises the following questions:

1) If their claim of an 81% placement rate in 2010 and a 72% rate in 2011 were true, then how can MSC also claim to have placed a total of 500 graduates since they opened, when their press release clearly says “MSC has now trained in excess of 1,000 students through its medical sales educational platform.” Doesn’t this necessarily mean that less that 50% of their graduates found jobs in the field?

2) Also, who placed these graduates, MSC, EliteMed Recruiting or both? For all we know, graduates placed themselves, thereby nullifying the implied purpose of EliteMed as recruiting for companies, not just for MSC.

3) Finally, where is the proof for their 72% placement claim? For whatever reason, MSC refuses to provide this information.

Instead, MSC directs readers to research their placement data directly from the state, or through links that ultimately fail to answer how they calculated the 72% figure. We will never know for sure if the 72% is based on all of their 2011 students, just their graduates or, perhaps, just those at the top of their classes.

MSC continues to lure potential students through unsubstantiated press releases, fake EliteMed job advertisements, and aggressive recruitment tactics. They think that repeating claims often enough will make them facts.

I’m not buying it, and neither should you. Again, all I have written are just my opinions. Caveat emptor, let the buyer beware.

Link to MSC’s cleverly disguised advertisement (a.k.a., their press release): .

Sooooo true!

Re: 3-Year Extension of MSC's License to Steal

Medical Sales College (MSC) recently released to the press a cleverly disguised advertisement about the extension of their Colorado license for a further 3 years.

What MSC conveniently fails to mention is that Allison Sherry, of the Denver Post, wrote that “[for-profit] colleges have found fertile ground to operate in Colorado because the state has not required much to open a campus or a storefront school.”

This link to the article shows it was published circa when MSC first opened, proving that MSC’s license indeed did not require much to obtain. .

Of course, what is even more interesting is that MSC’s press release boasts that “72% of their graduates in 2011 found jobs in medical sales.” This raises the following questions:

1) If their claim of an 81% placement rate in 2010 and a 72% rate in 2011 were true, then how can MSC also claim to have placed a total of 500 graduates since they opened, when their press release clearly says “MSC has now trained in excess of 1,000 students through its medical sales educational platform.” Doesn’t this necessarily mean that less that 50% of their graduates found jobs in the field?

2) Also, who placed these graduates, MSC, EliteMed Recruiting or both? For all we know, graduates placed themselves, thereby nullifying the implied purpose of EliteMed as recruiting for companies, not just for MSC.

3) Finally, where is the proof for their 72% placement claim? For whatever reason, MSC refuses to provide this information.

Instead, MSC directs readers to research their placement data directly from the state, or through links that ultimately fail to answer how they calculated the 72% figure. We will never know for sure if the 72% is based on all of their 2011 students, just their graduates or, perhaps, just those at the top of their classes.

MSC continues to lure potential students through unsubstantiated press releases, fake EliteMed job advertisements, and aggressive recruitment tactics. They think that repeating claims often enough will make them facts.

I’m not buying it, and neither should you. Again, all I have written are just my opinions. Caveat emptor, let the buyer beware.

Link to MSC’s cleverly disguised advertisement (a.k.a., their press release): .

70%-80% placement rate in this economy? Six-figure jobs!

The school as well as graduates are both smart! Great business!

As a side note, why is it that only the school and graduates supply factual information? That tells you what side of the story to believe.

The other guy is either a fucking idiot or just someone losing business to them!

Re: 3-Year Extension of MSC's License to Steal

70%-80% placement rate in this economy? Six-figure jobs!

The school as well as graduates are both smart! Great business!

As a side note, why is it that only the school and graduates supply factual information? That tells you what side of the story to believe.

The other guy is either a fucking idiot or just someone losing business to them!

Jim or Scott, we know this is you. MSC will soon be exposed for what it is...a scam.

'Steve' may be a bit insane but he is very articulate and makes justifiable arguments that he supports with proven factual data. He clearly feels very strongly about the MSC curriculum based on his consistent efforts to discredit MSC and EliteMed. An intelligent individual doesn't spend that time or effort doing something unless they really believe in what they are doing.

While 'Steve' may be out of his mind he has asked many valid questions that have solicited no direct response from MSC that can be perceived as evidentely undisputed. After you break down the responses by MSC and EliteMed they are nothing more than opinions. There is no factual data supporting any of MSC's claims in given reports.

If MSC is a legit operation then there should be no issue directly addressing concerns such as why does your former company AIMS have over 10 BBB complaints? Why have you changed your business name so many times? Can we see some factual data on placements and applications that are received? If questions such as these are addressed (don't address mine but address Steve's detailed lists instead, I am just someone who passed by this site and won't be back) shortly, accurately, and concisely without any 'fluff' in the verbage, it will certainly raise your enrollment and clear the air of the skeptical concerns of the thousands of people looking at your school.

Word to the Wise: Facts are undisputable and put the mind at ease. Shady salespeople are opinions 'fluffed' to look like facts that are persuasive in nature. If you read something and are unsure of what to think, it is an opinion and a sale. (i.e. - I tell you my dog fluffly went to the moon: Fluffly says, "Going to the moon was the best experience ever and brought me closer to my owner." Since I said fluffly said it it must be true...I could have fluffly tell you the same thing as well with no way of you knowing for certain if it was fluffy or not speaking with you. It could be a fat bearded cat acting to be fluffly without you even knowing. What would solve this issue? A scanned copy of Fluffy's ticket going to the moon! That takes a whole lot less time than typing up a rebuttal response.

Indisputable facts, not opinions will clear the MSC and EliteMed name within the community.

So the MSC response should go something like this: See this link, and this link, and this link. If there are enough facts on those links you wouldn't need to say a word.

Seems to me MSC/AIMS ducked this by losing it in the forums with spam so lets bring it back to front.

Medical Sales College (MSC) attempts to invalidate the Ripoff Report about them by alleging its author is one of their competitors. Well, let us abrogate their false claim with the following:

Jobseekers should avoid all recruiters and apply directly to companies.

The truth is, I once forwarded my private information to AIMS/EliteMed by answering one of their many credible looking job advertisements on national career boards. I once dealt with recruiters, but have come to the conclusion that networking and applying directly is much more effective.

Anyway, when an AIMS/EliteMed recruiter called, he praised my 4 years of medical sales experience and stated someone in my local area would be contacting me within a couple of days. He evaded all questions about their advertised position near my home.

A few minutes later, he followed up with an email to plant a seed about MSC. Since MSC's website claims they could make one seem as if they have 1 to 2 years of medical sales experience, and I already have 4 from a publicly traded company, I responded politely to express my disinterest in MSC.

Their recruiter then replied, "as per our conversation do not have the experience to get into medical sales." He never said that during our phone conversation, especially since he was too busy praising my accomplishments and stroking my ego--a classic sales technique of sugarcoating the pill. He seemed defensive and frustrated that he could not sell me MSC.

Again, I am not a recruiter, but simply the wrong person to try to con. True, I have never attended MSC, but one does not need to step into a pitfall to warn others about it.

The above is a great/intelligent point. Looks like AIMS/Elite Med/MSC keeps flooding the board with nonsense so they can brush this forum off strategically as all 'crazy-talk.' The more insane and disorganized forums look the higher of a leg they have to stand on when interviewing 'candidates.'

Here's something from a real student. Yes, it was written almost a year and a half ago, but keep in mind MSC already had their license at that time.

Tim TC in Cleveland, Ohio
17 months ago
It looks like the AIMS shill has made it to this board also. The BBB gave the school a D rating, and that's just the tip of the iceberg for complaints. They changed the name of the school for the 3rd time to dodge creditors. They're NOT approved for a college, they're approved for an 'occupational or 'trade' school. It's the same lame license you would need for a hair styling school. They've already been kicked out of Tennessee. Half the staff quit a few months ago before the name change to disassociate themselves from the school. They have placed some students with some small companies and distributors, but most early on. They will post some pictures on their website to have you believe that's the norm. For every student placed, there's two who haven't been placed. They gave the unplaced students refund guarantees (early on for placement and later for interviews) for which they NEVER honored. This is one of the reasons they changed their name again. You'll see them out of business by the Spring and most likely they will change the name of the school again to bilk more students. They will pop up often on this board and the cafepharma board desperately trying to refute negative postings from all the scammed grads. Bottom line---stay away.

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Here's something from a real student. Yes, it was written almost a year and a half ago, but keep in mind MSC already had their license at that time.

Tim TC in Cleveland, Ohio
17 months ago
It looks like the AIMS shill has made it to this board also. The BBB gave the school a D rating, and that's just the tip of the iceberg for complaints. They changed the name of the school for the 3rd time to dodge creditors. They're NOT approved for a college, they're approved for an 'occupational or 'trade' school. It's the same lame license you would need for a hair styling school. They've already been kicked out of Tennessee. Half the staff quit a few months ago before the name change to disassociate themselves from the school. They have placed some students with some small companies and distributors, but most early on. They will post some pictures on their website to have you believe that's the norm. For every student placed, there's two who haven't been placed. They gave the unplaced students refund guarantees (early on for placement and later for interviews) for which they NEVER honored. This is one of the reasons they changed their name again. You'll see them out of business by the Spring and most likely they will change the name of the school again to bilk more students. They will pop up often on this board and the cafepharma board desperately trying to refute negative postings from all the scammed grads. Bottom line---stay away.

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HERE ARE THE FACTS!!! READ AND WATCH!!! (Here are some just from Facebook recently -hundreds more on Linkedin)

Medical Sales College
May 31
Congrats to Susan R., a Class 114 Spine graduate, who has accepted a position with Accel Spine just 10 weeks since graduating! We wish you much success!

Medical Sales College
The next celebration is for James A., a Class 111 Academy graduate, who has accepted a position with Trilogy Medical and is going to work at the beginning of June. We wish you good selling!

Medical Sales College
A great BIG shout out goes to Kim H., a Class 123 Extremities graduate who, after less than a week since graduating, has landed a position with a distributor and will be selling the MiMedx wound care/biologics line! We are so happy for you!

Medical Sales College
We have 2 more placements to celebrate before the holiday weekend... Congrats to Jacob J., a Class 117 Ortho Recon & Trauma graduate, who was placed with Acumed within 4 weeks of graduating... Way to get it done!

Medical Sales College
May 24
Congrats to Carolyn U., a Class 114 Spine grad, who has accepted a position with CTLSC 33, a distributorship with a "big bag" of implants and medical products. This is especially exciting because the distributor is also a former student who has experienced tremendous success since his graduation. Good luck to you, Carolyn! We wish you all the best in your new territory!

Medical Sales College
May 22
Congratulations to Andrew D., a Class 117 Ortho Recon & Trauma grad, who has accepted a position with Accel Spine just 6 weeks since graduating! We wish you lots of success... and look forward to seeing you again soon!

Medical Sales College
May 16
Congrats to Michelle K., a Class 113 Extremities grad, who has just accepted a position with Karl Storz selling their new orthopaedic line, along with biologics. Michelle knew what she wanted and went out and got it! We're excited for you and eager to hear about your successes!

Medical Sales College
May 15
We're sending out a belated "Congratulations" to Kristine E., a Class 108 Extremities graduate, who has accepted a position with Specialized Medical - a distributorship selling spine, sports medicine, and general orthopedic medical devices. We wish you much success!

Medical Sales College
May 11
Great job to Caroline R., a Core5 Biologics grad, who has just been placed with Zimmer! Way to go, girl! We wish you lots of luck!

Medical Sales College
May 10
Congrats to Scott C., a Class 107 graduate, who starts his new position with SpineVision tomorrow! We all wish you much success in your new territory and your new career!

Medical Sales College
May 8
Congratulations to Crystal F. who has accepted a position with Medical Optics just 4 weeks after graduating! We know you're going to turn it out!

Medical Sales College
May 2
Congrats to Ashley S., who just started her new job with Paragon 28 yesterday! Ashley landed this position, where she will be selling foot & ankle products, about 2 months after graduating and subsequently relocated before getting out into the field. Good luck to you!

Medical Sales College
April 20
Congrats to Jaime M., our Class 114 Valedictorian, who has signed on with Aesculap just a month since graduating! We'd wish you luck, but we know you don't need it... You're going to KILL IT out there!

Medical Sales College
April 17
Congratulations to Brittney B., a Class 116 Academy grad, who accepted a position today with Dynasplint... just 3 weeks since graduating! We're wishing you lots of luck!

Medical Sales College
April 11
Another placement to celebrate... Congrats to Sarah R., a Class 111 Academy graduate, who has landed with Surgical Evolution where she will be selling extremity products and biologics! Got it done 8 weeks after graduating! Great job, Sarah!

Medical Sales College
April 4

Medical Sales College
April 4
Congratulations to Daniel C., a Class 111 Academy graduate, who has accepted a position with Medline - just 6 weeks since graduating! Best of luck to you!

Medical Sales College
March 30
Congratulations to Lindsay S., a Class 106 Academy grad, who has been placed with ACell where she will be selling biologic products! Great job, Lindsay and good selling!

Medical Sales College
March 22
Congratulations to Glenn O., who accepted a position today where he will be representing SpineSmith products along with biologics. We know how hard you've worked for the opportunity, Glenn, so we wish you nothing but the best!

Medical Sales College
March 22
It's official... Stephanie L., a Class 114 Spine grad, has accepted a position with Spartan Medical and will be selling spinal hardware along with a big bag of neuro and biologic products. Stephanie started conversations with her distributor before coming to Denver, but wrapped it all up just 10 days since graduating. We can't wait to hear about your continued successes! Congrats!

Medical Sales College
March 22
They keep rolling in... Congratulations to Josh K., another Academy graduate, who has just accepted a position with Wright Medical Technology! That makes 3 grads in 4 days going to this top orthopedic company... Way to go, Josh!

Medical Sales College
March 20
#3 Will P., a Class 108 grad, gets it done in 8 weeks and is now selling extremity and biologic products with MedShape, Inc. You've been cheering the other grads, but now it's our time to cheer YOU!

Medical Sales College
March 20
#4 Last but certainly not least is Brandon S., our Class 110 Valedictorian, who has been placed with Smith & Nephew... 3 weeks since graduating! We know you're going to kill it out there!

Medical Sales College
March 20
And here's 4 MORE grads to celebrate with...
#1 Congrats to Katie A. who has accepted a position with Kinex Pharmaceuticals, where she will be selling specialty pharmaceuticals and biotech products! We hope you kill it out there!

Medical Sales College
March 20
#2 Congratulations to Jose B. who is now working for OrthoPros, Inc., a company selling arthroplasty, distal extremity, sports medicine, and biologic products. We wish you all the best!

Medical Sales College
March 19
Here's the way to start of the week... Congratulations to Justin C., a Class 109 grad, who is going to work for Wright Medical Technology. 8 weeks since graduation and he's ready to roll!

Medical Sales College
March 15
Here's another one to celebrate... Congrats to Joe R. who accepted a position with Arthrex this week! Joe had to be a little patient with this process, but we know he's going to turn it out! Can't wait to hear about your many successes, Joe...

Anthony Martino
March 16
FInd us on Linkedin. Hiring in one month from MSC

Medical Sales College
March 15
Congratulations to Heidi W., a Class 108 graduate, who has accepted a position with Ameridose. While her new sales role is outside of traditional device sales, she will be selling into hospitals and calling on anesthesiologists. We're excited for you and wish you all the best!

Medical Sales College
March 14
Congratulations to Gena K., a Class 106 Academy graduate, who has accepted a position with a distributor of medical devices and surgical/capital equipment. She got it done just 7 weeks after graduation! We're wishing you much success!

Medical Sales College
March 13
Another shout out to Brian A., a Class 111 Academy graduate, who just signed on with Biomet! He "sealed the deal" just over three weeks since graduating. Nice job and best of luck to you, Brian!

Medical Sales College
March 12
Congratulations to Kathy S., who has formed her own independent distributorship in North Carolina (Carolina Pine Medical Solutions). We know you're going to knock it out of the park!

Jaime Martinezposted toMedical Sales College
March 9
Great experience at Medical Sales College...Spine class 114 I will never forget all the memories. I wish u all the best...BOOM!!! Thank you Mitch.

Medical Sales College
March 5
Another MSC grad to knock it out is Tracy N., who completed her Extremities program on January 20th and accepted a position last week with Dynasplint! Way to go, Tracy, and best of luck to you!

Medical Sales College
March 5
Congratulations to Olenka L., an Academy graduate who just signed on with Biomet! It was Olenka's performance in role-plays and the persistence of her recruiter (Gaia) that made sure she had the opportunity to shine. We look forward to hearing more about your continued success, Olenka!

Medical Sales College
March 2
Big kudos go out to Carlanna C., who is graduating from our Orthopaedic Extremities class today but is already set to start her new position in just a week! Carlanna has officially signed on with CC Surgical Solutions and will be selling a big bag of sports medicine and spine products. Great job getting it done BEFORE graduating! All the best to you!

Medical Sales College
March 1
Congratulations to our Most Valuable Participant from Class 108, Renee' S., who accepted a position (about 2 weeks after graduating) with SEC! Renee' was hired by a former graduate who now manages his own distributorship and has a big bag of medical products. We wish you much success!

Medical Sales College
February 29
Congratulations to Kirk P., a Class 108 graduate, who has landed with Marathon Medical - a distributor with a big bag of trauma, total joint, arthroscopy, and biologic products (including Tornier, SBi, Incisive Surgical, ACell, Conformis, and more). Better yet, he got it done about 5 weeks since graduating! Best of luck, Kirk!

Medical Sales College
February 27
OK... The admin fell off the radar here, but we have a bunch of placements to celebrate! Congratulations to Pierre G., Tom K., Chad D., Christopher T., Lille T., Justin M., Megan S., and Cory H. who have all accepted positions recently. Megan already has a big case booked for this week! We wish each and every one of these graduates continued success!

Medical Sales College
February 2
Here's another reason to celebrate... Congrats go out to David C. who accepted a position with DePuy Mitek last week. He went to great lengths to make himself available for an interview opportunity - and it paid off! This is an example of another great success story, as David got it done almost one month to the day since graduating... Great job!

Medical Sales College
February 1
Congratulations to Audra D., who completed our Spine Program and who has recently accepted a position with Universal Medical. Audra was fortunate in that she had other opportunities and actually had to decide between more than one position! Good luck to you!

Medical Sales College
January 31
Many congratulations to Chad P. from our most recent Core5 Biologics class, who accepted a position with DePuy Mitek! Chad landed this position within 7 weeks of completing his program. We wish you all kinds of success!

Medical Sales College
January 25
We had great news from former MSC grad, Brandon R. this week... Brandon was 2 years out of college (where he majored in Biology) when he came through the MSC program. He completed his Ortho Recon program in late December '10 and went to work for Bacterin International, Inc. in February '11. This week Brandon was promoted to REGIONAL VICE PRESIDENT, MIDWEST! We are stoked to hear about his success and wish him much more!

Medical Sales College
January 24
Here's a big shout out to Amy W., a Class 103 Extremities grad, who landed at Osiris Therapeutics, a biologics company specializing in stem cell products. She got it done in about 8 weeks! You go, girl!

Medical Sales College
January 23
Congrats to Kyle F., a Class 101 Academy graduate, who is now working for Zimmer Spine! Way to go, Kyle!

Medical Sales College
January 18
Congratulations to Anthony M., a Class 107 grad, who accepted a position selling TriMed orthopaedic products for trauma and extremity cases. He got it done in less than a month since graduation! Great job!

Medical Sales College
January 12
And here's a big shout out to Shilen P., a Class 102 grad, who has been invited to join DePuy Mitek! Many congratulations and best wishes for much success...

Medical Sales College
January 5
Many congratulations to Joe L., a Class 104 graduate, who signed on with Biomet Spine! Great job getting 'er done in less than six weeks! Here's to a great 2012!

Medical Sales College
January 4
Here's something else to celebrate... Brandon S., who completed his Orthopaedic Reconstruction and Trauma program on November 4th, was offered a position with Zimmer just about six weeks since graduating! We know you'll be a huge success!

Medical Sales College
January 2
Happy New Year to all!! Here's the way to start it out right... Congratulations to Mark M., a Class 97 grad, who has been offered a position with Stryker! We wish you much success and prosperity in 2012!

Medical Sales College - 2012 Advisory Committee Member Nathan B.mp4

Medical Sales College - 2012 Advisory Committee Member Will H.mp4

Medical Sales College - 2012 Advisory Committee Member Brett M.mp4

Medical Sales College - 2012 Advisory Committee Member George H.mp4

Medical Sales College - 2012 Advisory Committee Member Dara H.mp4

Medical Sales College - 2012 Advisory Committee Member Eric B.mp4

Medical Sales College - 2012 Advisory Committee Member Stefani W.mp4

Medical Sales College - 2012 Advisory Committee Member Kelly J.mp4

Medical Sales College - 2012 Advisory Committee Member Jon W.mp4

Medical Sales College - 2012 Advisory Committee Member Jason K.mp4

Medical Sales College - 2012 Advisory Committee Member Jerome B.mp4

Medical Sales College - 2012 Advisory Committee Member Jake H.mp4

Medical Sales College - 2012 Advisory Committee Member Justin C.mp4

Medical Sales College - 2012 Advisory Committee Member Becker S.mp4

Medical Sales College - 2012 Advisory Committee Member Kristen C.mp4

Medical Sales College - 2012 Advisory Committee Member Shilen P.mp4

Medical Sales College - 2012 Advisory Committee Member Scott C.mp4

Medical Sales College - 2012 Advisory Committee Member Von M.mp4

Medical Sales College - 2012 Advisory Committee Member Brett H.mp4
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Here's something from a real student. Yes, it was written almost a year and a half ago, but keep in mind MSC already had their license at that time.

Tim TC in Cleveland, Ohio
17 months ago
It looks like the AIMS shill has made it to this board also. The BBB gave the school a D rating, and that's just the tip of the iceberg for complaints. They changed the name of the school for the 3rd time to dodge creditors. They're NOT approved for a college, they're approved for an 'occupational or 'trade' school. It's the same lame license you would need for a hair styling school. They've already been kicked out of Tennessee. Half the staff quit a few months ago before the name change to disassociate themselves from the school. They have placed some students with some small companies and distributors, but most early on. They will post some pictures on their website to have you believe that's the norm. For every student placed, there's two who haven't been placed. They gave the unplaced students refund guarantees (early on for placement and later for interviews) for which they NEVER honored. This is one of the reasons they changed their name again. You'll see them out of business by the Spring and most likely they will change the name of the school again to bilk more students. They will pop up often on this board and the cafepharma board desperately trying to refute negative postings from all the scammed grads. Bottom line---stay away.

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HERE ARE THE FACTS!!! READ AND WATCH!!! (Here are some just from Facebook recently -hundreds more on Linkedin)

Medical Sales College
May 31
Congrats to Susan R., a Class 114 Spine graduate, who has accepted a position with Accel Spine just 10 weeks since graduating! We wish you much success!

Medical Sales College
The next celebration is for James A., a Class 111 Academy graduate, who has accepted a position with Trilogy Medical and is going to work at the beginning of June. We wish you good selling!

Medical Sales College
A great BIG shout out goes to Kim H., a Class 123 Extremities graduate who, after less than a week since graduating, has landed a position with a distributor and will be selling the MiMedx wound care/biologics line! We are so happy for you!

Medical Sales College
We have 2 more placements to celebrate before the holiday weekend... Congrats to Jacob J., a Class 117 Ortho Recon & Trauma graduate, who was placed with Acumed within 4 weeks of graduating... Way to get it done!

Medical Sales College
May 24
Congrats to Carolyn U., a Class 114 Spine grad, who has accepted a position with CTLSC 33, a distributorship with a "big bag" of implants and medical products. This is especially exciting because the distributor is also a former student who has experienced tremendous success since his graduation. Good luck to you, Carolyn! We wish you all the best in your new territory!

Medical Sales College
May 22
Congratulations to Andrew D., a Class 117 Ortho Recon & Trauma grad, who has accepted a position with Accel Spine just 6 weeks since graduating! We wish you lots of success... and look forward to seeing you again soon!

Medical Sales College
May 16
Congrats to Michelle K., a Class 113 Extremities grad, who has just accepted a position with Karl Storz selling their new orthopaedic line, along with biologics. Michelle knew what she wanted and went out and got it! We're excited for you and eager to hear about your successes!

Medical Sales College
May 15
We're sending out a belated "Congratulations" to Kristine E., a Class 108 Extremities graduate, who has accepted a position with Specialized Medical - a distributorship selling spine, sports medicine, and general orthopedic medical devices. We wish you much success!

Medical Sales College
May 11
Great job to Caroline R., a Core5 Biologics grad, who has just been placed with Zimmer! Way to go, girl! We wish you lots of luck!

Medical Sales College
May 10
Congrats to Scott C., a Class 107 graduate, who starts his new position with SpineVision tomorrow! We all wish you much success in your new territory and your new career!

Medical Sales College
May 8
Congratulations to Crystal F. who has accepted a position with Medical Optics just 4 weeks after graduating! We know you're going to turn it out!

Medical Sales College
May 2
Congrats to Ashley S., who just started her new job with Paragon 28 yesterday! Ashley landed this position, where she will be selling foot & ankle products, about 2 months after graduating and subsequently relocated before getting out into the field. Good luck to you!

Medical Sales College
April 20
Congrats to Jaime M., our Class 114 Valedictorian, who has signed on with Aesculap just a month since graduating! We'd wish you luck, but we know you don't need it... You're going to KILL IT out there!

Medical Sales College
April 17
Congratulations to Brittney B., a Class 116 Academy grad, who accepted a position today with Dynasplint... just 3 weeks since graduating! We're wishing you lots of luck!

Medical Sales College
April 11
Another placement to celebrate... Congrats to Sarah R., a Class 111 Academy graduate, who has landed with Surgical Evolution where she will be selling extremity products and biologics! Got it done 8 weeks after graduating! Great job, Sarah!

Medical Sales College
April 4

Medical Sales College
April 4
Congratulations to Daniel C., a Class 111 Academy graduate, who has accepted a position with Medline - just 6 weeks since graduating! Best of luck to you!

Medical Sales College
March 30
Congratulations to Lindsay S., a Class 106 Academy grad, who has been placed with ACell where she will be selling biologic products! Great job, Lindsay and good selling!

Medical Sales College
March 22
Congratulations to Glenn O., who accepted a position today where he will be representing SpineSmith products along with biologics. We know how hard you've worked for the opportunity, Glenn, so we wish you nothing but the best!

Medical Sales College
March 22
It's official... Stephanie L., a Class 114 Spine grad, has accepted a position with Spartan Medical and will be selling spinal hardware along with a big bag of neuro and biologic products. Stephanie started conversations with her distributor before coming to Denver, but wrapped it all up just 10 days since graduating. We can't wait to hear about your continued successes! Congrats!

Medical Sales College
March 22
They keep rolling in... Congratulations to Josh K., another Academy graduate, who has just accepted a position with Wright Medical Technology! That makes 3 grads in 4 days going to this top orthopedic company... Way to go, Josh!

Medical Sales College
March 20
#3 Will P., a Class 108 grad, gets it done in 8 weeks and is now selling extremity and biologic products with MedShape, Inc. You've been cheering the other grads, but now it's our time to cheer YOU!

Medical Sales College
March 20
#4 Last but certainly not least is Brandon S., our Class 110 Valedictorian, who has been placed with Smith & Nephew... 3 weeks since graduating! We know you're going to kill it out there!

Medical Sales College
March 20
And here's 4 MORE grads to celebrate with...
#1 Congrats to Katie A. who has accepted a position with Kinex Pharmaceuticals, where she will be selling specialty pharmaceuticals and biotech products! We hope you kill it out there!

Medical Sales College
March 20
#2 Congratulations to Jose B. who is now working for OrthoPros, Inc., a company selling arthroplasty, distal extremity, sports medicine, and biologic products. We wish you all the best!

Medical Sales College
March 19
Here's the way to start of the week... Congratulations to Justin C., a Class 109 grad, who is going to work for Wright Medical Technology. 8 weeks since graduation and he's ready to roll!

Medical Sales College
March 15
Here's another one to celebrate... Congrats to Joe R. who accepted a position with Arthrex this week! Joe had to be a little patient with this process, but we know he's going to turn it out! Can't wait to hear about your many successes, Joe...

Anthony Martino
March 16
FInd us on Linkedin. Hiring in one month from MSC

Medical Sales College
March 15
Congratulations to Heidi W., a Class 108 graduate, who has accepted a position with Ameridose. While her new sales role is outside of traditional device sales, she will be selling into hospitals and calling on anesthesiologists. We're excited for you and wish you all the best!

Medical Sales College
March 14
Congratulations to Gena K., a Class 106 Academy graduate, who has accepted a position with a distributor of medical devices and surgical/capital equipment. She got it done just 7 weeks after graduation! We're wishing you much success!

Medical Sales College
March 13
Another shout out to Brian A., a Class 111 Academy graduate, who just signed on with Biomet! He "sealed the deal" just over three weeks since graduating. Nice job and best of luck to you, Brian!

Medical Sales College
March 12
Congratulations to Kathy S., who has formed her own independent distributorship in North Carolina (Carolina Pine Medical Solutions). We know you're going to knock it out of the park!

Jaime Martinezposted toMedical Sales College
March 9
Great experience at Medical Sales College...Spine class 114 I will never forget all the memories. I wish u all the best...BOOM!!! Thank you Mitch.

Medical Sales College
March 5
Another MSC grad to knock it out is Tracy N., who completed her Extremities program on January 20th and accepted a position last week with Dynasplint! Way to go, Tracy, and best of luck to you!

Medical Sales College
March 5
Congratulations to Olenka L., an Academy graduate who just signed on with Biomet! It was Olenka's performance in role-plays and the persistence of her recruiter (Gaia) that made sure she had the opportunity to shine. We look forward to hearing more about your continued success, Olenka!

Medical Sales College
March 2
Big kudos go out to Carlanna C., who is graduating from our Orthopaedic Extremities class today but is already set to start her new position in just a week! Carlanna has officially signed on with CC Surgical Solutions and will be selling a big bag of sports medicine and spine products. Great job getting it done BEFORE graduating! All the best to you!

Medical Sales College
March 1
Congratulations to our Most Valuable Participant from Class 108, Renee' S., who accepted a position (about 2 weeks after graduating) with SEC! Renee' was hired by a former graduate who now manages his own distributorship and has a big bag of medical products. We wish you much success!

Medical Sales College
February 29
Congratulations to Kirk P., a Class 108 graduate, who has landed with Marathon Medical - a distributor with a big bag of trauma, total joint, arthroscopy, and biologic products (including Tornier, SBi, Incisive Surgical, ACell, Conformis, and more). Better yet, he got it done about 5 weeks since graduating! Best of luck, Kirk!

Medical Sales College
February 27
OK... The admin fell off the radar here, but we have a bunch of placements to celebrate! Congratulations to Pierre G., Tom K., Chad D., Christopher T., Lille T., Justin M., Megan S., and Cory H. who have all accepted positions recently. Megan already has a big case booked for this week! We wish each and every one of these graduates continued success!

Medical Sales College
February 2
Here's another reason to celebrate... Congrats go out to David C. who accepted a position with DePuy Mitek last week. He went to great lengths to make himself available for an interview opportunity - and it paid off! This is an example of another great success story, as David got it done almost one month to the day since graduating... Great job!

Medical Sales College
February 1
Congratulations to Audra D., who completed our Spine Program and who has recently accepted a position with Universal Medical. Audra was fortunate in that she had other opportunities and actually had to decide between more than one position! Good luck to you!

Medical Sales College
January 31
Many congratulations to Chad P. from our most recent Core5 Biologics class, who accepted a position with DePuy Mitek! Chad landed this position within 7 weeks of completing his program. We wish you all kinds of success!

Medical Sales College
January 25
We had great news from former MSC grad, Brandon R. this week... Brandon was 2 years out of college (where he majored in Biology) when he came through the MSC program. He completed his Ortho Recon program in late December '10 and went to work for Bacterin International, Inc. in February '11. This week Brandon was promoted to REGIONAL VICE PRESIDENT, MIDWEST! We are stoked to hear about his success and wish him much more!

Medical Sales College
January 24
Here's a big shout out to Amy W., a Class 103 Extremities grad, who landed at Osiris Therapeutics, a biologics company specializing in stem cell products. She got it done in about 8 weeks! You go, girl!

Medical Sales College
January 23
Congrats to Kyle F., a Class 101 Academy graduate, who is now working for Zimmer Spine! Way to go, Kyle!

Medical Sales College
January 18
Congratulations to Anthony M., a Class 107 grad, who accepted a position selling TriMed orthopaedic products for trauma and extremity cases. He got it done in less than a month since graduation! Great job!

Medical Sales College
January 12
And here's a big shout out to Shilen P., a Class 102 grad, who has been invited to join DePuy Mitek! Many congratulations and best wishes for much success...

Medical Sales College
January 5
Many congratulations to Joe L., a Class 104 graduate, who signed on with Biomet Spine! Great job getting 'er done in less than six weeks! Here's to a great 2012!

Medical Sales College
January 4
Here's something else to celebrate... Brandon S., who completed his Orthopaedic Reconstruction and Trauma program on November 4th, was offered a position with Zimmer just about six weeks since graduating! We know you'll be a huge success!

Medical Sales College
January 2
Happy New Year to all!! Here's the way to start it out right... Congratulations to Mark M., a Class 97 grad, who has been offered a position with Stryker! We wish you much success and prosperity in 2012!

Medical Sales College - 2012 Advisory Committee Member Nathan B.mp4

Medical Sales College - 2012 Advisory Committee Member Will H.mp4

Medical Sales College - 2012 Advisory Committee Member Brett M.mp4

Medical Sales College - 2012 Advisory Committee Member George H.mp4

Medical Sales College - 2012 Advisory Committee Member Dara H.mp4

Medical Sales College - 2012 Advisory Committee Member Eric B.mp4

Medical Sales College - 2012 Advisory Committee Member Stefani W.mp4

Medical Sales College - 2012 Advisory Committee Member Kelly J.mp4

Medical Sales College - 2012 Advisory Committee Member Jon W.mp4

Medical Sales College - 2012 Advisory Committee Member Jason K.mp4

Medical Sales College - 2012 Advisory Committee Member Jerome B.mp4

Medical Sales College - 2012 Advisory Committee Member Jake H.mp4

Medical Sales College - 2012 Advisory Committee Member Justin C.mp4

Medical Sales College - 2012 Advisory Committee Member Becker S.mp4

Medical Sales College - 2012 Advisory Committee Member Kristen C.mp4

Medical Sales College - 2012 Advisory Committee Member Shilen P.mp4

Medical Sales College - 2012 Advisory Committee Member Scott C.mp4

Medical Sales College - 2012 Advisory Committee Member Von M.mp4

Medical Sales College - 2012 Advisory Committee Member Brett H.mp4
Reply With Quote

More MSC legit can they be?

What is not legit with all of these people getting jobs in medical sales?

One denominator, they all attended the MSC program!

You call it SPAM because your jealousy and agenda! Us graduates call it a career in our dream jobs!

Medical Sales College
June 15
And last but not least... Congrats to Blake C., an Ortho Recon & Trauma grad from Class 124, who has also accepted a position with PSS - just 21 days since graduating! You knew what you wanted and you went out and got it! We hope you kill it out there, Blake!

Medical Sales College
June 15
Here's a big 'ol shout out to Jonathan H., a Foot & Ankle grad, who accepted a position this week with Stryker! We hope the rewards you reap in your new territory make all the hard work worth it... Good luck to you!

Medical Sales College
June 15
Congratulations also go out to Christopher R., a Spine grad from Class 121 who graduated 5 weeks ago and has accepted a position with Biomet Spine. We wish you lots of success!

Medical Sales College
June 15
We have 4 more celebrations to top off this very active week! The first call out goes to Jonathan R., and Academy grad who finished up just a month ago, and who has accepted a position with PSS! Good luck in your new territory!

Medical Sales College
June 12
Last, but certainly not least of the day... Congrats to Mike F., a Class 116 Academy graduate, who has accepted a position with Physician Sales & Service (PSS) as the first placement with this giant in medical sales. We're wishing you much success!

Medical Sales College
June 12
A belated congratulations goes out to Dave B. who is already hard at work representing ChoiceSpine and X-spine. As a Class 118 Spine grad, he got that nailed down right quick! Great job!

Medical Sales College
June 12
Chris L. also deserves some recognition... He's going to work for Nexxt Spine just about a month since graduation! Go get 'em, Chris!

Medical Sales College
June 12
Congratulations to Kevin C., an Academy graduate who is going to work for DePuy Mitek! Way to nail it with J&J... We wish you all kinds of success!

Medical Sales College
June 12
Congratulations also go out to Martha H., a Core5 graduate, who is going to work for Wilmington Island DME! We wish you lots of success in your new role!
Medical Sales College

June 12
Congratulations to Brooke J. (one of our own) who has accepted a position with Biomet Spine. We hope you kill it out there, girl! :)

Medical Sales College
June 12
Correction... Ed B., a graduate of our Ortho Recon & Trauma program, has accepted a position with OrthoScan where he started his new position just yesterday! The Admin got confused with the multiple offers Ed was receiving :)

Medical Sales College
June 5
Congrats also go to Kelly H., a Class 120 Sports Med graduate, who accepted a position this week with DePuy Mitek - just 4 weeks since graduating! Way to go, Kelly!

Medical Sales College
June 5
A big shout out goes to Ryan R., a Class 116 Academy grad, who has accepted an ASR position with a distributorship where he will be representing Medtronic spine and biologics! Great job! We wish you much success!

Medical Sales College
June 5
Today we have several more success stories to share... Congratulations to Christopher N., a Class 117 Ortho Recon & Trauma grad, who has accepted a position with Accel Spine in less than 8 weeks since graduating! We know you'll be great!

Medical Sales College
May 31
Congrats to Susan R., a Class 114 Spine graduate, who has accepted a position with Accel Spine just 10 weeks since graduating! We wish you much success!

Medical Sales College
The next celebration is for James A., a Class 111 Academy graduate, who has accepted a position with Trilogy Medical and is going to work at the beginning of June. We wish you good selling!

Medical Sales College
A great BIG shout out goes to Kim H., a Class 123 Extremities graduate who, after less than a week since graduating, has landed a position with a distributor and will be selling the MiMedx wound care/biologics line! We are so happy for you!

Medical Sales College
We have 2 more placements to celebrate before the holiday weekend... Congrats to Jacob J., a Class 117 Ortho Recon & Trauma graduate, who was placed with Acumed within 4 weeks of graduating... Way to get it done!

Medical Sales College
May 24
Congrats to Carolyn U., a Class 114 Spine grad, who has accepted a position with CTLSC 33, a distributorship with a "big bag" of implants and medical products. This is especially exciting because the distributor is also a former student who has experienced tremendous success since his graduation. Good luck to you, Carolyn! We wish you all the best in your new territory!

Medical Sales College
May 22
Congratulations to Andrew D., a Class 117 Ortho Recon & Trauma grad, who has accepted a position with Accel Spine just 6 weeks since graduating! We wish you lots of success... and look forward to seeing you again soon!

Medical Sales College
May 16
Congrats to Michelle K., a Class 113 Extremities grad, who has just accepted a position with Karl Storz selling their new orthopaedic line, along with biologics. Michelle knew what she wanted and went out and got it! We're excited for you and eager to hear about your successes!

Medical Sales College
May 15
We're sending out a belated "Congratulations" to Kristine E., a Class 108 Extremities graduate, who has accepted a position with Specialized Medical - a distributorship selling spine, sports medicine, and general orthopedic medical devices. We wish you much success!

Medical Sales College
May 11
Great job to Caroline R., a Core5 Biologics grad, who has just been placed with Zimmer! Way to go, girl! We wish you lots of luck!

Medical Sales College
May 10
Congrats to Scott C., a Class 107 graduate, who starts his new position with SpineVision tomorrow! We all wish you much success in your new territory and your new career!

Medical Sales College
May 8
Congratulations to Crystal F. who has accepted a position with Medical Optics just 4 weeks after graduating! We know you're going to turn it out!

Medical Sales College
May 2
Congrats to Ashley S., who just started her new job with Paragon 28 yesterday! Ashley landed this position, where she will be selling foot & ankle products, about 2 months after graduating and subsequently relocated before getting out into the field. Good luck to you!

Medical Sales College
April 20
Congrats to Jaime M., our Class 114 Valedictorian, who has signed on with Aesculap just a month since graduating! We'd wish you luck, but we know you don't need it... You're going to KILL IT out there!

Medical Sales College
April 17
Congratulations to Brittney B., a Class 116 Academy grad, who accepted a position today with Dynasplint... just 3 weeks since graduating! We're wishing you lots of luck!

Medical Sales College
April 11
Another placement to celebrate... Congrats to Sarah R., a Class 111 Academy graduate, who has landed with Surgical Evolution where she will be selling extremity products and biologics! Got it done 8 weeks after graduating! Great job, Sarah!

Medical Sales College
April 4

Medical Sales College
April 4
Congratulations to Daniel C., a Class 111 Academy graduate, who has accepted a position with Medline - just 6 weeks since graduating! Best of luck to you!

Medical Sales College
March 30
Congratulations to Lindsay S., a Class 106 Academy grad, who has been placed with ACell where she will be selling biologic products! Great job, Lindsay and good selling!

Medical Sales College
March 22
Congratulations to Glenn O., who accepted a position today where he will be representing SpineSmith products along with biologics. We know how hard you've worked for the opportunity, Glenn, so we wish you nothing but the best!

Medical Sales College
March 22
It's official... Stephanie L., a Class 114 Spine grad, has accepted a position with Spartan Medical and will be selling spinal hardware along with a big bag of neuro and biologic products. Stephanie started conversations with her distributor before coming to Denver, but wrapped it all up just 10 days since graduating. We can't wait to hear about your continued successes! Congrats!

Medical Sales College
March 22
They keep rolling in... Congratulations to Josh K., another Academy graduate, who has just accepted a position with Wright Medical Technology! That makes 3 grads in 4 days going to this top orthopedic company... Way to go, Josh!

Medical Sales College
March 20
#3 Will P., a Class 108 grad, gets it done in 8 weeks and is now selling extremity and biologic products with MedShape, Inc. You've been cheering the other grads, but now it's our time to cheer YOU!

Medical Sales College
March 20
#4 Last but certainly not least is Brandon S., our Class 110 Valedictorian, who has been placed with Smith & Nephew... 3 weeks since graduating! We know you're going to kill it out there!

Medical Sales College
March 20
And here's 4 MORE grads to celebrate with...
#1 Congrats to Katie A. who has accepted a position with Kinex Pharmaceuticals, where she will be selling specialty pharmaceuticals and biotech products! We hope you kill it out there!

Medical Sales College
March 20
#2 Congratulations to Jose B. who is now working for OrthoPros, Inc., a company selling arthroplasty, distal extremity, sports medicine, and biologic products. We wish you all the best!

Medical Sales College
March 19
Here's the way to start of the week... Congratulations to Justin C., a Class 109 grad, who is going to work for Wright Medical Technology. 8 weeks since graduation and he's ready to roll!

Medical Sales College
March 15
Here's another one to celebrate... Congrats to Joe R. who accepted a position with Arthrex this week! Joe had to be a little patient with this process, but we know he's going to turn it out! Can't wait to hear about your many successes, Joe...

Anthony Martino
March 16
FInd us on Linkedin. Hiring in one month from MSC

Medical Sales College
March 15
Congratulations to Heidi W., a Class 108 graduate, who has accepted a position with Ameridose. While her new sales role is outside of traditional device sales, she will be selling into hospitals and calling on anesthesiologists. We're excited for you and wish you all the best!

Medical Sales College
March 14
Congratulations to Gena K., a Class 106 Academy graduate, who has accepted a position with a distributor of medical devices and surgical/capital equipment. She got it done just 7 weeks after graduation! We're wishing you much success!

Medical Sales College
March 13
Another shout out to Brian A., a Class 111 Academy graduate, who just signed on with Biomet! He "sealed the deal" just over three weeks since graduating. Nice job and best of luck to you, Brian!

Medical Sales College
March 12
Congratulations to Kathy S., who has formed her own independent distributorship in North Carolina (Carolina Pine Medical Solutions). We know you're going to knock it out of the park!

Jaime Martinezposted toMedical Sales College
March 9
Great experience at Medical Sales College...Spine class 114 I will never forget all the memories. I wish u all the best...BOOM!!! Thank you Mitch.

Medical Sales College
March 5
Another MSC grad to knock it out is Tracy N., who completed her Extremities program on January 20th and accepted a position last week with Dynasplint! Way to go, Tracy, and best of luck to you!

Medical Sales College
March 5
Congratulations to Olenka L., an Academy graduate who just signed on with Biomet! It was Olenka's performance in role-plays and the persistence of her recruiter (Gaia) that made sure she had the opportunity to shine. We look forward to hearing more about your continued success, Olenka!

Medical Sales College
March 2
Big kudos go out to Carlanna C., who is graduating from our Orthopaedic Extremities class today but is already set to start her new position in just a week! Carlanna has officially signed on with CC Surgical Solutions and will be selling a big bag of sports medicine and spine products. Great job getting it done BEFORE graduating! All the best to you!

Medical Sales College
March 1
Congratulations to our Most Valuable Participant from Class 108, Renee' S., who accepted a position (about 2 weeks after graduating) with SEC! Renee' was hired by a former graduate who now manages his own distributorship and has a big bag of medical products. We wish you much success!

Medical Sales College
February 29
Congratulations to Kirk P., a Class 108 graduate, who has landed with Marathon Medical - a distributor with a big bag of trauma, total joint, arthroscopy, and biologic products (including Tornier, SBi, Incisive Surgical, ACell, Conformis, and more). Better yet, he got it done about 5 weeks since graduating! Best of luck, Kirk!

Medical Sales College
February 27
OK... The admin fell off the radar here, but we have a bunch of placements to celebrate! Congratulations to Pierre G., Tom K., Chad D., Christopher T., Lille T., Justin M., Megan S., and Cory H. who have all accepted positions recently. Megan already has a big case booked for this week! We wish each and every one of these graduates continued success!

Medical Sales College
February 2
Here's another reason to celebrate... Congrats go out to David C. who accepted a position with DePuy Mitek last week. He went to great lengths to make himself available for an interview opportunity - and it paid off! This is an example of another great success story, as David got it done almost one month to the day since graduating... Great job!

Medical Sales College
February 1
Congratulations to Audra D., who completed our Spine Program and who has recently accepted a position with Universal Medical. Audra was fortunate in that she had other opportunities and actually had to decide between more than one position! Good luck to you!

Medical Sales College
January 31
Many congratulations to Chad P. from our most recent Core5 Biologics class, who accepted a position with DePuy Mitek! Chad landed this position within 7 weeks of completing his program. We wish you all kinds of success!

Medical Sales College
January 25
We had great news from former MSC grad, Brandon R. this week... Brandon was 2 years out of college (where he majored in Biology) when he came through the MSC program. He completed his Ortho Recon program in late December '10 and went to work for Bacterin International, Inc. in February '11. This week Brandon was promoted to REGIONAL VICE PRESIDENT, MIDWEST! We are stoked to hear about his success and wish him much more!

Medical Sales College
January 24
Here's a big shout out to Amy W., a Class 103 Extremities grad, who landed at Osiris Therapeutics, a biologics company specializing in stem cell products. She got it done in about 8 weeks! You go, girl!

Medical Sales College
January 23
Congrats to Kyle F., a Class 101 Academy graduate, who is now working for Zimmer Spine! Way to go, Kyle!

Medical Sales College
January 18
Congratulations to Anthony M., a Class 107 grad, who accepted a position selling TriMed orthopaedic products for trauma and extremity cases. He got it done in less than a month since graduation! Great job!

Medical Sales College
January 12
And here's a big shout out to Shilen P., a Class 102 grad, who has been invited to join DePuy Mitek! Many congratulations and best wishes for much success...

Medical Sales College
January 5
Many congratulations to Joe L., a Class 104 graduate, who signed on with Biomet Spine! Great job getting 'er done in less than six weeks! Here's to a great 2012!

Medical Sales College
January 4
Here's something else to celebrate... Brandon S., who completed his Orthopaedic Reconstruction and Trauma program on November 4th, was offered a position with Zimmer just about six weeks since graduating! We know you'll be a huge success!

Medical Sales College
January 2
Happy New Year to all!! Here's the way to start it out right... Congratulations to Mark M., a Class 97 grad, who has been offered a position with Stryker! We wish you much success and prosperity in 2012!

Medical Sales College - 2012 Advisory Committee Member Nathan B.mp4

Medical Sales College - 2012 Advisory Committee Member Will H.mp4

Medical Sales College - 2012 Advisory Committee Member Brett M.mp4

Medical Sales College - 2012 Advisory Committee Member George H.mp4

Medical Sales College - 2012 Advisory Committee Member Dara H.mp4

Medical Sales College - 2012 Advisory Committee Member Eric B.mp4

Medical Sales College - 2012 Advisory Committee Member Stefani W.mp4

Medical Sales College - 2012 Advisory Committee Member Kelly J.mp4

Medical Sales College - 2012 Advisory Committee Member Jon W.mp4

Medical Sales College - 2012 Advisory Committee Member Jason K.mp4

Medical Sales College - 2012 Advisory Committee Member Jerome B.mp4

Medical Sales College - 2012 Advisory Committee Member Jake H.mp4

Medical Sales College - 2012 Advisory Committee Member Justin C.mp4

Medical Sales College - 2012 Advisory Committee Member Becker S.mp4

Medical Sales College - 2012 Advisory Committee Member Kristen C.mp4

Medical Sales College - 2012 Advisory Committee Member Shilen P.mp4

Medical Sales College - 2012 Advisory Committee Member Scott C.mp4

Medical Sales College - 2012 Advisory Committee Member Von M.mp4

Medical Sales College - 2012 Advisory Committee Member Brett H.mp4

Advice for a recent college graduate.
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12-02-2010, 10:16 PM

Posts: n/a
Advice for a recent college graduate.
I'm a recent college graduate with degrees in Biomechanics and Kinesiology, I am very interested in becoming a device rep. I have no sales experience, is there any hope for me? Should I try Pharma first? I had a phone interview with Eli Lilly, but that is about it, does anyone have advice for me to get my career started?

12-09-2010, 05:24 PM

Posts: n/a
Re: Advice for a recent college graduate.
Yes....choose a different industry. It used to be fun, but not so much anymore. I am switching careers after 10+ years in the industry. It was once good money, but the stress and lack of stability is not worth the ever declining coin. Good luck.

12-15-2010, 12:05 PM

Posts: n/a
Re: Advice for a recent college graduate.
AIMS is the quickest, surest way to get a rewarding and lucrative career in medical sales started.

12-15-2010, 08:52 PM

Posts: n/a
Re: Advice for a recent college graduate.
Originally Posted by Anonymous
AIMS is the quickest, surest way to get a rewarding and lucrative career in medical sales started.
Actually it is now a college.

8-week program

12-15-2010, 09:42 PM

Posts: n/a
Re: Advice for a recent college graduate.
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Actually it is now a college.

8-week program
Thanks for the link. Performing due diligence was tough because of all the name changes: AIMS, The Art Institute, Vo-Tech Med Sales, and now the Medical College.

Here's another link that proved helpful

12-17-2010, 01:49 PM

Posts: n/a
Re: Advice for a recent college graduate.
The best advice you'll get is here:

1.) DO NOT waste your time and money on any courses that claim to help you train or 'certify' for any type of medical sales career. They are ALL BOGUS. Do your research if you doubt it.
2.) DO NOT attempt to get into pharma.
3.) DO get a b2b job and work towards a MS or MBA.
4.) Look for any opportunities to network. This means reps in the field and recruiters.
5.) Look for opportunities to become an ASR. (Your quickest legit route)
6.) DO NOT waste your time and money on any courses that claim to help you train or 'certify' for any type of medical sales career. They are ALL BOGUS. Do your research if you doubt it.

12-31-2010, 07:02 PM

Posts: n/a
Re: Advice for a recent college graduate.
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Actually it is now a college.

8-week program

A college in name only. They operated an illegal school called American Institute of Medical Sales (AIMS) in TN first, then in CO until the CO state officials caught up with them and required them to get a license like Jim Bob's Bartending School and and Aunt Maves Beauty school. They screwed previous students out of refunds promised in a contractual agreement by changing the name of the school. They are some of the most unethical and slimy people in the industry. Do your homework. Check them out by doing a Google search on AIMS. Take the time to read the blogs. Most of the complaints are legit. Medical Sales College is run by the same people who ran AIMS, they are the same company just under a new name. Their claims about the top medical companies hiring from them are bogus. Those are merely a few distributors who want cheap labor (many of them never pay AIMS the recruiting fee) that are affiliated with those companies and are friends of Jim Rogers, Medical Sales College CEO. They have had a bunch of turnover in their staff because of their unethical business practices. Save your money, network as much as possible. Get on LinkedIn and contact people in the industry. If you really want to be in medical sales, prove it to a hiring manager by working at a distributor for free for a month. Medical Sales College/AIMS is not where you want to be. They lie for a living.

12-31-2010, 07:11 PM

Posts: n/a
Re: Advice for a recent college graduate.
Originally Posted by Anonymous
The best advice you'll get is here:

1.) DO NOT waste your time and money on any courses that claim to help you train or 'certify' for any type of medical sales career. They are ALL BOGUS. Do your research if you doubt it.
2.) DO NOT attempt to get into pharma.
3.) DO get a b2b job and work towards a MS or MBA.
4.) Look for any opportunities to network. This means reps in the field and recruiters.
5.) Look for opportunities to become an ASR. (Your quickest legit route)
6.) DO NOT waste your time and money on any courses that claim to help you train or 'certify' for any type of medical sales career. They are ALL BOGUS. Do your research if you doubt it.
Excellent post. Too many people try to take the short cut of the bogus "schools" or medical sales college programs and wind up regretting it. As a recent grad you have a lot of different opportunties in the industry if you take the time to do the work, which you will have to do anyway even if you go through the bogus programs. Save your money and use the time to educate yourself on what the hiring managers look for. Set up informational interviews, be relentless in your search. Nobody can do for you what you need to do for yourself which is to sell yourself to a hiring manager. No program will do that. Do not let yourself be mislead by spin marketing or pictures and claims on a website. Those people signed a waiver for their photo to be used in marketing pieces and can't do anything about the misrepresentation associated with their photo. Read the blogs as part of your research. If the company is legit, you don't see hundreds of posts about it in a month.

12-31-2010, 07:14 PM

Posts: n/a
Re: Advice for a recent college graduate.
Originally Posted by Anonymous
AIMS is the quickest, surest way to get a rewarding and lucrative career in medical sales started.
Bogus post by AIMS/Medical Sales College staff. Check out their BBB rating and the posts by doing a Google search to get the real facts.

01-02-2011, 07:46 PM

Posts: n/a
Re: Advice for a recent college graduate.
Going into pharma isn't a bad gig for a year or two to get off the ground out of college. I started in pharma right out of college and I blow my fellow graduates out of the water in terms of salary. They're at Enterprise or Paychex making $40k a year and I'm making double in pharma. The key with pharma is to remember 2 things:

1. It's not going to be around forever. Layoffs are frequent. Have a backup plan.
2. The longer you stay in pharma, the less marketable you become. Pharma spoils us. Most other prestigious industries see us as glorified catering, so don't stay in this industry longer than 3 or 4 years unless you are married to a sugar mama or sugar daddy.

Good luck!

01-23-2011, 05:30 PM

cafepharma addict

Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 354
Re: Advice for a recent college graduate.
All of the previous posters offer good advice. Sounds like you have a very solid education. Right now you have to get in where you fit in. As you know Device is a very competitive field to get into but not impossible. Like other posters have said, I would try to avoid Pharma. Lots of folks are being laid off and losing their jobs. If you really want into Device contact some local distributors about Associate Rep positions. You will be somebody's bitch for a couple of years running surgical trays to cases but will learn invaluable lessons no pay-for-school program can sufficiently teach you in 8 weeks. I also have to agree with other previous posters that the money in Device is not what it used to be. If you have really good grades why not look at a Masters program? If you can get some of job that has a certification you will be recession proof. Do it now while you are young.

02-02-2011, 04:39 PM

Posts: n/a
Re: Advice for a recent college graduate.
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Actually it is now a college.

8-week program

BEWARE! This place is the previous company American Institute of Medical Sales or AIMS.Do a search on Cafe Pharma for AIMS and take the time to read the posts. You will hear about students who were screwed out of legally required refunds. You will also see posts from Medical Sales College staff bashing previous students, paying customers, because they don't like it that previous grads are trying to get the word out about how slimy and unethical these people are. Spend your money elsewhere. And if you are female, avoid Medical Sales College completely. Several sexual harassments claims against the CEO and staff.

05-05-2011, 09:34 PM

Posts: n/a
Re: Advice for a recent college graduate.
Originally Posted by Anonymous
BEWARE! This place is the previous company American Institute of Medical Sales or AIMS.Do a search on Cafe Pharma for AIMS and take the time to read the posts. You will hear about students who were screwed out of legally required refunds. You will also see posts from Medical Sales College staff bashing previous students, paying customers, because they don't like it that previous grads are trying to get the word out about how slimy and unethical these people are. Spend your money elsewhere. And if you are female, avoid Medical Sales College completely. Several sexual harassments claims against the CEO and staff.
For two years Jim was having an affair with an Italian woman. One night, she confided in him that she was pregnant. Not wanting to
ruin his reputation or his marriage, he paid her a large sum of money
if she would go to Italy to secretly have the child. If she stayed in
Italy to raise the child, he would also provide child support until the
child turned 18. She agreed, but asked how he would know when the baby was born.

To keep it discrete, Jim told her to simply mail him a post card, and
write 'Spaghetti' on the back. He would then arrange for the child
support payments to begin.

One day, about 9 months later, he came home to his confused wife. 'Honey!,' she said, 'you received a very strange post card today .' He
said 'Just give it to me and I'll explain it later.' She did, and watched as her husband read the card, turned white, and fainted. On the card was written:

Spaghetti, Spaghetti, Spaghetti, Spaghetti, Spaghetti.

Three with meatballs, two without.

Send extra sauce!

Keep it in your pants Jim!

05-13-2011, 09:22 PM

Posts: n/a
Re: Advice for a recent college graduate.
Originally Posted by Anonymous
For two years Jim was having an affair with an Italian woman. One night, she confided in him that she was pregnant.

Keep it in your pants Jim!
Is this story true???? I don't doubt it in the least but can't imagine current wife would be happy about this. The only part of the story I doubt is that he promised to pay child support, that seems to honorable. How many kids does that make for him now??

05-17-2011, 08:57 PM

Posts: n/a
Re: Advice for a recent college graduate.
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Is this story true???? I don't doubt it in the least but can't imagine current wife would be happy about this. The only part of the story I doubt is that he promised to pay child support, that seems to honorable. How many kids does that make for him now??
Jim came home drunk one night, slid into bed beside sleeping Tom, and fell into a deep slumber.
He awoke before the Pearly Gates, where St. Peter said, 'You died in your sleep, Jim.'
Jim was stunned. 'I'm dead? No, I can't be! I've got too much to live for. Send me back!'
St. Peter said, 'I'm sorry, but there's only one way you can go back, and that is as a chicken.'
Jim was devastated, but begged St. Peter to send him to a farm near his home... The next thing he knew, he was covered with feathers, clucking and pecking the ground.
A rooster strolled past. 'So, you're the new hen, huh? How's your first day here?'
'Not bad,' replied Jim the hen, 'but I have this strange feeling inside. Like I'm gonna explode!'
'You're ovulating,' explained the rooster. 'Don't tell me you've never laid an egg before?'
'Never,' said Jim.
'Well, just relax and let it happen,' says the rooster. 'It's no big deal.'
He did, and a few uncomfortable seconds later, out popped an egg!
Jim was overcome with emotion as he experienced motherhood.
He soon laid another egg; his joy was overwhelming.
As he was about to lay his third egg, he felt a smack on the back of his head, and heard Tom say...

"Jim, wake up! You $h!t the bed!"

06-28-2011, 01:10 PM

Posts: n/a
Re: Advice for a recent college graduate.
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Is this story true???? I don't doubt it in the least but can't imagine current wife would be happy about this. The only part of the story I doubt is that he promised to pay child support, that seems to honorable. How many kids does that make for him now??
Jim's Anatomy Lecture

This is the best example for paying attention that I have ever heard.

First-day students at the Medical Sales College were attending their first
anatomy class with Jim. They all gathered around the
surgery table with Tom's body covered with a white sheet.

The professor Jim started the class by telling them, "In Medical Sales
it is necessary to have two important qualities.
The first is that you not be disgusted by anything involving the
animal's body." For an example, the professor Jim pulled back the sheet,
stuck his finger in Tom's butt, withdrew it, and stuck his
finger in his mouth. "Go ahead and do the same thing," he told his

The students freaked out, hesitated for several minutes, but eventually
took turns sticking a finger in Tom's butt and sucking on it.

When everyone finished, professor Jim looked at them and said, "The
second most important quality is observation. I stuck in my middle
finger and sucked on my index finger. Now learn to pay attention. Life's
tough but it's even tougher if you're stupid."

For anyone that thinks MSC doesn't work, watch the videos.

Dreams do happen not with chance for the majority but dedication and hard work.

Thank you MSC.

I just talked with several people that have attended and two employers that have hired. I'm excited to get started. I looked through this site and I can see where apparently the "recruiter/steve" finally ceased his daily activity. I guess he got tired of all the placements and positive feedback about the school.

11,000 views in the last couple months

hundreds of placed graduates with pictures and hiring company!

I'm glad to see a company provide such a valuable education and opportunity for people like me that have been trying to get into medical sales for years!

I just talked with several people that have attended and two employers that have hired. I'm excited to get started. I looked through this site and I can see where apparently the "recruiter/steve" finally ceased his daily activity. I guess he got tired of all the placements and positive feedback about the school.

11,000 views in the last couple months

hundreds of placed graduates with pictures and hiring company!

I'm glad to see a company provide such a valuable education and opportunity for people like me that have been trying to get into medical sales for years!

I still don't get it. I got into device from pharma a few years ago because I interviewed well and had good experience in the specialty I was selling to plus I sold copiers right out of college so I knew how to sell capital equipment. And this job I am in now it pretty good, I'll do 180 this year and it is pretty kickback, as you can see since I am posting at lunch time.

So I guess I don't know why someone like you would need this and someone like me didn't...

What didn't you do that I did? I don't ask that to be sarcastic, it is a serious question.

I help my good friends and take care of my great friends. People not my friend know me to be a terrible bastard.

I hope this turns out to be a great school and a great friendship.

Wish me luck!

most of these placements are with independent agents who sell these companies lines. The positions are straight commission only

Stay away. You would be better off offering a contingency recruiter an extra $5K if he places you