Medical Sales College. Is it for Real?

I highly doubt the CEO of the company is real concerned to "watch" CP daily. You make a question about it being "accredited"? They are through the education commission in Colorado.

I agree with you on the fact that many colleges specifically online are taking a lot of heat. With the economy struggling people are taking to higher education. For the most part, higher education has failed many. In the original question about MSC, these guys are for real. They are an "A" rated company at the BBB:

Not a single complaint since the operation incorporated two years ago! You can also find hundreds of references at:

You can find daily updates of student placements at :

I was recommended from the HR department of the leading orthopedic company. I applied this weekend.

I hope this helps!

Interestingly, you forgot this one:

It seems your recruiting arm had plenty of complaints. Is that why you keep changing the names of your entities?

Interestingly, you forgot this one:

It seems your recruiting arm had plenty of complaints. Is that why you keep changing the names of your entities?

I can tell you exactly what happened....

I attended a "different" college named the American institute of Medical Sales. In 2008/2009 they had an interview guarantee. We had a guy named Brad that attended with us. He was the only one that didn't get a job. He had an opportunity but moved to Denver and became a law clerk. According to the other classmates, he had opportunities to interview but "ducked" the interview in hope to recoup his money. He has told several other former classmates that he was going to blog against MSC. MSC refused to give his money back because he never attended MSC. The guy is a complete loser and he is "Steve" from the Ripoff report.

It is simple, look at MSC, it has never received any negative publicity since its origination in 2010. MSC has placed almost 500 people. Unfortunately, Brad was not one of them. Actually, probably a good thing. He finished dead last in our class at the American Institute of Medical Sales. The guy couldn't sell out of a paper bag! I can assure you that EVERY negative blog is from Bradley... He has nothing else to do! Bradley, it's time for you to move on. Everyone is using MSC.... Does it bother you that they just had the best month ever?

I knew it wasn't real when Mr. Roger, CEO, came on the board to defend his company. No CEO would do that. I've read this site, and it sickens me to see how these scam colleges promise naive people the moon. They always fail to deliver. Please spare me all those fake testimonials. I commend the individual for coming forward about this issue.

And Mr. Roger, please feel free to reply to my post anytime about accreditation.

Numbers 11 & 14 are very suspect and lead me to believe this school is not legit.

11 - Facebook page listings that list names like Joe R. or Sally M. etc. Why not use full names and tag the students to their FB account? They are not going to work for the NSA or CIA so there's no need to not use their full names. Plus, I would assume they are proud of their accomplishment and want to share it with their friends and family.

14 - I looked at the positions on Elite's site. Yes, there are hundreds of positions. The odd thing is they all have the same basic requirements. If they truly were representing multiple companies and these jobs were legit, the requirements would vary from position to position.

Doesn't pass the sniff test.

I can tell you exactly what happened....

I attended a "different" college named the American institute of Medical Sales. In 2008/2009 they had an interview guarantee. We had a guy named Brad that attended with us. He was the only one that didn't get a job. He had an opportunity but moved to Denver and became a law clerk. According to the other classmates, he had opportunities to interview but "ducked" the interview in hope to recoup his money. He has told several other former classmates that he was going to blog against MSC. MSC refused to give his money back because he never attended MSC. The guy is a complete loser and he is "Steve" from the Ripoff report.

It is simple, look at MSC, it has never received any negative publicity since its origination in 2010. MSC has placed almost 500 people. Unfortunately, Brad was not one of them. Actually, probably a good thing. He finished dead last in our class at the American Institute of Medical Sales. The guy couldn't sell out of a paper bag! I can assure you that EVERY negative blog is from Bradley... He has nothing else to do! Bradley, it's time for you to move on. Everyone is using MSC.... Does it bother you that they just had the best month ever?

Brad is the guy in the Progressive commercial with Flo. And no, I'm not Brad. Also, I thought you said I am a competitive recruiter. In reality, I am a just another guy you tried to push towards your Medical Sales College, even though I am already in medical sales. You phished for my resume using a fake job listing and I continue to feel what you did is underhanded, unethical, and perhaps even illegal. My opinion is, EliteMed-Medical Sales College is a scam.

I highly doubt the CEO of the company is real concerned to "watch" CP daily. You make a question about it being "accredited"? They are through the education commission in Colorado.

I agree with you on the fact that many colleges specifically online are taking a lot of heat. With the economy struggling people are taking to higher education. For the most part, higher education has failed many. In the original question about MSC, these guys are for real. They are an "A" rated company at the BBB:

Not a single complaint since the operation incorporated two years ago! You can also find hundreds of references at:

You can find daily updates of student placements at :

I was recommended from the HR department of the leading orthopedic company. I applied this weekend.

I hope this helps!

Guess this guy can't read..... The reference list above has the FULL names of 300+ placed graduates....

None of these are verifiable. I tried. I don't trust this medical sales school at all.

Then you really didn't try. When I enrolled back in January, I was given a list of ten people in my state alone. I contacted a few of them all with favorable responses. At that time, I also read Cafepharma and took names listed on this site and easily found them on LinkedIn. I reached out to an additional three people all which again responded positively. Needless to say, it's easy to find.

Then you really didn't try. When I enrolled back in January, I was given a list of ten people in my state alone. I contacted a few of them all with favorable responses. At that time, I also read Cafepharma and took names listed on this site and easily found them on LinkedIn. I reached out to an additional three people all which again responded positively. Needless to say, it's easy to find.

Mr. Rogers,

Can you provide the contact info of MSC grads who didn't get placed? I hear there are many more of them compared to those who found jobs. Thanks.

Mr. Rogers,

Can you provide the contact info of MSC grads who didn't get placed? I hear there are many more of them compared to those who found jobs. Thanks.

Interesting. You "hear" there are many grads who did not get placed. If there were SO many, how come you are the only one posting on here? LOSER!!!

Interesting. You "hear" there are many grads who did not get placed. If there were SO many, how come you are the only one posting on here? LOSER!!!

Once again you contradict yourself. Didn't you write that I never attended MSC? Now you're saying I attended, but is the only one who didn't find a medical sales job.

Medical Sales College will surely be exposed for what it educational SCAM!

There is a modeling agency called Elite, but unlike EliteMed, Elite Modeling Agency seems legit.

Based on this information.... I would call it legit!

(Copy and pasted from AIMS is it real yesterday)

The list (which is contained on their website) has trainers from all of the top five that has attended the school, VP's of Sales (I would assume they too are corporate) of four of the five and several other key corporate executives from more than 20 other companies.

They have two articles NATIONAL NEWSPAPERS that have CORPORATE executives commenting about the school favorably. One in particular says;

"What this school will produce is what we and other orthopedic companies are looking for."
B. Purcell
VP of Sales Exactech

CBS (I believe that's a NATIONAL corporation) talking about the medical sales industry as a top industry moving forward... CBS Mentions MSC favorably...

"Additional training required: An eight-week program offered by MSC can help newcomers with sales experience transition to medical sales..."

Yet the best, look at this youtube clip of yet another top five company endorsing Jim Rogers and the Medical Sales College at THEIR national sales meeting with hundreds of executives and distributors...

Listen to the President of the company introduce Mr. Rogers with...

"Dave and I sat through a presentation of his and when we got done, I looked over to Dave and said I'm ready to go out to the field and sell for this guy..."

So, who is lying?

This is exactly why I graduated and now am placed with the leading trauma company. Two of my friends are currently attending. I will tell everyone this is the best way in.


Based on this information.... I would call it legit!

(Copy and pasted from AIMS is it real yesterday)

The list (which is contained on their website) has trainers from all of the top five that has attended the school, VP's of Sales (I would assume they too are corporate) of four of the five and several other key corporate executives from more than 20 other companies.

They have two articles NATIONAL NEWSPAPERS that have CORPORATE executives commenting about the school favorably. One in particular says;

"What this school will produce is what we and other orthopedic companies are looking for."
B. Purcell
VP of Sales Exactech

CBS (I believe that's a NATIONAL corporation) talking about the medical sales industry as a top industry moving forward... CBS Mentions MSC favorably...

"Additional training required: An eight-week program offered by MSC can help newcomers with sales experience transition to medical sales..."

Yet the best, look at this youtube clip of yet another top five company endorsing Jim Rogers and the Medical Sales College at THEIR national sales meeting with hundreds of executives and distributors...

Listen to the President of the company introduce Mr. Rogers with...

"Dave and I sat through a presentation of his and when we got done, I looked over to Dave and said I'm ready to go out to the field and sell for this guy..."

So, who is lying?

This is exactly why I graduated and now am placed with the leading trauma company. Two of my friends are currently attending. I will tell everyone this is the best way in.


I may say that there is no better way to get into medical device sales then by attending the medical sales college.

I am so excited that I found this company! I have been trying to get in for more than two years!

Well keep trying. With the market the way it is today the last thing a solid Company is going to hire is someone fresh out of "scam school". If you were stupid enough to pay for this school you deserve not to get a job, anyone with an ounce of experience will beat you out in an interview. Just ask any real recruiter not paid for by the school. And Zimmer is not a real Trauma Company they are on the pay roll. Pay Attention people.

Well keep trying. With the market the way it is today the last thing a solid Company is going to hire is someone fresh out of "scam school". If you were stupid enough to pay for this school you deserve not to get a job, anyone with an ounce of experience will beat you out in an interview. Just ask any real recruiter not paid for by the school. And Zimmer is not a real Trauma Company they are on the pay roll. Pay Attention people.

Let me get this straight, you didn't attend the school nor would actually have knowledge of what a company would hire. You're not a hiring manager. You're not knowledgable of what the school teaches.

The school is well documented with success in national publications, invited guests with live footage and links available with device company executives endorsing the school, top device manufactures all have had training teams at their facilities. Most important, every single top company has hired from them. So again, why won't it work? Is it because they don't charge ridiculous fees like traditional recruiters?

How did it work for the 500 so far? Yea, we believe you're the expert.

Let me get this straight, you didn't attend the school nor would actually have knowledge of what a company would hire. You're not a hiring manager. You're not knowledgable of what the school teaches.

The school is well documented with success in national publications, invited guests with live footage and links available with device company executives endorsing the school, top device manufactures all have had training teams at their facilities. Most important, every single top company has hired from them. So again, why won't it work? Is it because they don't charge ridiculous fees like traditional recruiters?

How did it work for the 500 so far? Yea, we believe you're the expert.

Now the figure is 500? A month ago you said it was 360, then 400, then 450, then 600, then 1000. Only fools would believe your lies. (But I know you're counting on that.)

Now the figure is 500? A month ago you said it was 360, then 400, then 450, then 600, then 1000. Only fools would believe your lies. (But I know you're counting on that.)

I'm sure it was 300 when you first started blogging against them. It makes logical sense that it would go 400,450 and now 500. You're right, it soon will be 600 then 1,000. After all, they are placing more than 30 people a month. You can see that on their Facebook page. Therefore, if it's 500 now in just a next year at this time it will be more than 1,000

I was suprised that you didn't try and call te latest video fake too!!! Lol.

I'm sure it was 300 when you first started blogging against them. It makes logical sense that it would go 400,450 and now 500. You're right, it soon will be 600 then 1,000. After all, they are placing more than 30 people a month. You can see that on their Facebook page. Therefore, if it's 500 now in just a next year at this time it will be more than 1,000

I was suprised that you didn't try and call te latest video fake too!!! Lol.

But you've already mentioned 600 and 1000 a month ago. Stop inflating your numbers.