Medical Sales College. Is it for Real?

It's irrelevant what you called your recruiting arm and course back in 2009, since EliteMed Recruiting and Medical Sales College (MSC) still operate the same exact way: EliteMed lures vulnerable jobseekers with bogus job ads, then pushes them toward your expensive MSC course via the false promise of a medical sales job. (People looking for jobs don't "invest" approximately $10,000 for an interview.)

Stop trying to confuse jobseekers though equivocation. At the end of the day, what that poster said is that more than half of his MSC class did not get jobs. In other words, more than half got scammed. Perhaps your 81% placement claim really means 81% don't get placed.

This is 100% correct!!!

More unverifiable testimonials. If you "invest" $10,000 to attend MSC, don't be surprised to be one of the "losers" who don't get placed. That's what they'll call you, since they always blame their victims. If they placed 27 in 3 weeks, then I wonder how many more they didn't place?

Finally, look at the post above and ask yourself why its author is pretending to be a consumer. He is obviously affiliated with EliteMed-MSC. What legitimate school posts fake testimonials? None!

It obviously works. Your only statement is "what school posts fake testimonials"? That would indicate that their website is fake, they make all fake Linkdin pages, all fake Facebook posts yet they are a licensed college for two years without a single complaint to the state attorney office or education department?

Nice try.......

FYI, making a statement that it always an affiliated MSC is probably correct. They have hundreds of affiliated current and former students.

Your agenda is exposed. 27 placements in 17 days?

It obviously works. Your only statement is "what school posts fake testimonials"? That would indicate that their website is fake, they make all fake Linkdin pages, all fake Facebook posts yet they are a licensed college for two years without a single complaint to the state attorney office or education department?

Nice try.......

FYI, making a statement that it always an affiliated MSC is probably correct. They have hundreds of affiliated current and former students.

Your agenda is exposed. 27 placements in 17 days?

Your post above is another example of your many fake testimonials. Are you saying that you are neither an owner nor employee of EliteMed-MSC? Doubt it.

Everything you've written mentions the same points: 1) numbers placed, 2) Linkedin, 3) MSC has never had a complaint.

Anyone can put up Barney Rubble and Fred Flintstone Linkedin profiles mentioning MSC. Linkedin, LOL. Jim probably screams Yabba Dabba Do whenever another sucker signs up.

Perhaps "MSC" never had a complaint you couldn't settle, but its other names surely did. AIMS, for instance, had plenty of BBB complaints. So stop equivocating and just tell the truth. Oh, but that would ruin your agenda...I mean business plan. Luckily for you, like Gazoo says, the world is full of dum-dums.

Your post above is another example of your many fake testimonials. Are you saying that you are neither an owner nor employee of EliteMed-MSC? Doubt it.

Everything you've written mentions the same points: 1) numbers placed, 2) Linkedin, 3) MSC has never had a complaint.

Anyone can put up Barney Rubble and Fred Flintstone Linkedin profiles mentioning MSC. Linkedin, LOL. Jim probably screams Yabba Dabba Do whenever another sucker signs up.

Perhaps "MSC" never had a complaint you couldn't settle, but its other names surely did. AIMS, for instance, had plenty of BBB complaints. So stop equivocating and just tell the truth. Oh, but that would ruin your agenda...I mean business plan. Luckily for you, like Gazoo says, the world is full of dum-dums.

Looks like we are just going to have to keep visiting this site and educating the morons that may bel. in these scam colleges.

Good post. Keep it up.

Also, I would say to most people that any sales job in the medical field is not a good one because you have to kiss a lot of rear end, unlike other sales jobs, where you are treated with respect.

How time flies… While it has been about six or seven weeks since my last post, there continues to be a lot of misinformation posted on this site so I am here again, making attempts to address the concerns for those who care to hear it.

The theme of these recent posts seems to be related to either: (1) the effectiveness of our programs or (2) to the “legitimacy” of student (or graduate) testimonials and their success in the field.

First of all, let me reiterate that we are approved and regulated by the Colorado Department of Higher Education, Private Occupational School Board (DPOS), directed by Mr. Jim Parker. Contact information for the DPOS is (303) 866-2723 and Mr. Parker’s email address is I mention this because, as a regulated college, there are very strict guidelines for our activities. As part of the approval process, we have participated in an extensive application processes, we have presented our curriculum to the state (which included a “needs assessment” reviewed by surgeons and companies), we have provided statistics to the state, and we are bonded (meaning that the tuition paid for by students is protected in the case that we cease operations). Further, the Attorney General’s office protects the interest of consumers from fraudulent or criminal activity so we must be accountable to them, as well. We have been approved and regulated since 2010, during which time there have been no complaints and this can be confirmed by the DPOS or the Attorney General’s office.

For the Medical Sales College to post “fake” testimonials, it would mean that our activities went far beyond a “scam” and that we were actually participating in illegal activities. Frankly, that is ABUSRD. We have NEVER posted fake testimonials and we have NEVER created fake profiles or pages for students. We have not participated or engaged in any activities that would be considered fake, false, or misleading...

We DO make every attempt to recognize and celebrate the successes that our students have. We are very proud when our graduates complete their programs, find sales opportunities, are placed, and fulfill their dreams. There has been a lot of hiring activity in recent weeks and lots of “success stories” to share. We encourage you to go to (our primary social media outlet) where we have celebrated the success of over 30 students who have accepted job offers in the past three weeks. You have seen some of our proponents encourage you to go to our students’ LinkedIn sites to confirm the information that we share. I would also encourage you to do this. There are now over 450 (and we are nearing 500) former students who are now enjoying successful careers in medical sales - the vast majority of which are selling implants and biologic products for some of the largest, most successful, and most reputable companies in the world.

Another thing that I would like to address is the idea that MSC students pay $10,000 to get an interview. Our students do not pay for jobs, nor interviews… They pay tuition to develop a skill set that positions them to succeed in a profession – a very competitive and rigorous profession, at that. This industry is NOT for everyone. We make every effort to be sure that our students understand exactly how competitive this industry really is. Employers look to hire MSC grads because they have this unique skill set and are more prepared to step into a new territory and make a contribution. Our graduates have successfully differentiated themselves from the competition, which makes them (and us) a target…

If you have been reading this thread and have more questions about the Medical Sales College, I would encourage you to contact me, as I would be happy to address ANY and ALL questions in a direct manner. We also have extensive reference lists of former graduates who are willing to tell you about their experience at MSC.

Our students have not all shared in the same success. Sometimes that has been attributed to their individual performance and sometimes it has been dumb, bad luck. It is impossible to please “all of the people all of the time” and I find it very unfortunate that this blog is so very divisive when there are SO many people whose lives (and livelihoods) have been enhanced by our programs.

To this end, I can be contacted at:

Shannon Marshall
Director of Social Media, Medical Sales College

Your post above is another example of your many fake testimonials. Are you saying that you are neither an owner nor employee of EliteMed-MSC? Doubt it.

Everything you've written mentions the same points: 1) numbers placed, 2) Linkedin, 3) MSC has never had a complaint.

Anyone can put up Barney Rubble and Fred Flintstone Linkedin profiles mentioning MSC. Linkedin, LOL. Jim probably screams Yabba Dabba Do whenever another sucker signs up.

Perhaps "MSC" never had a complaint you couldn't settle, but its other names surely did. AIMS, for instance, had plenty of BBB complaints. So stop equivocating and just tell the truth. Oh, but that would ruin your agenda...I mean business plan. Luckily for you, like Gazoo says, the world is full of dum-dums.

So true.

Shannon Marshall is posting on CafePharma at 8:18PM. What legitimate college employee does that? She is nothing but a sales person out to fool people into taking MSC.

They will smooth talk you, bombard you with unverifiable statistics and testimonials, and in the end not deliver their promise of getting you a job for your $10,000 investment. If you fall victim to these people, go tell the Attorney General in your state. You owe it to yourself and others.

How time flies… While it has been about six or seven weeks since my last post, ...let me reiterate that we are approved and regulated by the Colorado Department of Higher Education, Private Occupational School Board (DPOS), directed by Mr. Jim Parker. Contact information for the DPOS is (303) 866-2723 and Mr. Parker’s email address is

Shannon Marshall
Director of Social Media, Medical Sales College

EliteMed-MSC and their faulty argument that they are licensed by the government, so therefore cannot be running a scam.

Tell you what, go call the SEC and ask for Mary L. Schapiro, Elisse B. Walter, Luis A. Aguilar, Troy A. Paredes, or Daniel M.Gallagher and ask them if Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC went through a rigorous process of getting licensed by the SEC. Of course they did. Doesn't mean Bernie Madoff wasn't running a scam.

EliteMed-MSC and their faulty argument that they are licensed by the government, so therefore cannot be running a scam.

Tell you what, go call the SEC and ask for Mary L. Schapiro, Elisse B. Walter, Luis A. Aguilar, Troy A. Paredes, or Daniel M.Gallagher and ask them if Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC went through a rigorous process of getting licensed by the SEC. Of course they did. Doesn't mean Bernie Madoff wasn't running a scam.

You seriously are fucking stupid. Seek help....

Welcome to the Medical Sales College, and thank you for your confidence in us. Like countless students before you, you have trusted MSC with this pivotal moment in your education and your career, and we are honored.

MSC has been built on a solid foundation of taking strong, driven professionals and giving them the training and experience they need to succeed in this most exciting and lucrative of sales fields. Medical device sales – working with surgical implantable devices – is poised for a growth explosion as the baby boomers
age, and there is an expanding need for highly skilled, highly technical sales professionals to bring medical technology to the marketplace and guide its proper usage.
Your choice to thoroughly prepare yourself for this career makes you part of an elite corp. Our team of Trainers and Coaches, with over 100,000 hours of clinical and sales experience behind it, is ready to guide you toward being a top performing medical device sales representative. Members of MSC’s faculty have served in nearly every capacity in the orthopaedic and spine business, from sales reps and trainers to distributors and vice presidents. We know this business from the inside out, so beyond the technical and clinical guidance, we are able to help you navigate the tricky waters of career success.
At the Medical Sales College, we believe that the program to prepare industry leaders should be tough, rigorous, practical, and focused. While training during the at-home phase of your education, you will be exposed to hundreds of words, concepts, and ideas that will be completely foreign to you, all of which must become part of your vocabulary and thought processes. When you arrive at our world-class Denver training facilities, we will expand upon that foundation with hands-on, sales and device-focused training to equip you to speak confidently and competently to surgeons and hospital staff and to become an integral part of the surgical team.

For years, the orthopaedic and spine medical device industry has struggled with the issue of indentifying and training top-quality sales representatives. We are proud to add our programs and our graduates as one solution, are proud of the success our graduates have seen in the field, and are proud of the incredible industry acceptance that our college has experienced.

We look forward to working with you in your quest to be at the top of the medical device sales industry.

Jim R. Rogers
Chief Executive Officer
The Medical Sales College

Mr Rogers:

I'm interested in if your institution is an accredited college. Could you provide that information. Also, $10,000+ is a hefty price for something that you get no college credit for.

If you are then please send the link and I will contact the college of accreditation (with dept. of education). I believe doing due diligence before I apply to any institution.

Thank you. As, a CEO I commend you for coming on CP.

I was very skeptical when introduced to the Medical Sales College from a website. I have been reading these threads the last few days while doing research on the company. I have seen you post no less than 100 times about “ethics” and “fake-testimonials”. I finally was about to believe you when I decided to check out the information provided by this person you call “EliteMed-MSC guy”. I took all of “five minutes” searching “Medical Sales College” on Linkedin (I typed first name – last initial, linkedin and Medical Sales college into google) and sure enough, every name on their facebook page lined up with a REAL PERSON on Linkedin. I found pages of people with a MSC background with device jobs.

I am not sure who you are but YOU are the fraud and should be ashamed of yourself. People are trying to find angles into this business and needless to say, it is a very difficult job market. I now am 100% certain that every post negative is you because they ALL say the same thing. If it is “EliteMed-MSC guy”, he is right, it does work! He should have just put up this information along time ago.

My suggestion is that you get your agenda driven a** on someone else’s thread and waste your pathetic life away with them. People like me are looking for true information not your fraudulent practices.

I will be enrolling tomorrow!

Check out the REAL information people.

Kyle Fraser -

Blaine Taylor -

Tracy Nowak -

Carlanna Cunningham -

Justin Cowley -

Olenka Luna -

Dani Hull -

Heidi Wiegand -

Gena King -

Joe Riggs -

Kathy Stanczak -

Renee Sparacino -

Kirk Papastavrou -

Pierre Garcia -

Christopher Titsworth -

Cory Harrington -

THESE REAL PEOPLE could not get into any decent company, if they are in fact real. The joker that runs the school seems to have nothing but free time on his hands to troll the pages and create fake profiles. Two of the people mentioned had 5 jobs in the last 1.5 years. Styker, Medtronic-would not hire any of these people. No one I know has ever had to pay to get into medical sales. Think about why you would? Buyer Beware.

How time flies… While it has been about six or seven weeks since my last post, there continues to be a lot of misinformation posted on this site so I am here again, making attempts to address the concerns for those who care to hear it.

The theme of these recent posts seems to be related to either: (1) the effectiveness of our programs or (2) to the “legitimacy” of student (or graduate) testimonials and their success in the field.

First of all, let me reiterate that we are approved and regulated by the Colorado Department of Higher Education, Private Occupational School Board (DPOS), directed by Mr. Jim Parker. Contact information for the DPOS is (303) 866-2723 and Mr. Parker’s email address is I mention this because, as a regulated college, there are very strict guidelines for our activities. As part of the approval process, we have participated in an extensive application processes, we have presented our curriculum to the state (which included a “needs assessment” reviewed by surgeons and companies), we have provided statistics to the state, and we are bonded (meaning that the tuition paid for by students is protected in the case that we cease operations). Further, the Attorney General’s office protects the interest of consumers from fraudulent or criminal activity so we must be accountable to them, as well. We have been approved and regulated since 2010, during which time there have been no complaints and this can be confirmed by the DPOS or the Attorney General’s office.

For the Medical Sales College to post “fake” testimonials, it would mean that our activities went far beyond a “scam” and that we were actually participating in illegal activities. Frankly, that is ABUSRD. We have NEVER posted fake testimonials and we have NEVER created fake profiles or pages for students. We have not participated or engaged in any activities that would be considered fake, false, or misleading...

We DO make every attempt to recognize and celebrate the successes that our students have. We are very proud when our graduates complete their programs, find sales opportunities, are placed, and fulfill their dreams. There has been a lot of hiring activity in recent weeks and lots of “success stories” to share. We encourage you to go to (our primary social media outlet) where we have celebrated the success of over 30 students who have accepted job offers in the past three weeks. You have seen some of our proponents encourage you to go to our students’ LinkedIn sites to confirm the information that we share. I would also encourage you to do this. There are now over 450 (and we are nearing 500) former students who are now enjoying successful careers in medical sales - the vast majority of which are selling implants and biologic products for some of the largest, most successful, and most reputable companies in the world.

Another thing that I would like to address is the idea that MSC students pay $10,000 to get an interview. Our students do not pay for jobs, nor interviews… They pay tuition to develop a skill set that positions them to succeed in a profession – a very competitive and rigorous profession, at that. This industry is NOT for everyone. We make every effort to be sure that our students understand exactly how competitive this industry really is. Employers look to hire MSC grads because they have this unique skill set and are more prepared to step into a new territory and make a contribution. Our graduates have successfully differentiated themselves from the competition, which makes them (and us) a target…

If you have been reading this thread and have more questions about the Medical Sales College, I would encourage you to contact me, as I would be happy to address ANY and ALL questions in a direct manner. We also have extensive reference lists of former graduates who are willing to tell you about their experience at MSC.

Our students have not all shared in the same success. Sometimes that has been attributed to their individual performance and sometimes it has been dumb, bad luck. It is impossible to please “all of the people all of the time” and I find it very unfortunate that this blog is so very divisive when there are SO many people whose lives (and livelihoods) have been enhanced by our programs.

To this end, I can be contacted at:

Shannon Marshall
Director of Social Media, Medical Sales College


Thank you for your information. 500 placements is an impressive number!

Mr Rogers:

I'm interested in if your institution is an accredited college. Could you provide that information. Also, $10,000+ is a hefty price for something that you get no college credit for.

If you are then please send the link and I will contact the college of accreditation (with dept. of education). I believe doing due diligence before I apply to any institution.

Thank you. As, a CEO I commend you for coming on CP.

Guess since you've given no answer to my question above then I will believe this is a scam college. Maybe the Better Business Bureau could help me out. They've been looking a lot at scam colleges recently.

Guess since you've given no answer to my question above then I will believe this is a scam college. Maybe the Better Business Bureau could help me out. They've been looking a lot at scam colleges recently.

I highly doubt the CEO of the company is real concerned to "watch" CP daily. You make a question about it being "accredited"? They are through the education commission in Colorado.

I agree with you on the fact that many colleges specifically online are taking a lot of heat. With the economy struggling people are taking to higher education. For the most part, higher education has failed many. In the original question about MSC, these guys are for real. They are an "A" rated company at the BBB:

Not a single complaint since the operation incorporated two years ago! You can also find hundreds of references at:

You can find daily updates of student placements at :

I was recommended from the HR department of the leading orthopedic company. I applied this weekend.

I hope this helps!

I highly doubt the CEO of the company is real concerned to "watch" CP daily. You make a question about it being "accredited"? They are through the education commission in Colorado.

I agree with you on the fact that many colleges specifically online are taking a lot of heat. With the economy struggling people are taking to higher education. For the most part, higher education has failed many. In the original question about MSC, these guys are for real. They are an "A" rated company at the BBB:

Not a single complaint since the operation incorporated two years ago! You can also find hundreds of references at:

You can find daily updates of student placements at :

I was recommended from the HR department of the leading orthopedic company. I applied this weekend.

I hope this helps!

I'm thinking about attending Doomsday Preppers College (DPC). For $10,000, they'll teach me how to survive a zombie apocalypse. I read a lot of Linkedin testimonials about how great DPC is. I can't wait to join DPC!!!

Congrats to DPC's recent grads!!!