Medical Sales College. Is it for Real?

This sounds awfully like Medical Sales College:

Barbizon Modeling School Complaint by Charliehorse512

I had a relative go there and it is a rip off. At the time we did not know a whole lot about modeling, but she got sucked into their "casting calls" and they were promising her to be the next best thing. $4,000 later, she got her little modeling degree, but for an additional $5,000, you could go to LA or New York for their huge casting call. That's when we were like *** no. She never went nor did she get anywhere. You do not pay to become a model, nor do you pay to be in a huge audition or casting call. Whoever needs you will train you for free to do what you need to know on site and if its an audition, you don't pay a dime. All barbizon's are only licensed by the state as a modeling SCHOOL and not a modeling AGENCY, but they fail to mention that to anyone. Then they were claiming all these celebrities went there and some of them came out saying they've never stepped into a barbizon to begin with and sued the company because Barbizon was lying about them attending their school". While my relative was there, to make themselves look legitimate, they went so far as to set up a phony movie set and play it off like she was going to be in a real movie?. 20 other extras got sucked in also,. Everyone was calling down to barbizon to find out the release date but come to find out, it was never to see the light of day|. That pissed off a lot of people.. We felt like idiots telling everyone that our sister would be in a movie as an extra and we were waiting for the release only to be slapped in the face like that'. Now I know what that $4,000 was going to from all the dumb saps including us was going to:. A phony movie. 15cb52

When you look back at an organization that’s been around as long as Barbizon, you consider where we started, where we’ve been and where we’re going. And we’ve come full circle, constantly evolving to stay on the cutting edge of the modeling and acting industry. From a single location that developed in 1939 on 5th Avenue in New York City, to operations in over 200 markets worldwide, we’ve kept our focus of nurturing dreams, a true belief in personal development, and a commitment to self-confidence building.

Our business model is not just defined by the industry we operate in, but also the personal success of each student that walks through our doors. We believe in giving children and teens the skills that lead them to success in modeling, acting, and in life. And although we can not guarantee the outcome or predict the future, we strive to provide a rewarding and uplifting experience to carry them through wherever life may take them. And while we believe in industry innovation and evolution, we are getting back to basics with a commitment to communication, customer service and providing more than modeling and acting instruction; we’re providing an everlasting experience.

When you look back at an organization that’s been around as long as Barbizon, you consider where we started, where we’ve been and where we’re going. And we’ve come full circle, constantly evolving to stay on the cutting edge of the modeling and acting industry. From a single location that developed in 1939 on 5th Avenue in New York City, to operations in over 200 markets worldwide, we’ve kept our focus of nurturing dreams, a true belief in personal development, and a commitment to self-confidence building.

Our business model is not just defined by the industry we operate in, but also the personal success of each student that walks through our doors. We believe in giving children and teens the skills that lead them to success in modeling, acting, and in life. And although we can not guarantee the outcome or predict the future, we strive to provide a rewarding and uplifting experience to carry them through wherever life may take them. And while we believe in industry innovation and evolution, we are getting back to basics with a commitment to communication, customer service and providing more than modeling and acting instruction; we’re providing an everlasting experience.

The modeling school argument sounds exactly like MSC's argument: "we're not here to scam you, we're here to help you achieve your dreams."

"Don't worry that you're only 4'11", an MSC certificate can still get you in. After all, your short stature is a plus since you can cover cases in street clothes without violating the sterile field."

You are correct. Barbizon does not work but John Casablanca's is much better. You should try that.

Check this out. The first part is a complaint against John Casablanca Modeling School. Next is a rebuttal from an alleged student. Sound EXACTLY like Medical Sales College (MSC)? Again, MSC is nothing more than a rehashed classic modeling school scam.

1) Written by a consumer:

John Casablancas is a big fat scam, I would know I used to work at that place! San Diego California *Consumer Comment: best career move ive made

I am writing this out to let people know what kind of place John Casablancas is. When I worked there I was not able to tell people the truth about anything. The company tells everyone that they have 12 spaces available to get them to come in, when in fact they have unlimited space. They have plenty of space they just say that to create a since of urgency so they can close the sale. They make people think that they are at the office to see if they would want to work with them as models or actors, when really they are only trying to sign you for classes.

Even if you have had training they will tell you that you need more. They may have you take a test to see if you have had the training you say, this is the same test the students take to graduate (Even the students who went threw the JC training dont pass that test.) Roger Rose tells people that he has never signed anyone who did not make all there money back ($2,250.)

In the time that I worked at the San Diego office I never saw anyone make that money back. Almost all of the "jobs" the models get are non paying jobs; Roger says that its for experience. When people sign for classes Roger will say anything to get you to sign. He will say you can work with the company to help pay for your classes, but there is almost no work and hundreds of scouts trying to help pay off there classes.

After an open house they will always have everyone come back, but schedule everyone at different times so they dont see the other people from the day before. If you are willing to pay then John Casablancas will except you into there programs. This company is a complete rip off, all they want is our money and they give nothing in return. The classes are menial and unstructured. It seams that the teachers are just trying to fill up the 3 hour minimum for each class.

I have heard several instructors talking in privet about how difficult it is to make the class last the full 3 hours. There were a lot of complaints about not being paid on time or not being paid at all for jobs that they preformed. I feel that this company has ripped me off and thousands of others dont help this company get rich off of you or anyone else who has a dream of modeling or acting.

san diego, California

2) Written by an alleged student:

John Casablancas is not a scam!

I am going to John Casablancas as a student. After my third session, I got booked at for a show in Denver, I made $300, it's not a lot but for a first booking, it's pretty good, that's two months of my payments to John Casablancas. How can people say this is a scam??

My husbands sister went to the school as well in a different state, she got many jobs and only quit because she wanted to become a nurse instead.
They explain everything to you when they call you in for the interview. They say that they want to help make back the money you spent for the classes, BUT IT'S NOT PROMISED! It's on the contract you sign, yes the $300 to get started does need to be paid, but it's not for just the stuff in the bag, if you look on the contract the "starter up kit" is only like $80,
I think $300 is a fair price to ask, if you can't pay the rest in full, they set up payment plans which are very affordable. It is through a major company, and they work with you to make sure that you can afford them. The price that you have to pay ($2500) is not horrible, especially when you count in everything they supply for you. You don't have to pay the booking fees, you don't have to pay for initial headshots, you don't have to pay for any "extra" classes if you want to take another one over... they pay A LOT for you, and it is because they want you to succeed.
All of my teachers have seemed to love what they do, they answer our questions honestly and they don't "raise up dreams and crush them" everyone I've talked to has been real about the percentage of getting jobs in your specific field (acting, modeling, t.v., commercials, movies, ect...) In fact I remember at the first audition that was one of the first things they said. You have to have passion, in this career nothing happens over night. I don't know why people are saying it's a scam, it has been the best career move I have ever made.

Denver, CO

You are right on!! I have been following this thread for a long time and wanted to do a test. I had my mother apply to one of the jobs. My mother is 65 years old and has been a volunteer at the local shelter for many years. She received a call from a field recruiter telling her that for the job she applied for needed someone who could cover cases right away. They suggested she attend the Medical Sales College. She told them she was on a fixed income. They told her if she wanted to break into the business she needed the training or she would never be considered.

It is so obvious that MSC is a scam!

One more point to my earlier comment regarding my Mom.They tried to close her so hard to attend the school, they even asked her for a credit card number to hold her spot since the class was filling up fast!

Of course they did-- they are instructed to sell urgency, despite the fact that they accept anybody and everybody willing and able to pay tuition. Everyone knows that device companies, despite the EEOC, usually do not hire people over 40, let alone women. I highly doubt there is even one 65 year old female medical sales rep in the US.

I answered one of their Career Builder ads once, since I thought it was a legit open position in my area. Anyway, despite the fact that I am an experienced rep with 48+ months experience, they still tried to sell me MSC.

Since their website clearly says "[their] designed medical sales programs transform a selling professional as if they have been in the medical sales industry for 12-24 months," then how exactly could they have helped me? What value could they have added to a working medical sales rep's resume?

That experience immediately told me that their posted job was FAKE and that their main intent was to sell me MSC. I'm sure you're not surprised to hear that their rep became defensive and unprofessional after I told him I wasn't willing to pay MSC anything.

In my opinion, EliteMed-Medical Sales College is a SCAM!

Now I have seen it all! Can you compare walking on a runway to doing a 360 fusion or burst fracture in the thoracic spine?? You are grasping at straws with your analogy.

What are you talking about. MDs do the surgery, not medical device reps. In my opinion, you are an arrogant SOB who could never make it as an MD.

What are you talking about. MDs do the surgery, not medical device reps. In my opinion, you are an arrogant SOB who could never make it as an MD.

The MD's do the surgery but they are lost if the rep is not there. I pray to god you are not an MD posting on this site. If so, you must be a real shitty one.

The MD's do the surgery but they are lost if the rep is not there. I pray to god you are not an MD posting on this site. If so, you must be a real shitty one.

They are lost without a rep? What will these surgeons do without an MSC rep and his 2 months of training? LOL.

4 years of undergrad
+ 4 years of medical school
+ 4 years of residency
+ 4 years of fellowship
Medical Doctor

4 weeks of online work
+4 weeks of classroom work
MSC Grad

Here are another 20+ people placed in the last couple weeks. Many with the very top device jobs.

The more you blog... the more fun us graduates have!!!!!

Let me guess, all of these are fake!

Medical Sales College
Here's another one to celebrate... Congrats to Joe R. who accepted a position with Arthrex this week! Joe had to be a little patient with this process, but we know he's going to turn it out! Can't wait to hear about your many successes, Joe...

Like · · Share · 4 hours ago ·
Dana Angel Swann and 3 others like this.

Medical Sales College
Congratulations to Heidi W., a Class 108 graduate, who has accepted a position with Ameridose. While her new sales role is outside of traditional device sales, she will be selling into hospitals and calling on anesthesiologists. We're excited for you and wish you all the best!

Like · · Share · 4 hours ago ·
2 people like this.

Medical Sales College
Congratulations to Gena K., a Class 106 Academy graduate, who has accepted a position with a distributor of medical devices and surgical/capital equipment. She got it done just 7 weeks after graduation! We're wishing you much success!

Like · · Share · Yesterday at 12:39pm ·
Dana Angel Swann and 2 others like this.

Adam Roberts Nice Work Gena!! That's awesome!!
21 hours ago · Like

David Feiner Go Gena!!
6 hours ago · Like

Medical Sales College
Another shout out to Brian A., a Class 111 Academy graduate, who just signed on with Biomet! He "sealed the deal" just over three weeks since graduating. Nice job and best of luck to you, Brian!

Like · · Share · Tuesday at 9:59am ·
Dana Angel Swann and 4 others like this.

Todd Dalton that is awesome!
Tuesday at 10:05am · Like

Medical Sales College
Congratulations to Kathy S., who has formed her own independent distributorship in North Carolina (Carolina Pine Medical Solutions). We know you're going to knock it out of the park!

Like · · Share · Monday at 10:04am ·
Dana Angel Swann, Melissa Triano and 6 others like this.

Kathy Stanczak Thank you! Very excited and thankful for this opportunity! I am very happy to be back and supporting the medical needs of my military family! I couldn't have done it without the skills, networking, relationships and confidence I gained through the MSC!
Monday at 12:13pm · Like

Linda Austin Cline Congrats! You will do Great! :)
Monday at 2:31pm · Like

Medical Sales College
Let's not forget Class 111's Valedictorian, Will W., who has accepted a position with DePuy Mitek! Closed it in less than than 3 weeks and starts work next Monday - exactly 24 days since graduating! Great luck to you to at J&J...

Like · · Share · March 5 at 4:06pm ·
2 people like this.

Medical Sales College
Congratulations to Justin Smith, a Class 106 Academy graduate, who signed on with Biomet this week! We know you're going to rock it out in Texas!

Like · · Share · March 5 at 4:02pm ·
Adam Roberts likes this.

Lindsay Sooby Way to go Justin!! Congratulations!!
March 6 at 11:22pm · Like

Adam Roberts Nice job buddy!
March 7 at 6:39am · Like

Josh Kerrigan We knew you could do it!!!
Monday at 3:16pm · Like

Medical Sales College
Another MSC grad to knock it out is Tracy N., who completed her Extremities program on January 20th and accepted a position last week with Dynasplint! Way to go, Tracy, and best of luck to you!

Like · · Share · March 5 at 3:59pm ·
David Pikop likes this.

Willester Penn Way to go Tracy!!
March 11 at 1:38pm · Like

Tracy Nowak Miss you sweet boy!! :)
March 11 at 1:59pm · Like

Medical Sales College
What a week! We have a lot more placements to celebrate, so let's kick it off with Dani Hull, a Class 111 Academy graduate, who has landed with 3D Spinal Solutions! Dani graduated just 3 weeks ago and is really to roll... Congrats!

Like · · Share · March 5 at 3:54pm ·
Tom Rolen likes this.

Medical Sales College
Congratulations to Olenka L., an Academy graduate who just signed on with Biomet! It was Olenka's performance in role-plays and the persistence of her recruiter (Gaia) that made sure she had the opportunity to shine. We look forward to hearing more about your continued success, Olenka!

Like · · Share · March 5 at 11:15am ·
3 people like this.

Medical Sales College
Big kudos go out to Carlanna C., who is graduating from our Orthopaedic Extremities class today but is already set to start her new position in just a week! Carlanna has officially signed on with CC Surgical Solutions and will be selling a big bag of sports medicine and spine products. Great job getting it done BEFORE graduating! All the best to you!

Like · · Share · March 2 at 11:47am ·
4 people like this.

Carlanna Cunningham Thank you! I wouldn't have this opportunity if it wasn't for the education I received at MSC :)
March 2 at 1:57pm · Like

Kat Vermelis Way to go girl!!!
March 2 at 3:06pm · Like · 1

Jaime Martinez Way to go!!!
March 3 at 11:43pm · Like

Medical Sales College
Congratulations to our Most Valuable Participant from Class 108, Renee' S., who accepted a position (about 2 weeks after graduating) with SEC! Renee' was hired by a former graduate who now manages his own distributorship and has a big bag of medical products. We wish you much success!

Like · · Share · March 1 at 4:25pm ·
Lauren Keegan and 3 others like this.

Dusten Pecor Congratulations
March 1 at 10:17pm · Like

Willester Penn I am so happy for you Renee!
March 11 at 1:39pm · Like

Medical Sales College
Congratulations to Kirk P., a Class 108 graduate, who has landed with Marathon Medical - a distributor with a big bag of trauma, total joint, arthroscopy, and biologic products (including Tornier, SBi, Incisive Surgical, ACell, Conformis, and more). Better yet, he got it done about 5 weeks since graduating! Best of luck, Kirk!

Like · · Share · February 29 at 1:45pm ·
4 people like this.

Dusten Pecor That's great congratulations
March 1 at 10:17pm · Like

Willester Penn Congratulations Kirk!!
March 11 at 1:39pm · Like

Medical Sales College
Here are the 8 grads mentioned below... Congrats again, guys!

Like · · Share · February 28 at 10:39am ·
Melissa Triano and Andy Fitzpatrick like this.

Medical Sales College
OK... The admin fell off the radar here, but we have a bunch of placements to celebrate! Congratulations to Pierre G., Tom K., Chad D., Christopher T., Lille T., Justin M., Megan S., and Cory H. who have all accepted positions recently. Megan already has a big case booked for this week! We wish each and every one of these graduates continued success!
Like · · Share · February 27 at 12:25pm ·
Melissa Triano, Dana Angel Swann and 7 others like this.

Jimmy Norton Class 110 is on the board!!!
February 27 at 1:22pm · Like

Medical Sales College I failed to mention that 3 of these guys were Core5 Orthopaedic Biologics graduates, so a job especially well done to them!
February 27 at 2:56pm · Like

Medical Sales College
Here's another reason to celebrate... Congrats go out to David C. who accepted a position with DePuy Mitek last week. He went to great lengths to make himself available for an interview opportunity - and it paid off! This is an example of another great success story, as David got it done almost one month to the day since graduating... Great job!

Like · · Share · February 2 at 4:13pm ·
Dana Angel Swann and 4 others like this.

Debbie Cox Great job David! Class 108 knows how hard you worked for this opportunity!
March 1 at 4:36pm · Like

Willester Penn Congratulations David! Stay in touch man!
March 11 at 1:39pm · Like

Medical Sales College
Congratulations to Audra D., who completed our Spine Program and who has recently accepted a position with Universal Medical. Audra was fortunate in that she had other opportunities and actually had to decide between more than one position! Good luck to you!

Like · · Share · February 1 at 1:06pm ·
Dana Angel Swann and 5 others like this.

A few recent missed testimonials....

March 12, 2012 11:10 am
From: Olenka Luna

My name is Olenka and I'm a recent graduate of the Medical Sales College. I just want to say that MSC was truly a great experience! Attending the school was one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life. It has made me who I am today, a device rep in one of the nation's top medical device companies. Before attending the school, my dream of becoming a rep seemed close to impossible. I would never get interviews due to my lack of experience in the field. Well, MSC provided me with this necessary experience. The school taught me all aspects of the industry and within just days of graduating I started getting calls and emails from device companies I had applied to – something that never happened prior to this program. Then, just 3 months later, I landed this amazing job that I couldn't be more happier to be in!! I owe it all to the school and their instructors and recruiters! THANK YOU MSC!! I will continue to recommend this program to anyone I come across in the industry or who is looking to get into the industry!

March 5, 2012 2:20 pm
From: Kyle Fraser, Zimmer

My name is Kyle Fraser and about a year ago I decided I wanted to get into medical device sales. After several months of applying for jobs with no results, or even interviews, I decided to take the next step and enroll at the Medical Sales College. At first I was a little skeptical of the program and the doors that it might open for me. As a matter of fact, I almost blew them off when they contacted me because it seemed too good to be true! I’m extremely glad now that I didn’t. After talking to several people in the admissions department, I decided to enroll. In November of 2011, I completed the Spine Program. A few short weeks after, and even during the program, I was interviewing with several companies. These are BIG companies that would never even look at my resume prior to the program. I now work for Zimmer Spine in Montana. The program will help make you a legitimate candidate for a job in medical sales and, more importantly, help you succeed in the industry. The Medical Sales College is an investment in your future, and truly IS a way to get into the industry. Kyle F.

March 5, 2012 2:19 pm
From: Cory Harrington, Bone Bank Allog

Hi, this is Cory Harrington from the January 2012 Orthopaedic Reconstruction & Trauma class with Medical Sales College and I want to personally endorse the professionalism and effectiveness of EliteMed Recruiting. Both my recruiter, Justin Thompson, and the President of the company, Scott Binder, and my instructor of training at MSC, Scott Boswell, had been instrumental in assisting me to find a highly sought after position with Bone Bank Allograft, a world-class biotechnology company in my hometown. The training expense and time required to complete the course is significant and, as an entrepreneur by training and experience, I was cautious about entering into an agreement with MSC and EMR. Everything I learned about the school and the recruiting (both good and bad) had led me to decide to take a calculated risk and invest in them. I am very happy that I decided to move forward. I highly recommend Medical Sales College and EliteMed Recruiting if you are a motivated sales professional who wants to enter into medical device or biologics sales. You will be making a wise decision. Cory H.

A few recent missed testimonials....

March 12, 2012 11:10 am
From: Olenka Luna

My name is Olenka and I'm a recent graduate of the Medical Sales College. I just want to say that MSC was truly a great experience! Attending the school was one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life. It has made me who I am today, a device rep in one of the nation's top medical device companies. Before attending the school, my dream of becoming a rep seemed close to impossible. I would never get interviews due to my lack of experience in the field. Well, MSC provided me with this necessary experience. The school taught me all aspects of the industry and within just days of graduating I started getting calls and emails from device companies I had applied to – something that never happened prior to this program. Then, just 3 months later, I landed this amazing job that I couldn't be more happier to be in!! I owe it all to the school and their instructors and recruiters! THANK YOU MSC!! I will continue to recommend this program to anyone I come across in the industry or who is looking to get into the industry!

March 5, 2012 2:20 pm
From: Kyle Fraser, Zimmer

My name is Kyle Fraser and about a year ago I decided I wanted to get into medical device sales. After several months of applying for jobs with no results, or even interviews, I decided to take the next step and enroll at the Medical Sales College. At first I was a little skeptical of the program and the doors that it might open for me. As a matter of fact, I almost blew them off when they contacted me because it seemed too good to be true! I’m extremely glad now that I didn’t. After talking to several people in the admissions department, I decided to enroll. In November of 2011, I completed the Spine Program. A few short weeks after, and even during the program, I was interviewing with several companies. These are BIG companies that would never even look at my resume prior to the program. I now work for Zimmer Spine in Montana. The program will help make you a legitimate candidate for a job in medical sales and, more importantly, help you succeed in the industry. The Medical Sales College is an investment in your future, and truly IS a way to get into the industry. Kyle F.

March 5, 2012 2:19 pm
From: Cory Harrington, Bone Bank Allog

Hi, this is Cory Harrington from the January 2012 Orthopaedic Reconstruction & Trauma class with Medical Sales College and I want to personally endorse the professionalism and effectiveness of EliteMed Recruiting. Both my recruiter, Justin Thompson, and the President of the company, Scott Binder, and my instructor of training at MSC, Scott Boswell, had been instrumental in assisting me to find a highly sought after position with Bone Bank Allograft, a world-class biotechnology company in my hometown. The training expense and time required to complete the course is significant and, as an entrepreneur by training and experience, I was cautious about entering into an agreement with MSC and EMR. Everything I learned about the school and the recruiting (both good and bad) had led me to decide to take a calculated risk and invest in them. I am very happy that I decided to move forward. I highly recommend Medical Sales College and EliteMed Recruiting if you are a motivated sales professional who wants to enter into medical device or biologics sales. You will be making a wise decision. Cory H.

HAHAHAAHAH this is comical...I went to college and would never go on the University site and sing their praises. The only people motivated to do so on this site are motivated by YOUR money and those of us that want to point that out to you don't want you to be another scam school statistic. Call any recruiter off of medreps or anyone in the industry for longer than a year and they'll tell you the same. Let logic and reason help you determine that this is all just a scam to line someone's pockets with money.

HAHAHAAHAH this is comical...I went to college and would never go on the University site and sing their praises. The only people motivated to do so on this site are motivated by YOUR money and those of us that want to point that out to you don't want you to be another scam school statistic. Call any recruiter off of medreps or anyone in the industry for longer than a year and they'll tell you the same. Let logic and reason help you determine that this is all just a scam to line someone's pockets with money.

You are SO ridiculous; I find myself laughing at YOUR posts!!

A few recent missed testimonials....

March 12, 2012 11:10 am
From: Olenka Luna

My name is Olenka and I'm a recent graduate of the Medical Sales College. I just want to say that MSC was truly a great experience! Attending the school was one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life. It has made me who I am today, a device rep in one of the nation's top medical device companies. Before attending the school, my dream of becoming a rep seemed close to impossible. I would never get interviews due to my lack of experience in the field. Well, MSC provided me with this necessary experience. The school taught me all aspects of the industry and within just days of graduating I started getting calls and emails from device companies I had applied to – something that never happened prior to this program. Then, just 3 months later, I landed this amazing job that I couldn't be more happier to be in!! I owe it all to the school and their instructors and recruiters! THANK YOU MSC!! I will continue to recommend this program to anyone I come across in the industry or who is looking to get into the industry!

March 5, 2012 2:20 pm
From: Kyle Fraser, Zimmer

My name is Kyle Fraser and about a year ago I decided I wanted to get into medical device sales. After several months of applying for jobs with no results, or even interviews, I decided to take the next step and enroll at the Medical Sales College. At first I was a little skeptical of the program and the doors that it might open for me. As a matter of fact, I almost blew them off when they contacted me because it seemed too good to be true! I’m extremely glad now that I didn’t. After talking to several people in the admissions department, I decided to enroll. In November of 2011, I completed the Spine Program. A few short weeks after, and even during the program, I was interviewing with several companies. These are BIG companies that would never even look at my resume prior to the program. I now work for Zimmer Spine in Montana. The program will help make you a legitimate candidate for a job in medical sales and, more importantly, help you succeed in the industry. The Medical Sales College is an investment in your future, and truly IS a way to get into the industry. Kyle F.

March 5, 2012 2:19 pm
From: Cory Harrington, Bone Bank Allog

Hi, this is Cory Harrington from the January 2012 Orthopaedic Reconstruction & Trauma class with Medical Sales College and I want to personally endorse the professionalism and effectiveness of EliteMed Recruiting. Both my recruiter, Justin Thompson, and the President of the company, Scott Binder, and my instructor of training at MSC, Scott Boswell, had been instrumental in assisting me to find a highly sought after position with Bone Bank Allograft, a world-class biotechnology company in my hometown. The training expense and time required to complete the course is significant and, as an entrepreneur by training and experience, I was cautious about entering into an agreement with MSC and EMR. Everything I learned about the school and the recruiting (both good and bad) had led me to decide to take a calculated risk and invest in them. I am very happy that I decided to move forward. I highly recommend Medical Sales College and EliteMed Recruiting if you are a motivated sales professional who wants to enter into medical device or biologics sales. You will be making a wise decision. Cory H.

It is easy to see that MSC (students or staff) could easily defend the college. They have hundreds of placements all VERIFIABLE (149 pages from previous students) (Over 300 references from students) (Over 400 placements)

Without a doubt the easiest way to get into medical sales!

It is easy to see that MSC (students or staff) could easily defend the college. They have hundreds of placements all VERIFIABLE (149 pages from previous students) (Over 300 references from students) (Over 400 placements)

Without a doubt the easiest way to get into medical sales!

First, easy is for losers.

Second, your college stinks.

Third, your post is stupid.

Of course they did-- they are instructed to sell urgency, despite the fact that they accept anybody and everybody willing and able to pay tuition. Everyone knows that device companies, despite the EEOC, usually do not hire people over 40, let alone women. I highly doubt there is even one 65 year old female medical sales rep in the US.

I answered one of their Career Builder ads once, since I thought it was a legit open position in my area. Anyway, despite the fact that I am an experienced rep with 48+ months experience, they still tried to sell me MSC.

Since their website clearly says "[their] designed medical sales programs transform a selling professional as if they have been in the medical sales industry for 12-24 months," then how exactly could they have helped me? What value could they have added to a working medical sales rep's resume?

That experience immediately told me that their posted job was FAKE and that their main intent was to sell me MSC. I'm sure you're not surprised to hear that their rep became defensive and unprofessional after I told him I wasn't willing to pay MSC anything.

In my opinion, EliteMed-Medical Sales College is a SCAM!

I find your posting interesting. I am in no way promoting the school. As a matter of fact I think it's a scam too.
As far as device companies hiring people over happens more often than you think. It's not like the Ken and Barbie 20 something Pharma people. I was hired by a device company at 46 years old and coming from pharma. Go Figure! I'm not a model by any means....but certainly not a troll or hard on the eye. I DEFINITELY do not look my age..but when you look at my resume and it shows that I graduated in 1989 you don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that I'm over 40. I did get advanced degrees in 1999 and 2002. If I were really worried about the age thing.....I would have left out the education from 1989.
However, I know what I'm worth and what I could do. I've been in the device job for 2 years now and doing well. DOn't let people tell you that you can't get a device job over 40. If you're smart, energetic and keep yourself in half way decent shape you can get any job you want. It's all about what you want, how you present yourself and how determined you are to get it.

It's impossible to verify any of these.

ARE YOU CRAZY? Wait, don't answer that I think we all know the answer.

You can verify almost every post/testimonial/placement....

On Facebook, the pictures and names have Facebook accounts. Duh.....

Testimonials/placements have Linkedin accounts. Duh...

This is not like your continued "modeling school comment", this is hundreds of people in a very short time period! Furthermore, these 149 pages, 300 references and 400 placements are all real.... And YOU..... Can you say agenda.........