Medical Sales College. Is it for Real?

EliteMed-MSC claims to have recently placed 16 people. Several questions immediately come to mind:

1) Who placed these people, EliteMed, MSC, themselves, or a combination? (Yes, it matters.)

2) Who hired these people, medical device companies, distributorships or a combination? (This also matters.)

3) How many grads didn't get placed? (I'm sure it is a lot more than 16.)

4) Were all 16 MSC grads? (I'm guessing yes, since these folks push MSC to everyone.)

1) Themselves mainly, since EliteMed really only recruits for MSC.
2) Distributorships mainly, probably ones financially affiliated with EliteMed-MSC.
3) Many--but they settle with those who sue or threaten to sue.
4) Of course.

You continue to avoid this very specific, but simple question:

What percentage of every student Jim Rogers has ever collected money from was found a job by Jim Roger's recruiting arm?

We need to see the answer and calculations posted on MSC's website. If you don't answer this, it will prove your 81% claim is intentionally inaccurate.

Jim Roger's is great, just ask him.

I had two unrelated friends that I know both recommend this school as entry into medical sales. They said in both instances their company has hired from MSC/Elite.

Two completely random unrelated people told me, out of the blue, that their companies have hired from my main source of income, for-profit controversial college. Trust me, I didn't make this up. LOL.

"23. I am considering paying an agency to help place me. Is that a good decision?
No, Nine, Nyet! It is rare, and almost always the wrong choice to pay someone or an agency to help you find a job. All fees, whether for a retained search or a contingency search should be paid by the company that is hiring. A candidate should never pay an agency to place them. I guess there are exceptions, I have just never heard of a case that warranted a candidate paying an agency that wasn’t a SCAM."

*Keep in mind, EliteMed Recruiting is NOT really a recruiting agency since it charges jobseekers money through MSC...whether or not candidates are placed.

*In reality, EliteMed is a JOB AGENCY. PH Consulting, as well as many other unaffiliated institutions, consider job agencies a scam.

Yo Jimbo,
I called to see what the status is on my refund from the Aims train wreck. Since you don't answer your phone I thought I might catch you on here...
The "ONE" disgruntled student
Maybe you could just pay all of us the guaranteed refund and we'd stop bothering you!!!

Yo Jimbo,
I called to see what the status is on my refund from the Aims train wreck. Since you don't answer your phone I thought I might catch you on here...
The "ONE" disgruntled student
Maybe you could just pay all of us the guaranteed refund and we'd stop bothering you!!!

Sounds like you should have attended the Medical Sales College. That way if you would have had a LEGIT complaint all would have been taken care of.

That's why Medical Sales College is flawless. Never a complaint. Nothing filled. That is how you tell legit versus bullshit.

Sounds like you were two years early. Didn't AIMS only have a refund for those that couldn't get interviews or a job? What happened to you? Maybe you sucked or just didn't have a LEGIT complaint. Let me guess, three years later you still don't have a job?

MSC Class 91

This sounds awfully like Medical Sales College:

Barbizon Modeling School Complaint by Charliehorse512

I had a relative go there and it is a rip off. At the time we did not know a whole lot about modeling, but she got sucked into their "casting calls" and they were promising her to be the next best thing. $4,000 later, she got her little modeling degree, but for an additional $5,000, you could go to LA or New York for their huge casting call. That's when we were like *** no. She never went nor did she get anywhere. You do not pay to become a model, nor do you pay to be in a huge audition or casting call. Whoever needs you will train you for free to do what you need to know on site and if its an audition, you don't pay a dime. All barbizon's are only licensed by the state as a modeling SCHOOL and not a modeling AGENCY, but they fail to mention that to anyone. Then they were claiming all these celebrities went there and some of them came out saying they've never stepped into a barbizon to begin with and sued the company because Barbizon was lying about them attending their school". While my relative was there, to make themselves look legitimate, they went so far as to set up a phony movie set and play it off like she was going to be in a real movie?. 20 other extras got sucked in also,. Everyone was calling down to barbizon to find out the release date but come to find out, it was never to see the light of day|. That pissed off a lot of people.. We felt like idiots telling everyone that our sister would be in a movie as an extra and we were waiting for the release only to be slapped in the face like that'. Now I know what that $4,000 was going to from all the dumb saps including us was going to:. A phony movie. 15cb52

This sounds awfully like Medical Sales College:

Barbizon Modeling School Complaint by Charliehorse512

I had a relative go there and it is a rip off. At the time we did not know a whole lot about modeling, but she got sucked into their "casting calls" and they were promising her to be the next best thing. $4,000 later, she got her little modeling degree, but for an additional $5,000, you could go to LA or New York for their huge casting call. That's when we were like *** no. She never went nor did she get anywhere. You do not pay to become a model, nor do you pay to be in a huge audition or casting call. Whoever needs you will train you for free to do what you need to know on site and if its an audition, you don't pay a dime. All barbizon's are only licensed by the state as a modeling SCHOOL and not a modeling AGENCY, but they fail to mention that to anyone. Then they were claiming all these celebrities went there and some of them came out saying they've never stepped into a barbizon to begin with and sued the company because Barbizon was lying about them attending their school". While my relative was there, to make themselves look legitimate, they went so far as to set up a phony movie set and play it off like she was going to be in a real movie?. 20 other extras got sucked in also,. Everyone was calling down to barbizon to find out the release date but come to find out, it was never to see the light of day|. That pissed off a lot of people.. We felt like idiots telling everyone that our sister would be in a movie as an extra and we were waiting for the release only to be slapped in the face like that'. Now I know what that $4,000 was going to from all the dumb saps including us was going to:. A phony movie. 15cb52

Now I have seen it all! This shows your ignorance on the medical device industry. You are comparing a modeling school to the Medical Device College? Are you nuts?? It's takes a certain look to be a model however the job responsibilities are far from what a surgical implant rep does. Can you compare walking on a runway to doing a 360 fusion or burst fracture in the thoracic spine?? You are grasping at straws with your analogy.

Now I have seen it all! This shows your ignorance on the medical device industry. You are comparing a modeling school to the Medical Device College? Are you nuts?? It's takes a certain look to be a model however the job responsibilities are far from what a surgical implant rep does. Can you compare walking on a runway to doing a 360 fusion or burst fracture in the thoracic spine?? You are grasping at straws with your analogy.

Medical Sales College and Modeling School both:

1) Find students through fake job advertisements posted by job agencies that are masquerading as job recruiters.
2) Appeal to people's sense of hope and vanity. You too can become a well paid, attractive medical sales rep or runway model within 8 weeks.
3) Use unverifiable testimonials.
4) Inherently promise jobs via training certificates.
5) Blame their victims who don't find jobs.

In the end, MOST of their graduates do not obtain PROMISED jobs. People don't invest approximately $10,000 for interviews.

That EliteMed Job You Applied For Never Really Existed!

EliteMed continues to post hundreds of medical sales jobs on employment boards such as Career Builder and Monster. Of course, many of these “positions” do not really exist. *It is their clever ruse to obtain students for Medical Sales College (MSC).*

Ask the EliteMed recruiter who called you about the local job you forwarded your resume for. Chances are, he or she will say that the job was taken by a more qualified MSC graduate, but*you could improve your future candidacy for an open position if you "invest" in a MSC certificate.

What legitimate college recruits in this manner? None!

This sounds awfully like Medical Sales College:

Barbizon Modeling School Complaint by Charliehorse512

I had a relative go there and it is a rip off. At the time we did not know a whole lot about modeling, but she got sucked into their "casting calls" and they were promising her to be the next best thing. $4,000 later, she got her little modeling degree, but for an additional $5,000, you could go to LA or New York for their huge casting call. That's when we were like *** no. She never went nor did she get anywhere. You do not pay to become a model, nor do you pay to be in a huge audition or casting call. Whoever needs you will train you for free to do what you need to know on site and if its an audition, you don't pay a dime. All barbizon's are only licensed by the state as a modeling SCHOOL and not a modeling AGENCY, but they fail to mention that to anyone. Then they were claiming all these celebrities went there and some of them came out saying they've never stepped into a barbizon to begin with and sued the company because Barbizon was lying about them attending their school". While my relative was there, to make themselves look legitimate, they went so far as to set up a phony movie set and play it off like she was going to be in a real movie?. 20 other extras got sucked in also,. Everyone was calling down to barbizon to find out the release date but come to find out, it was never to see the light of day|. That pissed off a lot of people.. We felt like idiots telling everyone that our sister would be in a movie as an extra and we were waiting for the release only to be slapped in the face like that'. Now I know what that $4,000 was going to from all the dumb saps including us was going to:. A phony movie. 15cb52

You are correct. Barbizon does not work but John Casablanca's is much better. You should try that.

That EliteMed Job You Applied For Never Really Existed!

EliteMed continues to post hundreds of medical sales jobs on employment boards such as Career Builder and Monster. Of course, many of these “positions” do not really exist. *It is their clever ruse to obtain students for Medical Sales College (MSC).*

Ask the EliteMed recruiter who called you about the local job you forwarded your resume for. Chances are, he or she will say that the job was taken by a more qualified MSC graduate, but*you could improve your future candidacy for an open position if you "invest" in a MSC certificate.

What legitimate college recruits in this manner? None!

You are right on!! I have been following this thread for a long time and wanted to do a test. I had my mother apply to one of the jobs. My mother is 65 years old and has been a volunteer at the local shelter for many years. She received a call from a field recruiter telling her that for the job she applied for needed someone who could cover cases right away. They suggested she attend the Medical Sales College. She told them she was on a fixed income. They told her if she wanted to break into the business she needed the training or she would never be considered.