No news is not good news for the diabetes division. It’s just more losses mounting to competitors.
I thought they shut this BU down, wow I'm getting paid to to stay home all day instead of selling pumpsThe diabetes business continues to get crushed. No new products. Big emphasis on the piece of crap product Inpen.
If it wasn't so sad it would be hilarious. Worst management of a business in the history of business. To fall so far the company has made SO MANY bad decisions one after another.
The best reps have already left. Future of the division very much in question.
We are in BIG trouble.
As the best reps have left the company the high volume business that had been developed left with them. How the mighty have fallen. Too big to fail? Not here!
Que has decided the way to get results is to be super demanding and make sure people know she thinks they are stupid. So, we'll see how that works out for her.
Que knows nothing about medical … NOTHING. She is socially awkward and will officially tank this division. No one will follow her.
Sadly, this company used to be a wall street darling and the rampant incompetence on the Excom has ruined that.