MDT Diabetes

Most real medical device companies include a requirement for relevant medical device experience and/or education in their job descriptions, which the FDA audits against. Abbott got an FDA warning letter because their management was lacking in experience & qualifications. Has Medtronic just removed any requirement for relevant education & experience from their job descriptions in order to hire people with no medical device experience, especially in management? If so, an FDA auditor could challenge the company & issue a warning letter.

Abbott warning cites lack of worker qualifications
DEI is priority #1 for this sick company. It's like some racist diversity fetish to just hate on people who have a history of success and accomplishment and blame it on some mythical systemic unfairness that no one can find.

DEI is priority #1 for this sick company. It's like some racist diversity fetish to just hate on people who have a history of success and accomplishment and blame it on some mythical systemic unfairness that no one can find.

The VERP is going to accelerate the brain drain out of Northridge. The folks who have been hanging in there and really want things back on track are done with Que and her arrogance and condescending. Some were going to go this summer anyway after they get some MIP but the VERP will speed it up.

It’s all really embarrassing. 70 percent market share at one time. The strategy, the poor hires, poor direction, poor leadership is real.

The Abbott announcement news coverage about Libre didn't even mention MDT. Thats how low things have sunk. Clearly the engineers that wanted interoperability with sensors and pumps were on to something and MDT management mantra about closed/complete systems was wrong.

Closed looped systems weren’t a wrong idea. What was wrong was not investing in proper best in class tech. That’s on leadership strategy that failed miserably. Looking back Hooman was who accelerated the downfall of Medtronic Diabetes. Have to have the right sensor tech to give patients the experience they want. Quality products for Medtronic are a thing of the past. Sad but true.

Closed looped systems weren’t a wrong idea. What was wrong was not investing in proper best in class tech. That’s on leadership strategy that failed miserably. Looking back Hooman was who accelerated the downfall of Medtronic Diabetes. Have to have the right sensor tech to give patients the experience they want. Quality products for Medtronic are a thing of the past. Sad but true.

you're confusing closed loop with closed systems. Our competition has closed loop with interoperable devices. MDT leaders Hooman and before and since have insisted it be our sensor, our pumps, working together because they thought only about the profit of the whole system and not what was best for patients.

Best in class sensor and giving the patient what they asked for could have ensured Medtronic continued to dominate the market. That was THE mistake and they still haven’t fixed that problem after years of failing. Products weren’t and still are not user friendly enough to compete effectively as part of any system. FDA actions against continuing quality problems is all the proof that’s needed. Failed leadership and cutting corners is to blame.

Best in class sensor and giving the patient what they asked for could have ensured Medtronic continued to dominate the market. That was THE mistake and they still haven’t fixed that problem after years of failing. Products weren’t and still are not user friendly enough to compete effectively as part of any system. FDA actions against continuing quality problems is all the proof that’s needed. Failed leadership and cutting corners is to blame.

As a quality focused engineer, I cannot tell you how Infuriating working at MDT is at times. They have brought the GE mentality to MDT. As someone who has worked at MDT and GE, Good Enough is what GE stands for. Except when it's not good enough but when you say good enough every time, some times it won't be.

As a quality focused engineer, I cannot tell you how Infuriating working at MDT is at times. They have brought the GE mentality to MDT. As someone who has worked at MDT and GE, Good Enough is what GE stands for. Except when it's not good enough but when you say good enough every time, some times it won't be.

I 've been here for a lot of leaders and Que is by far the least inspiring most alienating leader so far. its so sad to see people who should be getting excited to follow someone just getting beat up every day.

It's difficult for you to look up to a woman leader of color?
No but the statistics say she was most likely because of her skin color and genitalia type; not because she was the best candidate.

If anyone is racist it's the people who support hiring be based primarily on race and who bring up race or gender every time you criticize someone.

This gender/race fetish from the SJWs is really perverse and is the opposite of the values and ideas that America's success was built upon.

It's difficult for you to look up to a woman leader of color?
People like you with your victimhood view of the world are so out of touch with reality it is stunning.

You are self projecting. I judge peoples job performance as humans. Not as men, women, black, white, gay, straight. I have had good and bad co-workers of all variations. Those who try to frame everything through a racial lense are the biggest race related problem in the country. They are also the most racist.