Will they give a heads up or just shut down the division with no notice? How does that work?
And the revolving door of leadership continues....
Will they give a heads up or just shut down the division with no notice? How does that work?
DA states that diabetes is essential to Medtronic business. What universe is he coming from to say these ridiculous things?!?
Nothing on 780 in US?
No amount of any new products will save the diabetes division. Too many bad decisions made over the last several years. Competitors took advantage of Medtronic’s horrible leadership and rudderless strategy. Too little and too late.
The best reps have already left. What remains is second and third string back ups that don’t have the talent to win.
To unload it there needs to be a buyer. Who would want this and why? MDT Diabetes hoping for Embecta to save them. Private equity shouldn't touch this. Tandem, Insulet, Dexcom, etc. just laughing.Look at the OU models and products being developed/promoted? Diabetes doesn't really fit into the operating plan, does it? When will Medtronic offload this unpolished turd and call it a day?
Dexcom going to acquire Insulet. Game over. Great job, MDT.