MDT Diabetes

Poor leadership over the years has doomed this division. Bad strategy, not understanding the business, and poor execution of quality standards around CGM and pumps have created a perfect storm of failure. Proof you’re not too big to fail. It’s time to pull the plug on this business. J&J divested their pump division because they could no longer compete. Medtronic is now in the same situation. Medtronic failed first on CGM then on the pump side. Every new product launch delayed due to quality and CGM issues the last 7-8 years.

Not having Medicare coverage for CGM is both a strategic failure and a technology/quality failure. Simply, our CGM isn’t accurate enough to use without zero or minimal finger sticks. Medtronic repeatedly chased profits over costly quality standards and is paying the price again.

Wait a second , I thought all you med device reps walked on water . You all seem to think you are better than everyone else ? How about a little salesmanship!! Now your complaints are about coverage , again I thought you device reps were better than everyone the way you act when I see you out in offices. How about sell thru/ around the “fake” coverage objection. Bottom line you all aren’t any better other than getting your knees scabbed up ⬆️ with Dr’s you POS !!

Wait a second , I thought all you med device reps walked on water . You all seem to think you are better than everyone else ? How about a little salesmanship!! Now your complaints are about coverage , again I thought you device reps were better than everyone the way you act when I see you out in offices. How about sell thru/ around the “fake” coverage objection. Bottom line you all aren’t any better other than getting your knees scabbed up ⬆️ with Dr’s you POS !!

don’t be mad that Medtronic wouldn’t hire you. It was a blessing in disguise, trust me.

Every other CGM device has Medicare coverage, except Medtronic. Above poster, pop off when you know what you are talking about. Failed leadership and strategy hurt this business big time. Most of the best reps in the field have already left. If you can’t get hired now, I apologize. You must not meet the caliber of rep qualifications med device companies are looking for.

Pharma reps make good money too. Stay in your lane.

Medicare patients using our CGM is going to be a nightmare. Too hard to use and too many alarms and problems. The clinical team is going to get destroyed trying to help these Medicare patients.

According to senior leadership, Medicare approval on CGM will take them over the top! I just don’t understand how diabetes division isn’t gone.

they said the same thing about guardian connect, Android for guardian connect, CGM access for Medicare, etc etc. if you’re still here hoping things will turn around…good luck, hope isn’t a strategy

Diabetes has been an issue for over 10 years.
And covid19 is killing diabetics in the tens of thousands-
Since the usa has no plan to end the pandemic, I recommend getting out of MDT diabetes while you can.
Sadly, we can expect more and more variants of concern to thrive in the usa and continue to kill people with diabetes.
Hard to grow a business with terrible products and a customer base that is vulnerable to an airborne out of control killer virus.