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March Restructuring


Personally, I have nothing but respect for my Ashfield colleagues. This industry is very hard at times, and sometimes its just bad luck that people are laid off, layoffs happen, contracts end, drugs have problems, etc. etc. The company does need to make a decision at this point tho. The morale out there isn't great, rumors are spreading like crazy. Just make whatever decision you're gonna make, and get it done. Everyone knows something is happening, no one knows what, or when.

Personally, I have nothing but respect for my Ashfield colleagues. This industry is very hard at times, and sometimes its just bad luck that people are laid off, layoffs happen, contracts end, drugs have problems, etc. etc. The company does need to make a decision at this point tho. The morale out there isn't great, rumors are spreading like crazy. Just make whatever decision you're gonna make, and get it done. Everyone knows something is happening, no one knows what, or when.
+ 1

Nothing against Ashfield reps. Just that they aren’t needed. It’s a huge waste of money and resources for BI when we are at a time that we are trying to be financially lean,
Let’s cut bait with the contract reps. It is time. And over lapping reps just never works well.

A lot of Ashfield reps have their own territories and most of the overlays in my area are BI, so there you go. They want Ashfield to give them more flexibility and no severance when they want to dump. There are business reasons behind the model. Basically they have no respect for their own people anyway.

We don't know what they are doing in March with you, or with us. Nobody tells us until it happens. Everything is hearsay as far as I know unless you are hearing anything through Ashfield? All pharma reps both contract and regular should have a back up plan because this is an unstable industry. Always be looking at your opportunities in the world and if something great comes along, take it. If only shit is available, hold on and with for the best. Always have a reserve fund to hold you over if you are abruptly terminated. I wish all of us the best.

We don't know what they are doing in March with you, or with us. Nobody tells us until it happens. Everything is hearsay as far as I know unless you are hearing anything through Ashfield? All pharma reps both contract and regular should have a back up plan because this is an unstable industry. Always be looking at your opportunities in the world and if something great comes along, take it. If only shit is available, hold on and with for the best. Always have a reserve fund to hold you over if you are abruptly terminated. I wish all of us the best.

Very well said! Been in this industry for 20 years and you have to have a solid emergency fund. We are a 2 income family and we have at least my base income in an emergency fun. I know some will say this is a waste of resources, but I don’t want to have do worry...how am I going to make my bills or will I have to cash out of an investment at the wrong time. Plan for it! It is not if but when in this industry.

A lot of Ashfield reps have their own territories and most of the overlays in my area are BI, so there you go. They want Ashfield to give them more flexibility and no severance when they want to dump. There are business reasons behind the model. Basically they have no respect for their own people anyway.

Ummmmmmm no. Lololololol This is backwards on every level.

Very well said! Been in this industry for 20 years and you have to have a solid emergency fund. We are a 2 income family and we have at least my base income in an emergency fun. I know some will say this is a waste of resources, but I don’t want to have do worry...how am I going to make my bills or will I have to cash out of an investment at the wrong time. Plan for it! It is not if but when in this industry.
If not in a solid financial position, with emergency fund and/or other rainy day assets to draw from, have another marketable skill set that you can rely on. After yet another layoff a couple years ago, resulting in an extended period of unemployment, I returned to my prior career field (in healthcare) where I could work days, evenings, and weekends, if needed. It paid only half what I made in Pharma, but the job was in demand and secure, and the work was consistent - I could pay my bills. I returned to Pharma a year later and kept the job in my prior career as a part-time gig (some evenings & weekends). If I experience another Pharma layoff (which is likely at some point), I can pivot to full-time work in my prior (now current) career field while I search for another sales job. Having back up plans, which may include a skill set in another field to fall back on, is essential these days!

So March or April timeframe for restructure/layoff? Anyone really know? There are several threads alluding to sitting at home by the phone.

No good intel. on this. LOTS of noise from all parts of the company that something is happening. Doesn't even seem to be certain that the timeline is March/April. Might be even later, who knows. Would love to know what is going on as well, but as is always the case, we will just have to wait and see. No one will know more than 1 day in advance. My prediction is rough times ahead tho. Pradaxa/Spiriva going off patent within a few years, Stiolto was never going to go anywhere and sales are flat at this point anyway. Reducing #s would sense I would think. Now just tell us exactly what it is already.