
Actually, in case you didn’t read the email… there are reason that you can cite as to why you are NOT taking the vaccine and get tested every week. Sorry to disappoint you, but you will be working right next to those of us who aren’t vaccinated. Lol. And there will be plenty of us.

Exactly. I’m not getting that vaccine. They can kiss my butt. They’ll all be working right next to us unvaccinated. Lol

Exactly. I’m not getting that vaccine. They can kiss my butt. They’ll all be working right next to us unvaccinated. Lol
Oh but you will get it... if you want to keep a job.

The weekly testing option will be short lived. With full FDA approval, I give it 2-3 months tops before you get that needle in your arm or you move on to Home Depot.

Whether you work in HQ or in the field, this whole subject is about protecting us while at work PERIOD. Our value is to Put Patients First and on this thread we can’t even consider our co-workers, medical practice staff, heck even our own families. We are not going home like last year….we know how to reduce the risk of contracting & severity of COVID should you test positive. No one complained about getting paid at 100% PLUS getting their bonus last year when other companies were laying off, reducing compensation/benefits, etc. We have become spoiled and having a tantrum about a vaccine is ridiculous when we know what it has proven to do. If you don’t want to get it….don’t, but quit complaining. When you bring it home to your spouse (who is also likely choosing to not be vaccinated) and your children, get ready to use your vacation time taking care of them because you are probably the same person who thinks AZ should pay you to stay at home & work. We’ve got the solution to slow the spread. That’s been proven. Start being part of the solution not the problem. If you are drowning and thrown a life jacket, take it or the alternative.

If AZ really puts patients first (and employees), why did they send folks back into the field June 2020 when there was no vaccination in sight? And six months later give 500 in sales the boot? They also made Covid testing available to home office employees, but not to the field! Don’t kid yourself this isn’t about your safety.

If AZ really puts patients first (and employees), why did they send folks back into the field June 2020 when there was no vaccination in sight? And six months later give 500 in sales the boot? They also made Covid testing available to home office employees, but not to the field! Don’t kid yourself this isn’t about your safety.
check your facts. The covid testing is available also for sales employees. Infact they get it delivered at their homes every week!

Why not move the goalpost? The virus has changed, hasn't it?

Yes it has and yet many of those vaxed are the ones getting infected. I know lets put booster shots into our bodies ad infinitum. Yeah, that'll work. A RNA therapy continuously added to our bodies. Sure, what could go wrong.

Why have people become such sheep?

Yes it has and yet many of those vaxed are the ones getting infected. I know lets put booster shots into our bodies ad infinitum. Yeah, that'll work. A RNA therapy continuously added to our bodies. Sure, what could go wrong.

Why have people become such sheep?

yes, and why have you become such a sheep with your continued denial?

The hypocrite is you and your minions. Putting untested (based on traditional timelines of what it take to get a vax approved) that are not approved. Let's remember that AZ is pretty much requiring us to put an "emergency use" product into our bodies w/o adequate testing on long term effects. Never mind that we already know boosters are needed and that the Pfizer vaccine sucks when handling the Delta strain. HR is full of diversity but are stupid as shit. I thought we "followed the science".

You people willing to give up personal freedoms for "perceived" safety, deserve neither.

Lastly, my body, my choice. Go ahead and go down that road lunatics.


This is clearly an epidemic for the unvaccinated. I feel sorry for the unvaccinated that can't take it due to medical reasons, but for the others... I really care less and less each day, and think you're ignorant and selffish. I think the unvaccinated should have to pay for their medical care.

And the whole my body my choice... that argument doesn't seem to extend to a woman's reproductive rights... then so many are happy to have their say...


This is clearly an epidemic for the unvaccinated. I feel sorry for the unvaccinated that can't take it due to medical reasons, but for the others... I really care less and less each day, and think you're ignorant and selffish. I think the unvaccinated should have to pay for their medical care.

And the whole my body my choice... that argument doesn't seem to extend to a woman's reproductive rights... then so many are happy to have their say...

Clearly you are a moron! Based on your comments it's difficult to believe you excelled in critical thought! Are you even reviewing the data that continues to become available? Are you following the science on s protein suppression and mutation? Are you talking to actual healthcare professionals working in hospitals?

Clearly you are a moron! Based on your comments it's difficult to believe you excelled in critical thought! Are you even reviewing the data that continues to become available? Are you following the science on s protein suppression and mutation? Are you talking to actual healthcare professionals working in hospitals?

if you were talking to actual providers, they would tell you to get your vaccine, if you were reading actual peer reviewed medical data, rather than social media “experts”, it would lead you to the logical conclusion, via critical thought, to get the vaccine. No matter how hard you wish it , this isn’t going to go away without us all doing some thing about it.

if you were talking to actual providers, they would tell you to get your vaccine, if you were reading actual peer reviewed medical data, rather than social media “experts”, it would lead you to the logical conclusion, via critical thought, to get the vaccine. No matter how hard you wish it , this isn’t going to go away without us all doing some thing about it.

The fact that you opened with "talking to providers" speaks volumes about your lack of knowledge on this issue. It almost stopped me from responding, you know, that Twain quote on never arguing with the ignorant and all. And raw data doesn't always need to be peer reviewed to make it your reference to it like that alone somehow voids emerging facts/data is just literary smoke and mirrors. It is well accepted within the scientific community that these vaccines wear off and face efficacy issues against variant strains. The data does show that the vaccine can lessen the severity of disease so it would make sense to vax those with underlying risk factors/health concerns. It is well established that a fully vaccinated person can still get sick and still transmit covid-19 and this alone justifies a pause on "mandates" until more information/data is evaluated. Critical thinking is evaluating information on both sides of an issue withholding personal opinion and comments...something you seem unable to do.

if you were talking to actual providers, they would tell you to get your vaccine, if you were reading actual peer reviewed medical data, rather than social media “experts”, it would lead you to the logical conclusion, via critical thought, to get the vaccine. No matter how hard you wish it , this isn’t going to go away without us all doing some thing about it.

Shhhh. Please be quiet.

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