
That's like saying a boots on the ground military personnel have not right being in the armed forces if criticizing decisions made at a higher level. People have the opinions and beliefs. Don't like that, GFY
You're criticizing from an anonymous message board no one in corporate reads or cares about. If you are that passionate about the issue, put your money where your mouth is, complain to your manager, and write an email to the CEO.

Either way, my guess is remaining unvaccinated falls into the CLM category. AZ may allow some exemptions with weekly tests for now but you know as well as I do, it won't be viewed favorably. Don't shoot the messenger.

I love these reps that bitch about Covid shutdowns, no access, wearing a mask. They want life to return to normal, they want Covid to just go away. The only way life will ever return to normal is vaccination. This virus isn’t just gonna vanish. My partner bitches all the time and yet she hasn’t been vaccinated. She wants everyone else to do their part and get the shot but wouldn’t dream of getting it for herself or her kids. Grow up, take the poke.. if you don’t then don’t take up all the hospital space for those that did. Can’t pick and choose treatment. I guarantee you the side effect from mechanical ventilation are worse than a vaccine.

1. How can a pharmaceutical company force a vaccine that hasn’t been given 100% Nod from FDA?

2. we all know that there will be a spotlight on the employees to choose to get not to get vaccinated and tested and the company will eventually find a way to get rid of them

3. How can a Big pharmaceutical company force a vaccine without a guarantee of employment when they are able to layoff off by the masses at any given moment. I feel like I am being held 100% against my will to get something i do not believe in and if I get laid off now I still don’t have a job from the company that forced me to get this injection.

I am very depressed and let down over this entire debacle and how AstraZeneca is handling this. We can’t even get our own vaccine to work properly because of possible side effects that are lasting and we are being forced to get a vaccine that is approved for “emergency” use only.

AZ is full of fake push over people in leadership. Very few have a mind for themselves and if you do they will figure out how to get rid of you or prevent you from moving up in the company.

Worst leadership culture that I’ve been apart of in my 18 years in pharma but it’s an easy paycheck as long as you comply with them.

This however is a hard pill to swallow and might be driving me to retire early. My hope is I can get negative weekly tests and survive until the next round of layoffs and sever my way to early retirement.

So much not to like about this job. Too many to list. You know what they are. However so much to love about this job. Money, freedom, benefits etc. I'm not happy about the work I do not proud at all but shit the coin is great. I'm staying until it hits the fan and I really have to go to work. I know this feeling is throughout the entire sales force. What a Catch-22 will live in!!

So if you get tested on a Monday and are negative but actually have it before the next weekly test, you’d be contagious and spreading it around anyway? I don’t understand the testing. There was a director in OMW with covid but he tested negative earlier that week then he was out sick for weeks with covid. Probably spread that sh*t all around.

I love these reps that bitch about Covid shutdowns, no access, wearing a mask. They want life to return to normal, they want Covid to just go away. The only way life will ever return to normal is vaccination. This virus isn’t just gonna vanish. My partner bitches all the time and yet she hasn’t been vaccinated. She wants everyone else to do their part and get the shot but wouldn’t dream of getting it for herself or her kids. Grow up, take the poke.. if you don’t then don’t take up all the hospital space for those that did. Can’t pick and choose treatment. I guarantee you the side effect from mechanical ventilation are worse than a vaccine.

Please be quiet. You’re embarrassing yourself.

I love these reps that bitch about Covid shutdowns, no access, wearing a mask. They want life to return to normal, they want Covid to just go away. The only way life will ever return to normal is vaccination. This virus isn’t just gonna vanish. My partner bitches all the time and yet she hasn’t been vaccinated. She wants everyone else to do their part and get the shot but wouldn’t dream of getting it for herself or her kids. Grow up, take the poke.. if you don’t then don’t take up all the hospital space for those that did. Can’t pick and choose treatment. I guarantee you the side effect from mechanical ventilation are worse than a vaccine.

My body, my choice.

1. How can a pharmaceutical company force a vaccine that hasn’t been given 100% Nod from FDA?

2. we all know that there will be a spotlight on the employees to choose to get not to get vaccinated and tested and the company will eventually find a way to get rid of them

3. How can a Big pharmaceutical company force a vaccine without a guarantee of employment when they are able to layoff off by the masses at any given moment. I feel like I am being held 100% against my will to get something i do not believe in and if I get laid off now I still don’t have a job from the company that forced me to get this injection.

I am very depressed and let down over this entire debacle and how AstraZeneca is handling this. We can’t even get our own vaccine to work properly because of possible side effects that are lasting and we are being forced to get a vaccine that is approved for “emergency” use only.

Religious exemption

The hypocrite is you and your minions. Putting untested (based on traditional timelines of what it take to get a vax approved) that are not approved. Let's remember that AZ is pretty much requiring us to put an "emergency use" product into our bodies w/o adequate testing on long term effects. Never mind that we already know boosters are needed and that the Pfizer vaccine sucks when handling the Delta strain. HR is full of diversity but are stupid as shit. I thought we "followed the science".

You people willing to give up personal freedoms for "perceived" safety, deserve neither.

Lastly, my body, my choice. Go ahead and go down that road lunatics.

HR doesn't make these decisions. They are made by the committee of TA Leaders (i think it's called Governance committee??) and when it comes to implementation, they simply put HR in front to make it work! That's because this committee is made up of people at Ruud's Level and doesn't have a courage to face the music!!! My HR partner and I were on a call when the communication was published and she was as frustrated and disappointed as I was. There wasn't any information shared with them in advance. Long story short, it's easy to blame HR, but it's difficult to talk about the TA VPs and CEOs who actually make these decisions..............

Not getting the vaccine. Test me every week. Fine by me.
Good luck with that. You work in a healthcare allied industry. Your political views on science and vaccines may be tolerated in the short term with weekly tests. However, you know as well as the rest of us that remaining unvaccinated will bring your career progression to a halt and put a target on your back when layoffs come.

Lest you think you'll find another job in the industry, you're going to be disappointed. Most, if not all pharma/biotech companies will be requiring vaccination in the next few months.

Good luck with that. You work in a healthcare allied industry. Your political views on science and vaccines may be tolerated in the short term with weekly tests. However, you know as well as the rest of us that remaining unvaccinated will bring your career progression to a halt and put a target on your back when layoffs come.

Lest you think you'll find another job in the industry, you're going to be disappointed. Most, if not all pharma/biotech companies will be requiring vaccination in the next few months.
Just make and submit a card - no way to disprove

the overwhelming sentiment is that unless you have a legit medical or religious exemption, the vaccinated don’t give a shit about you unvaccinated people and hope that medical resources are not given to you if you land your ass in the hospital. Can’t pick and chose when medicine bails your ass out. If you get COVID, stay home and home remedy it. Don’t you dare go seek medical help you assholes


Good luck with that. You work in a healthcare allied industry. Your political views on science and vaccines may be tolerated in the short term with weekly tests. However, you know as well as the rest of us that remaining unvaccinated will bring your career progression to a halt and put a target on your back when layoffs come.

Lest you think you'll find another job in the industry, you're going to be disappointed. Most, if not all pharma/biotech companies will be requiring vaccination in the next few months.

The oracle has spoken. Just be quiet. That way nobody can tell you’re a fool.

Whether you work in HQ or in the field, this whole subject is about protecting us while at work PERIOD. Our value is to Put Patients First and on this thread we can’t even consider our co-workers, medical practice staff, heck even our own families. We are not going home like last year….we know how to reduce the risk of contracting & severity of COVID should you test positive. No one complained about getting paid at 100% PLUS getting their bonus last year when other companies were laying off, reducing compensation/benefits, etc. We have become spoiled and having a tantrum about a vaccine is ridiculous when we know what it has proven to do. If you don’t want to get it….don’t, but quit complaining. When you bring it home to your spouse (who is also likely choosing to not be vaccinated) and your children, get ready to use your vacation time taking care of them because you are probably the same person who thinks AZ should pay you to stay at home & work. We’ve got the solution to slow the spread. That’s been proven. Start being part of the solution not the problem. If you are drowning and thrown a life jacket, take it or the alternative.

Just got on workday and say you've been vaccinated. I don't think you have to submit a card. Takes about five minutes and you are done. I don't think they will check or have the ability to do so, unless you have to show your manager proof.

The issue is that AZ is forcing us to get vaccinated with something that is not FDA approved. We would get fired if we promoted off label, but yet they insist we take something that does not have full FDA approval? It is not right! We should have control of our bodies.

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