
Thank goodness….we finally have an FDA approved vaccine!. This is a huge step for those who have been wary. Hopefully we can start saving more lives by getting more people vaccinated.

The issue is that AZ is forcing us to get vaccinated with something that is not FDA approved. We would get fired if we promoted off label, but yet they insist we take something that does not have full FDA approval? It is not right! We should have control of our bodies.

so now you're getting it, right?

more bs………this is a quote from OSHA regarding the workplace ……..“Vaccination is the key element in a multi-layered approach to protect workers. Learn about and take advantage of opportunities that your employer may provide to take time off to get vaccinated. Vaccines authorized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration are highly effective at protecting vaccinated people against symptomatic and severe COVID-19 illness and death. According to the CDC, a growing body of evidence suggests that fully vaccinated people are less likely to have symptomatic infection or transmit the virus to others. See CDC's Guidance for Fully Vaccinated People; and Science Brief.

Adverse effects from any vaccine are covered under the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICAP)

How on God’s green earth did so many conspiracy theory following nut jobs get hired in the pharmaceutical industry? Good grief people. Get your heads on straight or go be a cashier at Target.

How on God’s green earth did so many conspiracy theory following nut jobs get hired in the pharmaceutical industry? Good grief people. Get your heads on straight or go be a cashier at Target.

how does so many sheeple survive beyond childhood? Now even Colorado has seem massive outbreaks in fully vaxed people, never mind That Israel where over 80% of fully vaxed make up the majority of hospitalizations. Stupid phucks.

how does so many sheeple survive beyond childhood? Now even Colorado has seem massive outbreaks in fully vaxed people, never mind That Israel where over 80% of fully vaxed make up the majority of hospitalizations. Stupid phucks.
You do realize the endpoints of the vaccine trials were prevention of severe covid and hospitalization, right? So we're seeing more breakthrough cases against a new varient the current vaccines weren't studied against. What is your point?

Only a small percentage of vaccinated patients are ending up on the hospitals due to mthe mutated Delta strain Keeping people out of the healthcare system so we arent overwhelmed and can get back to some semblance of normal was always the goal.

If you really work for AZ or in the pharna industry and still are tryng to make these tired, nonsensical claims and arguments, don't let the door got you in the ass on the way out.

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