
If AZ really put patient health first they'd fire all you dumb fuckers ASAP.

Who are the Dumb F'er? The brainwashed sheep who will gladly inject a RNA substance into their body or those that look at what is happening with a more critical, questioning eye? Keeping wearing your masks and believe the narrative. Fucking sheep.

Who are the Dumb F'er? The brainwashed sheep who will gladly inject a RNA substance into their body or those that look at what is happening with a more critical, questioning eye? Keeping wearing your masks and believe the narrative. Fucking sheep.
You. You’re the dumb fucker. AZ should fire you immediately.

Why should they fire this person? Their body, their choice. Especially now that we know these vax's do little.
Right. Your body your choice. If only it were that simple. You are basically saying your individual rights supercede those of your coworkers, community, and everyone around you. You sound like a smoker talking as if his rights are being violated because he can't toke up on a plane or on a restaurant.

My body, my choice translates to I'm to selfish to give a damn about anyone else. You are a legal liability to your company and the weekly testing option won't last. Even if it does, any anti vaxxer working in pharma will be first to go in any layoff scenario... and justifiably so.

Right. Your body your choice. If only it were that simple. You are basically saying your individual rights supercede those of your coworkers, community, and everyone around you. You sound like a smoker talking as if his rights are being violated because he can't toke up on a plane or on a restaurant.

My body, my choice translates to I'm to selfish to give a damn about anyone else. You are a legal liability to your company and the weekly testing option won't last. Even if it does, any anti vaxxer working in pharma will be first to go in any layoff scenario... and justifiably so.

Love you guys. So I guess it isn't OK to kill a fetus in the 3rd trimester (even 2nd) trimester with that logic. Just looking for some consistency here. Or is it not selfish to kill a person when that person can survive outside the womb?

the overwhelming sentiment is that unless you have a legit medical or religious exemption, the vaccinated don’t give a shit about you unvaccinated people and hope that medical resources are not given to you if you land your ass in the hospital. Can’t pick and chose when medicine bails your ass out. If you get COVID, stay home and home remedy it. Don’t you dare go seek medical help you assholes

Right. Your body your choice. If only it were that simple. You are basically saying your individual rights supercede those of your coworkers, community, and everyone around you. You sound like a smoker talking as if his rights are being violated because he can't toke up on a plane or on a restaurant.

My body, my choice translates to I'm to selfish to give a damn about anyone else. You are a legal liability to your company and the weekly testing option won't last. Even if it does, any anti vaxxer working in pharma will be first to go in any layoff scenario... and justifiably so.

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