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Managers safe?


Honestly we could use less managers... the ride days are ridiculous. They are in our territories so much our doctors think we are in trouble..most offices aren't allowing them back anymore..go back to the old days one manager for like 20-30 reps

Honestly we could use less managers... the ride days are ridiculous. They are in our territories so much our doctors think we are in trouble..most offices aren't allowing them back anymore..go back to the old days one manager for like 20-30 reps
My manager thinks riding with him every single month makes us better. We need them about once a quarter. Tops. The rest of the time they can approve expense reports and do conference calls. Ride days are so old school pharma but the industry refuses to see that they have zero ROI. Do a quarterly business review and come out and see a couple of our top customers. Easy. You could cut half the DBMs overnight.

I could not agree with you more. My manager has 9 people 7 edcs and 1 long care rep and 1 Idcs The doctors are furious that she is always with us. She has nothing more to say to them nice tie or your hair looks beautiful. The customers hate her. She is ruining our business. Have 1 EDBM manage at least 25 reps and let us do our job.

Managers... You slow the good reps down tenfold! You all make this job way too complicated.

Most times I have to do damage control after my ride days.
Most managers have no awareness. "I was just in here last week with your partner, let's try this today..." It would be better if you freaking sat in the car and did a field coaching report.

My manager has 6 reps. I'm with him less than every month. So damn silly.
I was hired to do a job. I rarely call my mgr. Rarely!

Managers should have at least 12 reps.

I could not agree with you more. My manager has 9 people 7 edcs and 1 long care rep and 1 Idcs The doctors are furious that she is always with us. She has nothing more to say to them nice tie or your hair looks beautiful. The customers hate her. She is ruining our business. Have 1 EDBM manage at least 25 reps and let us do our job.

We could get rid of a lot of reps for sure. We could have 2 reps per territory selling everything. Keep all the Saxenda reps - they are so much better and more knowledgeable than the Diabetes reps. We can cut the educators and medical affairs also.

We could get rid of a lot of reps for sure. We could have 2 reps per territory selling everything. Keep all the Saxenda reps - they are so much better and more knowledgeable than the Diabetes reps. We can cut the educators and medical affairs also.
Agree with that too. 1 saxenda rep and 2 diabetes reps calling on PCP and endo. 1 manager per 10 territories.

Medical affairs and DE are ok to stay. We still need someone to handle off label.

In other words, let's go back to 2009.

Managers... You slow the good reps down tenfold! You all make this job way too complicated.

Most times I have to do damage control after my ride days.
Most managers have no awareness. "I was just in here last week with your partner, let's try this today..." It would be better if you freaking sat in the car and did a field coaching report.

My manager has 6 reps. I'm with him less than every month. So damn silly.
I was hired to do a job. I rarely call my mgr. Rarely!

Managers should have at least 12 reps.

Maybe the reason managers are in the field so often is because no one can truly trust if the reps are working and driving business. You're all pretty self important, until someone wants to take a peek.

Maybe the reason managers are in the field so often is because no one can truly trust if the reps are working and driving business. You're all pretty self important, until someone wants to take a peek.

This is why you hire good people. You can tell pretty quick if a rep knows what is going on in the territory. I can tell quick if a rep is hard working and knowledgable.
Unfortunately, there is always a few bad apples. That is why we manage to the lowest performers.
I'm pretty sure I'm gone. Dbm for awhile with a small volume. Makes sense to me.

Maybe the reason managers are in the field so often is because no one can truly trust if the reps are working and driving business. You're all pretty self important, until someone wants to take a peek.
no - Managers are in the field because of their required metrics. Period. Even my manager makes comments on how often he's in the field with my team-seeing the same docs. Says its apparent the docs are experiencing manager fatigue but he has no choice because of what's expected and required off him by leadership Bottom line, managers could be more effective if they did other tasks, had more direct reports and basically let us "do our job". If there's some fear or doubt about certain employees then ride with them more For instance ride with new hires more! Don't just assume they can get out there and figure it out for themselves. Without all the unnessicary levels of management trying like hell to justify their existence we could actually meet that goal of "simplification" that Jakob refers to.

no - Managers are in the field because of their required metrics. Period. Even my manager makes comments on how often he's in the field with my team-seeing the same docs. Says its apparent the docs are experiencing manager fatigue but he has no choice because of what's expected and required off him by leadership Bottom line, managers could be more effective if they did other tasks, had more direct reports and basically let us "do our job". If there's some fear or doubt about certain employees then ride with them more For instance ride with new hires more! Don't just assume they can get out there and figure it out for themselves. Without all the unnessicary levels of management trying like hell to justify their existence we could actually meet that goal of "simplification" that Jakob refers to.

Great plan. Times are tough, new skills are required, new challenges lie ahead - lets go with LESS coaching and LESS supervision as the answer. Awesome plan. I wonder why we haven't handed the reins of the entire organization off to you yet. Oh, wait...it must be because you're dumb. Yes, that must be it. Perhaps if you were so awesome at "doing your job", your solution might make a smidgen of sense for the next 3 months. But, being you struggle to do the basic requirements now, that makes you vastly unprepared to sell in the environment 1-2 years from now. But, you think you should just be left alone. Give me a break!

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