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Worst managers…go!

MRFM might be the worst. So you know what that means… she will get promoted. Here at Novo we love to promote all the wrong people. Isn’t she from GSK? All these GSK outcasts doing what they did over there here now. Driving it into the ground.

IAB could be the runner up to MRFM, both GSK flunkies, both are terrible at being a people’s manager, both care more about themselves and what those who have power to promote them see, neither can handle any negative feedback or pushback and don’t disagree with them. IAB is known to not only see red but turn res if you disagree with him in any fashion, then like a lame duck he is, he will take a personal shot at you and try to cut you down personally, something as simple as making fun of your current appearance. Or use something even more personal to try to hurt you like you apparently hurt him. IAB I know your reading this, and now I picture you just like chris Elliot in something about Mary when he breaks out in hives and turns read at the sight of thought of Mary, expect in this case Mary is someone putting you to task. IAB & MRFM sit in a league of their own.

MRFM is a narcissist of the purest form. The only thing she cares about is #1. She will step on, crush and eliminate anyone who stands in her quest of accumulating power. She can’t hold onto a single one of her reps. Look how many have gone running from her since she became a DBM.

Yet those above her just see the thin facade of her fake smile as she shoves her tongue further up their ass.

Novo has never been a meritocracy but it is increasingly turning into an idiocracy.

MRFM is a narcissist of the purest form. The only thing she cares about is #1. She will step on, crush and eliminate anyone who stands in her quest of accumulating power. She can’t hold onto a single one of her reps. Look how many have gone running from her since she became a DBM.

Yet those above her just see the thin facade of her fake smile as she shoves her tongue further up their ass.

Novo has never been a meritocracy but it is increasingly turning into an idiocracy.

Find one rep on her team that likes working for her. Find a doctor that doesn’t hate her. Funny thing is everyone is to afraid to speak up and Lagw thinks she’s a super star manager. MRFM if you’re reading this trust me no one likes you.

Medical Affairs TA Leads at team meetings said they have nothing to do with the Medical Affair realignment and this was a surprise to them and RLGA just dropped this on them. TA Leads already throwing RLGA under the bus. @RLGA wake up, they did this to Danilo and Stan, your time is coming and you wont last into 2023.