Managers answer this please

Wow! You are an angry little frat boy!!
Angry at the douche who dumped on the person who got fired.
They’re full of themselves.
I’m very, very thankful for the opportunity to have had a career at Novo and while I understand ‘things change’, there’s no room for that kinda dump.
Just got in from a ride on the boat, life is hood. #NVOstock

Unfortunate. I actually would like to see some ownership by managers in this. There should be posted opportunities and listed criteria/experience needed for special projects/promotions for all to see. If people are not given equal opportunity or even know about these special projects people are led to believe there is favoritism or discrimination. .
It will never happen, sorry it is human nature--we all have favorites. And anyone who says otherwise is a liar.

It will never happen, sorry it is human nature--we all have favorites. And anyone who says otherwise is a liar.
Favorites is understandable but being a driven and deserving employee is commendable. There are individuals at this company that are their DBMs favorite yet aren’t driven or deserving; they are simply little puppies that walk well on a leash. DBMs at novo cannot separate the difference between a deserving employee for promotion vs a kiss ass employee for promotion. This is a DBM/RBD issue. The wrong people are being promoted to DBM/RBD and this miserable cycle will continue to go round and round, year after year. Until novo stops promoting the wrong people, this company will not stop circling the drain. More and more good people will leave and the company reputation will continue to get worse and worse. I’m out in 6 weeks. Good luck novo.

Depends what area you are considering. The culture is dependent on local DBM, but also region and area. If you are looking at NYS, run. NYC, completely different beast. Penn, again very very different, your region, you will get feedback fast enough.

it was actually NYS. I heard things are different since that beast left in Hudson Valley

Favorites is understandable but being a driven and deserving employee is commendable. There are individuals at this company that are their DBMs favorite yet aren’t driven or deserving; they are simply little puppies that walk well on a leash. DBMs at novo cannot separate the difference between a deserving employee for promotion vs a kiss ass employee for promotion. This is a DBM/RBD issue. The wrong people are being promoted to DBM/RBD and this miserable cycle will continue to go round and round, year after year. Until novo stops promoting the wrong people, this company will not stop circling the drain. More and more good people will leave and the company reputation will continue to get worse and worse. I’m out in 6 weeks. Good luck novo.

Very well said poster. Wish I was going with you

Angry at the douche who dumped on the person who got fired.
They’re full of themselves.
I’m very, very thankful for the opportunity to have had a career at Novo and while I understand ‘things change’, there’s no room for that kinda dump.
Just got in from a ride on the boat, life is hood. #NVOstock

Sorry I hurt your feelings. Saying that someone was fired solely because their manager didn’t like them is garbage. You know it and I know it.

Most all of the DBMs at novo are not capable of any of the above. Again, the wrong people are promoted here. So bad.

Sure. You know all of them and how well they perform their jobs. Why not just go ahead and admit you hate your manager (and other managers) simply because they are managers. Just own it. You don’t have to pretend you know anything about their capabilities.

Sure. You know all of them and how well they perform their jobs. Why not just go ahead and admit you hate your manager (and other managers) simply because they are managers. Just own it. You don’t have to pretend you know anything about their capabilities.
I never like my manager or a few others. Did you figure that out all by yourself just from my post? Brains like that will get you promoted at novo. I’ve been here for 10 years and know a lot of other employees that believe the same as me. I’m sorry you don’t. I’ve seen a lot of dolts get promoted. I know a whole region of DBMs in the northeast. Anybody with a head on their shoulders left and the rest of the idiots are still around or got promoted. Best of luck with the layoffs at the end of the year. It’s sounds like you are a typical novo kiss ass so you should be safe.

I never like my manager or a few others. Did you figure that out all by yourself just from my post? Brains like that will get you promoted at novo. I’ve been here for 10 years and know a lot of other employees that believe the same as me. I’m sorry you don’t. I’ve seen a lot of dolts get promoted. I know a whole region of DBMs in the northeast. Anybody with a head on their shoulders left and the rest of the idiots are still around or got promoted. Best of luck with the layoffs at the end of the year. It’s sounds like you are a typical novo kiss ass so you should be safe.

Looks like you’ve plenty of hate to go around today, huh? And you’ve found other reps who hate their managers, too!!?? GASP!! Amazing. It MUST be true then!

You’re just a typical, disgruntled employee. Nothing special. You think you’re awesome and everyone around you (except a few select buddies) are terrible. Boring and predictable. The good news is that no one needs your approval to be good at their jobs. You keep on hating, and others will just keep on laughing at you.

I never like my manager or a few others. Did you figure that out all by yourself just from my post? Brains like that will get you promoted at novo. I’ve been here for 10 years and know a lot of other employees that believe the same as me. I’m sorry you don’t. I’ve seen a lot of dolts get promoted. I know a whole region of DBMs in the northeast. Anybody with a head on their shoulders left and the rest of the idiots are still around or got promoted. Best of luck with the layoffs at the end of the year. It’s sounds like you are a typical novo kiss ass so you should be safe.

did you also predict the layoffs last year? That’s worked out well

Looks like you’ve plenty of hate to go around today, huh? And you’ve found other reps who hate their managers, too!!?? GASP!! Amazing. It MUST be true then!

You’re just a typical, disgruntled employee. Nothing special. You think you’re awesome and everyone around you (except a few select buddies) are terrible. Boring and predictable. The good news is that no one needs your approval to be good at their jobs. You keep on hating, and others will just keep on laughing at you.
It’s not hate, it’s disappointment. It’s the same disappointment that far more employees than you realize share with me. Stop and look around. How many people left after last years layoffs? How many more people will leave before the end of the year? How many people are just waiting it out to see if their number will come up at the next layoff and get a big severance check? It’s not the same place it used to be and that is because of leadership or lack there of. Lars, VPs, DBMs or whomever. Incompetence rules the roost. So stick around if you choose. Stay warm and cozy out of sight of reality up your managers ass. You are a sheep and that is boring and predictable. Wait around for your retirement or your promotion or whatever it is that makes you defend bozo nordisk on CF.

It’s not hate, it’s disappointment. It’s the same disappointment that far more employees than you realize share with me. Stop and look around. How many people left after last years layoffs? How many more people will leave before the end of the year? How many people are just waiting it out to see if their number will come up at the next layoff and get a big severance check? It’s not the same place it used to be and that is because of leadership or lack there of. Lars, VPs, DBMs or whomever. Incompetence rules the roost. So stick around if you choose. Stay warm and cozy out of sight of reality up your managers ass. You are a sheep and that is boring and predictable. Wait around for your retirement or your promotion or whatever it is that makes you defend bozo nordisk on CF.

Did I defend NNI? When did I do that exactly? I recall pointing out that you were full of shit, but I don’t recall defending the company. I’m not sure how your personal view of the current state of affairs at NNI is some sort of proof that every manager is bad. If we were below goal for Rybelsus, is that proof that every sales rep in the company is bad? I’m pretty sure it isn’t. And, you seem to cast some sort of judgement on people just because they decide to stay at NNI. Your broad, sweeping statements about people are irresponsible and stupid - you really don’t have any idea what you’re taking about. But, I’m sure if you lash out at a few more people, it will make you feel all warm and happy inside….or, you might just remain the same bitter, angry, ugly person that you are today. If you go somewhere else, you’ll have a manager there, too. So, get yourself mentally prepared to hate someone new!

Did I defend NNI? When did I do that exactly? I recall pointing out that you were full of shit, but I don’t recall defending the company. I’m not sure how your personal view of the current state of affairs at NNI is some sort of proof that every manager is bad. If we were below goal for Rybelsus, is that proof that every sales rep in the company is bad? I’m pretty sure it isn’t. And, you seem to cast some sort of judgement on people just because they decide to stay at NNI. Your broad, sweeping statements about people are irresponsible and stupid - you really don’t have any idea what you’re taking about. But, I’m sure if you lash out at a few more people, it will make you feel all warm and happy inside….or, you might just remain the same bitter, angry, ugly person that you are today. If you go somewhere else, you’ll have a manager there, too. So, get yourself mentally prepared to hate someone new!
Again, it’s disappointment. If it makes you feel better to attack me with words because you disagree with me, than go ahead. That’s typical novo…disagree and get scolded. Nobody speak up just agree. If the company is below goal with rybelsus then maybe the company is more in touch with their shareholders and less in touch with the reality of the situation. When you decide to see what is going on then maybe you will you will come around but I believe you are incapable of that. You are a novo lifer. Good for you. The fact that people are leaving in droves is not a good sign of a well run company. But it must just be me.

Again, it’s disappointment. If it makes you feel better to attack me with words because you disagree with me, than go ahead. That’s typical novo…disagree and get scolded. Nobody speak up just agree. If the company is below goal with rybelsus then maybe the company is more in touch with their shareholders and less in touch with the reality of the situation. When you decide to see what is going on then maybe you will you will come around but I believe you are incapable of that. You are a novo lifer. Good for you. The fact that people are leaving in droves is not a good sign of a well run company. But it must just be me.

Yes, it’s “disappointment” when you call people names and attack others you don’t know solely because of their position in the company. Keep telling yourself that. If that’s how you rationalize being irrationally mad and judgmental with people you know nothing about, then have at it.

And, I’m so sorry I offended you by scolding you. I know you came here to trash a few people and expected the drones on here to follow suit so you could pat yourself on the back for being great and blindly go on believing that everyone who isn’t you must be terrible at their jobs. I do find it a bit hypocritical that you are offended by the same behavior you display, but you probably have a rationalization for that as well.

But, I’m sure your view is correct. Every person who has been promoted into any leadership role in the company is dumb, kisses ass, and terrible at their jobs. It’s just amazing how that happens when smart, motivated, high performing people like you continually get passed over. It couldn’t by YOU, could it? Nahhhh….that’s impossible. You’re too amazing for that. But, at least you’re only “disappointed” when you lash out. That’s the silver lining in all of this.

And, let me know when I defend NNI and tell you I’m a lifer. I’d like to hear all about it. Or, maybe you’re just running your mouth some more….naaaahhhhh, that couldn’t be it.:p;)

Yes, it’s “disappointment” when you call people names and attack others you don’t know solely because of their position in the company. Keep telling yourself that. If that’s how you rationalize being irrationally mad and judgmental with people you know nothing about, then have at it.

And, I’m so sorry I offended you by scolding you. I know you came here to trash a few people and expected the drones on here to follow suit so you could pat yourself on the back for being great and blindly go on believing that everyone who isn’t you must be terrible at their jobs. I do find it a bit hypocritical that you are offended by the same behavior you display, but you probably have a rationalization for that as well.

But, I’m sure your view is correct. Every person who has been promoted into any leadership role in the company is dumb, kisses ass, and terrible at their jobs. It’s just amazing how that happens when smart, motivated, high performing people like you continually get passed over. It couldn’t by YOU, could it? Nahhhh….that’s impossible. You’re too amazing for that. But, at least you’re only “disappointed” when you lash out. That’s the silver lining in all of this.

And, let me know when I defend NNI and tell you I’m a lifer. I’d like to hear all about it. Or, maybe you’re just running your mouth some more….naaaahhhhh, that couldn’t be it.:p;)
First of all, you have no idea what position this person holds at this company or the number of promotions they may have or have not have received. It sounds like you assume they are a rep. Secondly, why does being an employee here discount them from witnessing mismanagement? Are your blinders on so tight that you can’t see what’s going on here? You still haven’t addressed the fact that people are leaving, not only reps but HO employees too. You continue to shit on the poster while avoiding the main point of the post…poor management/leadership. Who is running their mouth now? It sounds like you have a fair amount of pent up hate or anger. If you have the answers, please help this person and explain why they should reconsider their thoughts on novo mismanagement.