Manager Rides


Anyone else having 2-3 day field rides? it’s ludicrous in today’s day and age. Only know of a few managers doing this-what’s gonna change from one day to the next? Well, be careful lady or sir u are being watched and will be burned, by lack of fairness. Equity. No? And they are so biased. He said she said. And responding to previous thread-unvaccinated reps selling vaccines? Pfizer where did u go.


Two day field rides are ridiculous! They were so pre-pandemic. Now they are completely pointless and demotivating. There are some divisions in oncology where they see the manager 2-3 times/year. Big discrepencies!

Anyone else having 2-3 day field rides? it’s ludicrous in today’s day and age. Only know of a few managers doing this-what’s gonna change from one day to the next? Well, be careful lady or sir u are being watched and will be burned, by lack of fairness. Equity. No? And they are so biased. He said she said. And responding to previous thread-unvaccinated reps selling vaccines? Pfizer where did u go.

Anything more than a half day ride every quarter with a veteran rep is ridiculous and shows a lack of trust and basic respect. Please name and shame managers that do this. This is exactly why teams should be minimum 40-50 reps. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too many useless DMs with too much time on their hands. It's time to bring Pfizer out of the dark ages.

“The Pharma district should be 20-25 reps covering multiple states with large territories. Ends the worthless ride alongs by ego driven managers” especially losers hired from the outside and not within the organization. I’ve heard the Southeast DM’s are the worse. Morons with 3.3-lay-offs coming. No one is happy. Call center will not work. Face to face is what makes the world of sales spin. And who’s behind it all the “regional”-trying to look good. Everyone trying and ruining the business. They have forgotten about humanity-human interaction. Leave the reps alone. It’s enough they do ALL jobs and then to be with a manager 2-3 days. They should be with the unvaccinated reps covering the offices that require proof of vaccine status( especially in vaccine division- they should be the 1st to go-with 3.3. selling vaccines they don’t themselves believe in) and covering the vacant territories if they were that good. But they aren’t good especially the new ones. I’ve heard nightmare stories already. From pandemic-to not out-to out-to now out with a stranger that is getting old real quick. Reps need to build first.Where is this direction coming from? never in the history of this place, they knew what they were doing. Who will tell them to stop. It’s wrong. And one person holds my career in their hands that don't know me?

I have heard 2 new managers in Fl. One is known from a previous company thinks he is God a buddy of mine worked for him. He is a two faced insecure narcissist doesn’t like only those that kiss his ass. My buddy is miserable wants to call HR on him. That team is famous for that, those he least expects. Was an outside hire, no inside person was given the chance. My buddy tells me watch the coaching reports. He’s a two faced. 2 reps already left him and another on the way. And the other one female already HR ticket on her. The job is simple these two morons are making it difficult. Leave the reps alone. They know more. Again the fault is in who hired these monkeys. They are gonna have a big problem on their hands.

Yes, the SE is bad, very bad. Regional direction is all about metrics and checking boxes that don't have anything to do with sales. Two day field rides do not make sense. It should be about working together as a team not "I am GOD and I know more than you and you are going to run and do as I say" (even though I've only been with the company for 5 minutes and have no vaccines experience)....but I am GOD and a MBF minion. Let's keep adding useless tasks, metrics and distractions while we are trying to launch a new product now in a competitive space...

Yes, the SE is bad, very bad. Regional direction is all about metrics and checking boxes that don't have anything to do with sales. Two day field rides do not make sense. It should be about working together as a team not "I am GOD and I know more than you and you are going to run and do as I say" (even though I've only been with the company for 5 minutes and have no vaccines experience)....but I am GOD and a MBF minion. Let's keep adding useless tasks, metrics and distractions while we are trying to launch a new product now in a competitive space...

SE mangers are closet racists. I one had a female DM and a deep southern Regional that literally verbalized “This is how we do things in the South.”

Anyone else having 2-3 day field rides? it’s ludicrous in today’s day and age. Only know of a few managers doing this-what’s gonna change from one day to the next? Well, be careful lady or sir u are being watched and will be burned, by lack of fairness. Equity. No? And they are so biased. He said she said. And responding to previous thread-unvaccinated reps selling vaccines? Pfizer where did u go.
Whats this you say? Your manager wants to do field rides with his/her reps? In 2021, no less? Oh, this is the last straw! If this craziness doesn't stop, I say we march down to the Pfizer home office and shut 42nd street down. I'll be there with you. Be there-its gonna be wild!

I reverse the dashcam and let it go all day. All the potential entrapment, hidden agendas and leading statements this insecure idiot says could be edited down into a Personality Disorder 101 movie. This company seeks out people who are dependent/antisocial and puts them into roles where they have direct reports. It's a crime against humanity

It is a crime what they are doing and 2-3 days in Florida that’s insane when reps just started going out and building relationships again. I’ve heard mixed reviews on both of those managers and one already has an HR case!!!!!! Well I know one guy that left Florida would call HR so happy for that manager that he is gone. I heard reps left already because they couldn’t stand the new guy. God help us all especially with the layoffs.

We don't need managers anymore in 2021. We can get real time support the same way our customers are going to be getting it. Absolutely no reason for someone to be riding in the car with you. Especially when the navigator begins planning and tracking our whole day.

We don't need managers anymore in 2021. We can get real time support the same way our customers are going to be getting it. Absolutely no reason for someone to be riding in the car with you. Especially when the navigator begins planning and tracking our whole day.

the Pharma model has been broken for years. The job has been nothing more than a customer service rep for the past 20 years except the C Suite has failed to acknowledge what the job is or is not. It hasn’t been Sales or any type of sales. They forced DM or Hubris DM tried on every work w to force aggressive tactics on offices and all that happened was back fire after back fire call that was blamed on the rep and did nothing that created low morale and reps trying to find the easiest MD calls to take DM on. Even going as far as letting the MD know that the rep was bringing DM in, play along. Nothing has been accomplished on work w/ for 20 years yet they continue the charade and make everyone’s life miserable and create even more disdain for Pharma Reps and companies.

the Pharma model has been broken for years. The job has been nothing more than a customer service rep for the past 20 years except the C Suite has failed to acknowledge what the job is or is not. It hasn’t been Sales or any type of sales. They forced DM or Hubris DM tried on every work w to force aggressive tactics on offices and all that happened was back fire after back fire call that was blamed on the rep and did nothing that created low morale and reps trying to find the easiest MD calls to take DM on. Even going as far as letting the MD know that the rep was bringing DM in, play along. Nothing has been accomplished on work w/ for 20 years yet they continue the charade and make everyone’s life miserable and create even more disdain for Pharma Reps and companies.
So true! The ride alongs are useless, demotivating, and bad for business. Since we are building a new model, why don’t we reinvent the DMs role?