What if your manager accused you of….

Do NOT call HR, they’re always protecting the company and will default to managers judgement. Call an attorney, hopefully youdidn’t sign the field report thereby agreeing with what your manager wrote.

Even if they did sign it, the signature can be thrown out in court due to signing under duress.

Definitely look for another job and a lawyer at the same time. Get a lawyer that will do the case for a percentage so you don't have to spend on these sleezy lawyers.

I think you have a good case there.

Same thing happened to me. I got told i was depressed during covid and i was written up for not using the mental health resources the company provides. At least attempt or say you used the company resources.

Even if they did sign it, the signature can be thrown out in court due to signing under duress.

Definitely look for another job and a lawyer at the same time. Get a lawyer that will do the case for a percentage so you don't have to spend on these sleezy lawyers.

I think you have a good case there.

did not sign.
did get a lawyer

What if your manager falsely accused you of having personal issues and referred you to the company mental health and substance abuse website? And she wrote this in your annual review?
What would you do?
Call the OIG and have pharmacovigilence independently "audit her behaviors". The company will be served notice that she is under investigation but they won't say why.

Call the ombudsman and/or a compliance officer. Get it on the record. HR is there to protect management and help them intimidate and retaliate. AI should replace all of HR because computer software likely has more heart and compassion.

Not surprising to read this going on at Pfizer.
A once great organization that lost its way.
That is what happens when this job gets away from sales and becomes more about office politics. Just another crappy corporate gig.

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