Manager Rides

Any manager that has to physically get in the car and observe what their direct reports are doing has no business managing people.

For important business needs like bringing extra resources, yes. For helping someone develop when they have a big initiative, yes.

Not for just a daily routine

Why? It's called a bonus...

the bonus is just a hook. If you think anyone is actually making impact in Pharma anymore your sadly part is of the Pharma charade and drank the cool aid. Running around collecting signatures have been the norm for 25 years it hasn’t been about roi since then. MDs are mainly no see so preytell how can you make impact when you can’t see the main mds? Pfe knows exactly what the bonus payout is going to be before the year even starts. They just need someone to run around and play sales person aka Pharma rep. If you play the charade they will drop a few predetermined extra coins in your account.