Manager Rides

Ok, if your manager allowed this, they needed to retire, I'm sorry to say. How are they supposed to coach you? I tell you, if cuts during bold moves are deep as I think, managers are going to be in waist high doo doo if they think that can find another job making $185k while (3 times a week) they can be chillin in the car while their reps make four hours worth of sales calls.

coaching in Pharma is a charade. If anyone one buys into the coaching routine then they need to be deleted from all rosters.

coaching in Pharma is a charade. If anyone one buys into the coaching routine then they need to be deleted from all rosters.

"coaching" from managers that haven't been sold a product in 15 years. Charade is the perfect word. They think they are soooo smart and soooo important because they have "manager" on their biz card and they read a motivational or marketing book.

"coaching" from managers that haven't been sold a product in 15 years. Charade is the perfect word. They think they are soooo smart and soooo important because they have "manager" on their biz card and they read a motivational or marketing book.
You snowflakes are an embarrassment to the organization. Wait until Bold Moves hits, and youre looking for a job. You'll see how the rest of the world values people that have counterparts, make a few 20 second calls a day, rarely sees their boss, and yet makes 90k++++.

A good manager recognizes that you are a team and that they are there to help provide insight and a different perspective and a better business viewpoint. Most reps don't take deep dives into their territory analysis until the DM comes around. It should be from a perspective the DM works for you and WITH you, not berates you and demeans you...unless you are worthless as a rep. If you only know the company line, then you are no better than an infomercial, therefore useless and a time drain to the physician who has better things to do.

A good manager recognizes that you are a team and that they are there to help provide insight and a different perspective and a better business viewpoint. Most reps don't take deep dives into their territory analysis until the DM comes around. It should be from a perspective the DM works for you and WITH you, not berates you and demeans you...unless you are worthless as a rep. If you only know the company line, then you are no better than an infomercial, therefore useless and a time drain to the physician who has better things to do.

Isn’t that why we’re known as Pfizerbots.
The company line/ infomercial is what is drummed into our heads from day one.
Managers reinforce it; that’s their idea of “coaching.” That is exactly why physicians see little/no value in reps other than lunch for their staffs.
This sales model has been outdated for 30 years, yet it continues to pervade unabated throughout pharma.
Let’s just face the facts, we’ve become expendable, and should consider ourselves fortunate for the careers we’ve had and just move on with our lives.

A good manager recognizes that you are a team and that they are there to help provide insight and a different perspective and a better business viewpoint. Most reps don't take deep dives into their territory analysis until the DM comes around. It should be from a perspective the DM works for you and WITH you, not berates you and demeans you...unless you are worthless as a rep. If you only know the company line, then you are no better than an infomercial, therefore useless and a time drain to the physician who has better things to do.
Deep dive into analysis ….haha …if you don’t know who your top 10 writers are and need to “deep dive” analysis…you are probably the problem…

A good manager recognizes that you are a team and that they are there to help provide insight and a different perspective and a better business viewpoint. Most reps don't take deep dives into their territory analysis until the DM comes around. It should be from a perspective the DM works for you and WITH you, not berates you and demeans you...unless you are worthless as a rep. If you only know the company line, then you are no better than an infomercial, therefore useless and a time drain to the physician who has better things to do.

LMAO……what a tool. You know the company line, aka Manager BS 101.

In 2 months you will wish you had field rides and a stable income.
It's amazing how people bitch about a job where they are by themselves 98% of the time and make the money that they are making and have the freedom they have. Do any of you have friends/spouses with office jobs??? Ask them what that's like. One day you will look bak to "the good old days" and wish you were there again. This job is freakin great-even if you boss is an as*hole. Big picture my friends. Big picture.

Deep dive into analysis ….haha …if you don’t know who your top 10 writers are and need to “deep dive” analysis…you are probably the problem…

Wheniis the last time you queried your top prescribers by product, by insurance plan, to target that fashion. Highly doubtful you look at much info prior to a call. What are your top docs in top zips and how is your routing- catch as catch can or is there some degree of planning? When do you see top docs, whenever, or earlier in the week? Was time of day is better? What is their preferred product? What percent generics are they using by category...I am quite confident few, if any, know this or have compiled it into a spread sheet that you can glance at prior to calls, or lunches. What is the ROI on lunches, speaker meetings and product written afterwards- ever take a look at that? Doubtful. Don't give me that company line, probable DM BS- you don't do it, for most it is run and gun without meaningful discussions because you can't go below the surface and really know what is going on with the physician. More than likely, you are in it for yourself- a rep centric "Pfizerbot" and are truly disposable.

Wheniis the last time you queried your top prescribers by product, by insurance plan, to target that fashion. Highly doubtful you look at much info prior to a call. What are your top docs in top zips and how is your routing- catch as catch can or is there some degree of planning? When do you see top docs, whenever, or earlier in the week? Was time of day is better? What is their preferred product? What percent generics are they using by category...I am quite confident few, if any, know this or have compiled it into a spread sheet that you can glance at prior to calls, or lunches. What is the ROI on lunches, speaker meetings and product written afterwards- ever take a look at that? Doubtful. Don't give me that company line, probable DM BS- you don't do it, for most it is run and gun without meaningful discussions because you can't go below the surface and really know what is going on with the physician. More than likely, you are in it for yourself- a rep centric "Pfizerbot" and are truly disposable.
As a former DM I will vouch for all of the above, most reps were PATHETIC in understanding their business, and even when spoon fed the information the majority didn’t really incorporate the information into a meaningful plan. And don’t get me started on lunch roi; I finally cut off one office in particular and lo and behold sales were up 3 months out; it was a 2-3 time per month at 350-400 per waste of time and $.

As a former DM I will vouch for all of the above, most reps were PATHETIC in understanding their business, and even when spoon fed the information the majority didn’t really incorporate the information into a meaningful plan. And don’t get me started on lunch roi; I finally cut off one office in particular and lo and behold sales were up 3 months out; it was a 2-3 time per month at 350-400 per waste of time and $.
Who needs good business understanding, when a drug sells itself and there is another rep in the office pushing the same thing? And another thing: pre-Covid, many DMs didn't even come close to working full days in the field.