Manager doesn't believe in "Straight Talk"


If a direct manager doesn't believe in straight talk and shuts down any discussion on anything she doesn't want to discuss, what are the options?

We hear senior managers say they want more open communication but what is the recourse for a team that is repressed by their direct manager who wants nothing to do with it?

We see happy people at this company. It is strange not to be one of them even though we have similar job descriptions and passion for the job as others.

Why do bad managers last so long?


Straight talk, OWN IT, yada, yada, yada, The reality is it's all BS. If S T is whats keeping you from being happy with the job/company then something is wrong.

It's not the lack of S T that keeps me from being happy. It's the jerk-like behavior that happens almost daily that demands some S T but it's not happening.

Every attempt at ST brings an administrative attack. All of the sudden, you didn't close like you should so it needs improvement, you didn't probe well so it needs improvement, you were late to a conference call and you need a sit down conversation about overall performance or a late expense report becomes a documented discussion. The team knows to zip it and all of these minor and trivial issues have immediately disappeared. The team motto is "do the job then go home and forget it. Drink if you have to". Most people end finding jobs outside the company.

It's not the lack of S T that keeps me from being happy. It's the jerk-like behavior that happens almost daily that demands some S T but it's not happening.

Every attempt at ST brings an administrative attack. All of the sudden, you didn't close like you should so it needs improvement, you didn't probe well so it needs improvement, you were late to a conference call and you need a sit down conversation about overall performance or a late expense report becomes a documented discussion. The team knows to zip it and all of these minor and trivial issues have immediately disappeared. The team motto is "do the job then go home and forget it. Drink if you have to". Most people end finding jobs outside the company.

Most people either stay with or leave a job because of their manager. Sounds like you will be the latter. The reality is you are with your boss what-once a month, with emails and an occasional phone call the rest of the time. Your situation would be considerably worst if you worked in an office and had to see/deal with him/her every day. You have a career decision that you need to make. Life is too short not to be happy. Keep in mind-your next boss may be just as bad or worst. Sometimes you roll the dice. In my career I have found it was prudent to keep my mouth shut. It has served me well. Good luck

Maybe you should hand her your Straight Talk coin first????

Since she's obviously such a stickler for rules.......

Hello, she's trying to manage you out. Just have a friend flatten her car tires every time she rides with you. Make sure you drop her off on the opposite side of her car, then leave fast and turn off your cell phone.

The bitch will find ways to avoid riding with you again especially if something happens to her car every ridealong. Even if she takes her own car, then at least you don't have to make small talk in your car between calls. Take that as a small win.

Do you guys slam her on the evaluations? If you do then she will make your lives a living hell. Suck it up and give the bitch 5's. You do what you have to do to survive the job. Odds are she'll be gone to somewhere else in 2 years. I've had a new manager almost every year of my career for over 10 years now. Most were worse than yours. Just put up with it and retaliate secretly when you can.

Getting a fat paycheck is how you win in this biz.

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