
Numbers are in the cellar and Garry is running out of people to blame!
Garry and Steve lie constantly about what the test volume is. No one believes a word out of their mouths.
Garry you are a lifetime loser! Myriad loser, Exosome loser.

Steve Silverman needs to be sacked!
The guy does nothing, because he knows nothing.

At least he does nothing, better than annoying the F out of his sales reps like Garry Couett. Cheap, calculating, vengeful and condescending. It's hard to tell who's the source of evil at Exo, but I'm 98% sure it's Mr. Couett.

At least he does nothing, better than annoying the F out of his sales reps like Garry Couett. Cheap, calculating, vengeful and condescending. It's hard to tell who's the source of evil at Exo, but I'm 98% sure it's Mr. Couett.

Garry Couett is a piece of shit. Not one salesperson likes the guy. The karma boomerang is on its way back to coward Couett.

Can someone explain how a company that needs to sell 450 tests per day to cover its overhead, can continuously stay at 44-60 tests per day average and stay in business? Something has to give here soon. I’m quite sure it won’t be the incompetent management team.

Attention Steve SilverDick

the average test volume per day is 52-55.
Just because one day we hit 79 does not mean we are averaging 80 tests per day. Garry and you are a joke if you think Cal is going to get you into triple digits. You guys are failures. Watch closely over the next 90 days to what happens to your salesforce.

It really is quite amusing that these absolute fucktards project confidence and success, when they are in the bowels of the pre biopsy business. Out of business in one year. Tick rock tick tock, time is of the essence Garry.


Garry’s arrogance and narcissism is going to be his demise. He thinks he’s so smart. When your not smart, and no one respects or believes you, you tend to make mistakes. When that happens, and it’s already happened you are done!
LMAO at just how ignorant Garry Couett is.

Garry Couett is lost at sea without a rudder on his ship, or an executable plan.
It’s time to sever all ties Kim & Steve.
Denial just doesn’t work here.
Cal Ripken isn’t worth a turd.
You need to be running 10x the daily volume you are running now just to cover the overhead costs of running this business. Terminate Garry Couett!

Garry we are “All In” with coming for your job!


checked with a colleague at BR.
They said that you had to complete mandatory anger management classes over there, because you lost control with several employees. Did this happen here at ExosomeDx as well? We notice your crybaby bitch tears has completely stopped. Has your anger caused you problems yet again? Were you reprimanded again? How’s the alcoholism going Rucky? You are a fuckin mess!

Let’s all give Garry Couett a round of applause for the huge amount of cash he has lifted from all of our bank accounts, just so he could make his 300k per year.
Garry, you are living on borrowed time my brother!
Remember Garry you are considered a total failure by each and every one of us.
You have a shitty personality, you have no skill, no plan, and rely solely on being a douchebag, and micromanagement. If I were you, I would be floating my resume. You are in trouble ace!

Just like it was when Urogen and Fergene was hiring right? I’m sure it will be different with Myovant...good luck

Theres lots of other companies and ways out of this shit hole, other than just those startups you mentioned, you complete jackass! It’s already happening, you are just too stupid to know it.

Do not take a job or apply at ExosomeDx or Bio-Techne. It’s not a good place to work. No one can stand working for this company.

Dear Garry,

There are almost 30,000 views of these posts for ExosomeDx here on CP.
When you are fired, it’s going to be impossible for you to find another job.
Everyone, and I mean everyone knows what a sack of shit you are. The secret is out of the bag.


Don't you all just love when Garry sneaks on a call and then the RSM is like, "We now have Garry on the call with us." As if anyone is excited to hear that phrase. The guy sneaks on the call for what purpose? To instill fear? The guy is a clueless, narcissitic, and ignorant asshole!

Cheers Garry, for being the true bottomfeeder that we all know you are.
Take a long walk off a short pier.

The land of 10,000 lakes...

Steve Silverman:
You should be really ashamed at how you have managed ExosomeDx. This place is a total disaster, and it happened on your watch! You are a total buffoon!

Don’t inject the sanitizer spray you clown!

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