Garry will lead us to victory.
You must be a Biden voter, because you are dillusional. Last poster was Garry the clown, Methboy Rucks, or Fatfuck DiMeo.
Garry will lead us to victory.
Tutrone & Cal Ripken call today was embarrassing. Management tried to say that EPI saved Cal’s life. We all know Cal would have had a biopsy regardless of using EPI.
After all of the firings this week, coupled with several more resignations that are coming by the end of the week, Exosome Diagnostics is truly dead in the water.
watch what happens to the test volume in the next couple weeks after all of the severed reps shut down their perspective territories. You will have your worst quarter yet Garry!
Garry will lead us to victory.
doctors have been notified across the USA about the dishonest billing and medicare fraud that has been happening at ExosomeDx. Numbers will drop dramatically. All RSM's are going to get ass raped by Garry now. Just give it 2 weeks to self correct. You get what you pay for asshats!
Garry will lead us to victory.
Of course that was sarcasm! Garry has no record of ever leading anyone to victory in history. He was last place in the nation as an RSM at Myriad. How does a last place RSM at one company get hired at the national level at another company with no prior experience at that level?! There's a reason why he was never promoted at previous companies!
Several more resignations hit the ExosomeDX wire today... There’s almost no one left. Doctors are being called across the country and territories are being shut the fuck down.
LOL false! I wouldn’t say it’s the best plan but if that’s what you made then it’s no wonder why your ass is out of work. I hope you find some good work soon thoughExosome Diagnostics/ Bio-Techne is a truly disgusting place to work. Garry Couett is an arrogant thief, who steals the money from all of his reps. Only half of them are left, but each rep only makes only 15% of what they used to make in bonus. The old payout was your number you hit divided by your quota. Then you would get a decimal and you would multiply that by 20,000 and that was your payout. Now it’s a 5 bucket plan that literally fucks you from every angle. Max you will make $6k bonus per quarter. After taxes it’s $3,900 per quarter. Do not work for this company. You were warmed!
LOL false! I wouldn’t say it’s the best plan but if that’s what you made then it’s no wonder why your ass is out of work. I hope you find some good work soon though